291: The One With The Late Nights

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I jolt awake. I get out of bed and go downstairs. I walk into into the patio. I sit down on one of the chairs and try and catch my breath. I hear a door open. I turn around and see Toni. "What's wrong?" She ask concerned. She comes over and sits next to me. "Cher..." Toni cups my cheeks as I break down crying. "I can't do this anymore." I say between sobs. "Do what babe?" She ask wiping my tears. "Look at me." She whispers. I look at her. "Tell me." She says wiping my tears. "No." I whisper. "I can't." She takes a deep breath. "Is it about us?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. "Just tell me baby." She whispers. I shake my head again. "How about we go upstairs for a bit. You must be cold."


I lie in front of Cheryl. "Tell me what's bothering you babe." I whisper rubbing her leg. "No, you're gonna hate me for not telling you." She whispers. "Honestly, unless it's something like you cheating on me or something like that, which I know isn't a thing because I trust you, there's nothing I will be mad at you for!" I tell her. "Promise you won't get mad?" She ask quietly. "The only reason I'll get mad is if you do not tell me what's going on!" I tell her. "It's a long story." She whispers. "I'm here." I say quietly. She wipes her tears. "In high school, I came out to my mom. She wasn't ok with it, first she tired getting me a boyfriend, who also happened to be gay. After that didn't work, she put me in conversion therapy." My heart drops into my stomach. "It's been 10 years and I still have nightmares about it. I didn't tell you because I've been so ashamed about it. I know I should have told you, you don't need to give me that rant." She explains. I look down. "Cheryl, you shouldn't have been afraid to tell me. I know you probably needed time, which I get. I just love you so much and I wish I knew sooner." I tell her. "You don't have to tell me what happened there, but if you wake up in the middle of the night, get me instead of running out of the room panicking." I explain. "I'm here." I tell her. I sit up. "I'm here to listen and support you." I explain. I cup her cheeks. "Is this why you decided to see a therapist recently?" I ask her. She nods. "That and Veronica moved so I have no one to rant to." She says quietly. We both laugh. "Can we go back to bed?" I ask her. She nods. "Ok, if you wake up, tell me! I'll try to talk you off a ledge." I tell her. She nods. "I'm here for you. If I wasn't then I'd be a shitty wife. I am kinda impressed that you managed to hide this from me for so long though." I tell her. She looks at me. "What? You suck at keeping secrets!" She smiles. "Come here baby." I whisper cupping her cheek and pulling her into a kiss. "I love you, I support you, I am here for you no matter what! You could murder someone and I will go to my grave convincing everyone you're innocent!" I tell her. "I'm here for you, through anything and everything!" I say quietly. "No matter what?" I nod. She nods. "Let's get some sleep." I whisper.

I wake up and see the bed is empty. I get up and hear the shower running across the hall. I look at the clock and see it's 4 am. I sigh and go into the bathroom. "Cheryl? You ok?" I ask her. "Yeah! I need to get to work." She says popping her head out of the shower. I look at her. "It's Friday!" She says. "Oh! Yeah! I was a day behind. Ok, I'm gonna go back to bed for a bit." I say quietly. "Wait." I turn around. "I wasn't going to wake you up just to do this but now that you're awake..." Cheryl grabs my hand and pulls me close. "You want a kiss goodbye." She nods pulling me into a kiss. "I'll see you tonight if I'm up." I whisper. "I'll see you, but you'll probably be asleep." I smile. "Yeah."

I walk into Cheryl's home office. Before you ask, no I'm not trying to find dirt or anything, I literally just need my birth certificate of all things. I walk over to her desk and see a picture of Jason. I grab it. You'd think I'd be mad that Cheryl doesn't have a picture of me on her desk but I'm not, this is one of the few pictures that aren't on her phone that she has of him. You know, because after she tried to kill herself she burned her house down, as one does! I put the picture down and find the secret compartment under her desk. "Ow!" I whisper before pulling out the paperwork. I hear the door open and heels come into the office. "Hey babe." I say not looking up. "It's me." I look up and see Veronica. "Oh! Never mind. I forgot you were coming over." I look at her. "What are you doing?" She ask quietly. "I got a job and I need to prove that I am a real person." I explain smiling. She nod. "Where's Cheryl?" She ask quietly. "Work. She had an early morning shoot." I say quietly. "Like every Friday. I explain this to you every time." She nods. "Right!"

I wake up to a shuffling. I open my eyes and see Cheryl getting into bed. "Hey sweetheart." I mumble. She looks at me. "Hey baby." She smiles. "How was work?" I ask quietly. "It was ok." She whispers. "Did you eat?" I ask her. "Dinner?" I nod. "Yeah." She nods. "Yeah, there's some leftovers in the fridge for you for lunch." She whispers. I smile. "Pizza?" She nods. "Nothing fancy it's just cheese." She tells me. "That's cool." I smile.

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