290: The One Where Toni Almost Drops Out

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"Why haven't you been showing up to my class in weeks, Ms. Topaz?" I look up at my teacher. "My mom sent an email explaining where I was and you should have-." Ms. Johnson interrupts me. "That's not what I asked!" She yells. "You missed a month of school! You're being lazy!" She says pissed. "You can't ask me about it because it's a violation of FERPA! You know, the law that protects me from people like you." She looks at me. "You're never going to amount to anything! You're just being lazy and selfish! If you're sad, to bad! Get out of my class because clearly you don't need it!" She yells. I get up and grab my stuff. I walk out and go to the office. "What's wrong Toni?" Weatherbee ask concerned. "I don't think I can be in school anymore." He nods. "Go sit down in my office while I make a few calls." He says quietly. "What teacher?" He ask quietly. "Johnson." He nods. "Of course." He whispers. I go and sit in his office. A few minutes he walks in. "How's Cheryl?" He ask sitting down at his computer. "She's ok." He nods. "How's college going for her?" He ask. "Pretty good." I say quietly. He nods. "That's good." He smiles. "So I called Ms. Johnson. She said that you've been missing classes which I already knew about! She said you were being rude which I doubt." I shrug. "I was kinda panicking so I wasn't being the nicest, I'll admit that." He nods. "You need to graduate Toni, but I get that coming into school every day might be causing you a lot of trouble emotionally." I look at him. "What can I do?" I ask him. "Well, you can do online school. You just get assignments and get a video explaining everything." He explains. "Is it free?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Yeah! It's like getting accommodations for your ADHD." I nod. "You have a lot of potential, I want you to succeed. If this is the way that's going to happen then it's ok with me." He explains. I nod. "Do you want to go home?" He ask quietly. I nod. "Ok, I'll call your mom to pick you up." I nod. He grabs the phone. "Are you out to your mom?" He ask quietly. I shake my head. He nods. "Ok." He says quietly.

I walk into the house and immediately throw my backpack across the room. I slam the front door closed. "Fuck!" I scream. I walk into the living room and see Cheryl. "Did I throw my bag at you?" I ask concerned. "No! I didn't even know you threw it. I just walked out of the bathroom." She says quietly. "I'm sorry if you feel like you're in danger or something." I whisper. "I don't. I know you'd never hurt me." She whispers walking over to me. I look at her. "School hard today?" She ask quietly. I nod. She cups my cheeks. "I can't go back." She sighs. "You just got back to school." She rubs my cheeks. "I can't." I whisper. "I'm gonna go to bed." I say quietly.


I watch Toni walk into the bedroom. I go over to their bag and pick it up. I sigh realizing they are gonna need a new water bottle of all things. It was old anyways so I'm not mad. I didn't even buy it! They got it at Walmart for like 10 bucks! I look at Toni's mom who just walked into the house. "She's in her room." I say quietly. She nods. "I'll give her a minute. How were your classes?" She ask quietly. "Ok. I had some midterms." She nods.

I walk into Toni's room. I see them lying on their bed, clearly upset. I sit down on the bed. "You want to talk?" I ask them. They sits up, I sit behind them and they lie into me as I rap my arms around them. "My history teacher called me lazy and embarrassed me in front of the whole class." They tell me. I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I talked to Weatherbee, he said if I wanted to and my mom is ok with it and can do online school." They whisper. "Are you?" I ask them. "Probably. I don't feel like ending up in the hospital again." They whisper. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" I ask quietly. They sit up and looks at me. "Anything?" I sigh. "To an extent Toni!" They smile. "Anything though?" I nod. "I'll go lock the door." I say smiling. "Lie down." They nod and does so. I get up, walk to the door and lock it. I walk back to the door. "What were you thinking to do?" I ask them as I lie on top of them. "Soft, hard, slow... what?" I ask them. They unbuckles my pants. "I just need you inside me, I don't care how! I just need passion." They whisper. I nod taking off their underwear, luckily Toni wasn't wearing pants or a shirt, just in their underwear. I take off my shirt and pants. "Condom." They whisper. I get off the bed and grab one. "What's our safe word?" I ask them. "Chicken." They say. I walk over and hover over them. "Hungry?" I ask as I go I take off my boxers and rub my dick. They grab my waist and help me get hard. I take a deep breath as they starts sucking me off. "Oh!" I moan quietly. I pull them away. "Do you want to get the beads?" I ask quietly. They nod. "Ok, get on your hands and knees." I smile. They do as I tell them. I go to the closet and grab the anal beads and lube. I put the condom on because I will forget in the heat of the moment. I walk back over to Toni and kneel on the bed. I drown the beads in lube and slowly slide them into Toni. "Oh fuck!" They moan into the pillow. I slide myself into them and thrust slowly. "I, need, more." They say between moans. I pull out and flip them over. I lie on top of them. "You ok?" I ask them. They nod. I slide into them and thrust harder. They wrap their legs around my back as I pound into them as fast and hard as possible. They grab my hand and put it around their throat. "You sure?" I ask concerned. They nod. I nod and squeeze gently. I pick Toni up and let them ride me. "Go at your own speed baby." I whisper in their ear. I hold Toni's hips as they ride me hard and fast. I kiss their chest. "Not to far." I nod.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now