242: The One With The Tree

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I put Jason down on the his bed when my phone starts ringing. "One second. It's Toni." I say quietly. I pick up the phone. "Hello!" I say. "Hey Cher. The power just went out in my apartment, which means I don't have heat. Do you mind if I come over until I get power back?" She ask quietly. "Did you forget to pay for your power?" I ask quietly. "No! I'm all up to date and they usually send a notice before they do." She tells me. "It's the whole street a tree fell on a power line and took out the whole street." She says quietly. "Come over, just be safe."

Toni walks into the house. I put my finger over my mouth to tell her to be quiet. "I just got Jason down for a nap." I whisper. "I thought he was with Veronica this weekend." I shake my head. "No, she came down with something and didn't want to get me or Jason sick. So she has him next weekend." She nods. "You know, I like how civil you guys are about custody and just co-parenting." She says quietly. "Well, we don't have anything against each other! We just didn't work well together and we got divorced before we killed each other!" I tell her. "Makes sense." She says quietly. "Next weekend though, we have time to ourselves." I say grabbing her jacket a little. "Yes make me horny and then I have to wait a week." She says sarcastically. I shush her when her voice got to loud. "He's sleeping." She nods. "You hungry?" I ask quietly. "I could eat." She says quietly. "Ok. Coffee?" She nods. "Definitely. But after I eat. I can't have bo-." I stop her. "I know." I smile.

"Did you get the food out of the fridge?" I ask Toni. "No because it'll just be a few hours." She says before. "So someone's tree fell on the power line?" Toni nods as I hand her some coffee. "Yeah! The wind was pretty bad, and I guess there a tree that was probably really old fell on it! That's what I got from one of people working on getting power back." She tells me. "After Jason wakes up do you want to go back and see what's going on?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Cool!" I say. "I don't think the power will be back, they were just getting there when I was leaving" She says quietly. "How long was it out before you called me?" I ask quietly. "3 hours." She says. "Why didn't you call me sooner?" I ask sitting up. "Because I heard the tree go down, looked around, saw that my place was still intact and went back to sleep!" She explains. I roll my eyes. "Of course you did." I smile. She shrugs. "You know, you practically live here now." I say quietly. "Yeah, but you have Jason and I don't want to step on what you have with him. I know what it's like to see your mom with someone that isn't your father, well, Mom for Jason! I hated my step father! Well he wasn't that bad after his stroke when he couldn't even say anything!" She explains. "He tried to be my friend and I hated him for that, then he stopped and I hated him even more for that! There's no one winning on my part so I don't even want to play." She says quietly. "Toni, Jason really li-." I get interrupted by my phone goes off. "It's time to wake Jason up." I say quietly. I stand up and go upstairs. I walk into Jason's room. I rub his back. "Hey." He slowly wakes up and jumps a little. "It's me!" I say quietly. He lies into me and I pick him up. "Toni's here." He perks up a bit. "Come on, let's get you dressed." I say quietly. I wipe off his cheek realizing he was drooling in his sleep. "I'm so happy you actually sleep." I say quietly. "What are we gonna do today?" He ask quietly. "Well, Toni's power went out so we're gonna go check it out! Than I don't really know what after that." I explain. "Why is the power out at Toni's?" He ask. "Tree fell! Everyone is ok. Don't worry." I say quietly. He nods. "Cool." He smiles. I roll my eyes and help him get changed. We go downstairs and Jason runs to Toni. "Hey kiddo!" She smiles as she picks him up.


I look at Cheryl as I put Jason down. "Jason doesn't hate you Toni." She whispers. I look at Jason. "Do you like me?" I ask Jason. He nods. "Would you like me if I moved into the house?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Yes!" He smiles. "My mom's aren't together anymore so I don't really care." I look at Cheryl. "He's 4! Why does he just know this?" I ask her. She shrugs. "We actually tell him the truth."

We walk into my house. "Woah!" Jason says quietly. I look at him. "You've never been at my place have you?" He shakes his head. "Well, this is my house, usually it's warmer and has power." I tell him. He looks at me. "Mommy said you had a secret room that even she isn't allowed in." I look at Cheryl. "Yeah?" She nods. "Yeah! What is it?" She ask quietly. "It's not important. "Are you hiding?" She ask. "What if it's something inappropriate?" I ask. "Is it?" I look down and shake my head. "It's the guest bedroom, that's all I'm saying! And you will both stays out!" I tell the both. "Is it that embarrassing because I can easily get it out of Fangs." I look at Jason and wink. His eyes widen. "It's toys!" He jumps. I smile. "Smart kid." I say quietly. "What kind of toys?" Cheryl ask. "Not what you think." We hear a door open and turn around. "It's a room for LEGOs!" Jason yells. I sigh. "That's what you were afraid to show us?" Cheryl ask. "It's embarrassing!" I tell her. "Can I look?" Jason. "Yes but if you break anything you're fixing it!" I tell him. "You don't have to worry about Toni." I nod. "I know. Jason's a smart kid and makes stuff like this all the time! Trust me I got him some of his sets." I tell her. She looks at me. "He likes you." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "How about this. I bet he wants to play with all your LEGOs because you're both 4 apparently! So how about after next weekend I have Veronica drop him off here for the night." I look at her. "You already had that planned didn't you?" She nods. "Yes you just gave me an actual reason." I nod. "Why?" I ask. "I have a trial that's happening next Monday and I'll be gone all day." I nod. "Haven't you been preparing for a while?" She looks at me. "So, what about our sexy weekend?" I ask quietly. "We can still, I'll just probably be gone before Jason gets here on Monday." I nod."I need to learn what I filter is." She nods. "Wait if it's on Monday, will you just pick him up afterwards?" I ask quietly. "No, I'll come back and stay here. I know you don't really feel comfortable with him alone at night. I don't want to put that on you yet." I smile. "Also I'm inviting myself at your house." She says quietly. "Yeah I thought we were past that part." She nods and kisses me. "I love you." She smiles. "I love you too."

I walk into my LEGO room. "Jason, what do you want to do for dinner?" I ask quietly. "McDonald's?" He shakes his head. "Pop's?" He shakes his head again. "Are you even hungry?" I ask confused. "Not right now." I nod. "Well, in the near future, what do you want?" I ask. "Chinese?" He ask quietly. "Sure!" I smile. "What do you get?" I ask quietly. He shrugs. "I'll ask your mom." I say quietly. He smiles. "How's the set coming along?" I ask quietly. "Good!" He says. I nod. "Can I take the one home?" He ask quietly. "Um! Yeah! Probably! I think I already made that one so you can have that one." He smiles. "Also if you lose a piece I have a couple thousand of the same brick." He nods. "Really?" I nod. "Yeah." I smiles. "Cool!" He smiles.

Cheryl sits next to me. "How was he?" She ask quietly. "Good! We already had dinner." She nods. "I figured after you texted me asking what he likes to eat when it comes to Chinese food!" I smile. "It's kinda late, you're probably hungry." I say quietly. "Yeah actually. But I'm ok." I sit up. "No! I'll make you something. Not much because I suck at cooking but I can make pasta or something." I say standing up. "Fine! But while you do that I'm gonna check on Jason first." I nod. "Ok." I smile.

I look at Cheryl and slowly eat some of her pasta. "You really think we should move in together?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Are we gonna move in here? Your place? New?" I ask her. She takes a deep breath. "I don't want to make this seem like a power thing but I think for Jason you should move in with us, it'll be easier since it's just your stuff." She explains. I nod. "And my place is bigger and you can have a entire room to your LEGOs since you're 6!" I smile. "I thought I was 4?" I ask quietly. She rolls her eyes. "I actually like that idea." I say quietly. "Do you think Jason will be ok?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Yeah! I think I'll have to talk to him about it but he'll be ok. You're practically living there anyways." She whispers. "We might as well make it official." I smile.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now