399: The One With The Skateboard

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I slowly and quietly close the door. "Oh my god Toni?" Veronica says smiling. "No!" I say. "Hi! Veronica." Toni says quietly. "Betty! Look who came to visit!" Veronica yells. "No!" I say loudly. Betty walks out of her room. "Oh my god!" She says smiling. "She was just leaving!" I say gently pushing Toni towards the front door. I open the door and Toni steps out. "I'll see you tonight?" She ask quietly. "Oh yeah! Definitely but we're going back to your house." She smiles. "Of course." I watch her leave and turn to Betty and Veronica. "Shut up!" I say closing the door. "You and Toni are back together?" Veronica ask smiling. I nod. "Yes!" I say quietly. "Why are you so embarrassed?" Betty ask. "Because you guys do exactly what you're doing!" I say quietly. "Since when?" Betty ask quietly. "Your birthday." Her eyes widen. "It's been almost 2 months and you've sneaking around?!" Veronica ask quietly. "Well, we weren't 'sneaking around' we just were careful not to be seen because you would corner me like you are now!" I explain. "You guys had a nasty break up though. Like you were throwing things at each other." Veronica says quietly. "Trust me! A shoe hit my door!" She says. "How do you know about that?" I ask her. "We were in my room the whole time! We heard you guys come home and were waiting it out."


I hold Cheryl's hands as she slowly rides my skateboard. "Oh my god!" She says panicking. "You're good! I got you." I tell her. She starts to lose her balance and grabs my arms. I grab her hips. "I've got you." I tell her. "You're ripped." She says quietly. "Thank you." She looks at me. "You should get off the board before you fall over." I say awkwardly. She slowly gets off. "How did you get this ripped?" She ask quietly. "Thanks to my job! Also I cut gluten out of my diet, that was causing me some issues. Not sayings you have to cut gluten out of your diet for you to look like me!" I tell her. She kisses me. "Let's go inside." I whisper. She nods.

I look at Cheryl as she runs her finger up my chest slowly. "Why did you throw me out this morning?" I ask her. "I'm not embarrassed about you or anything but Betty and Veronica! I didn't want you coming out of my room after a drunk night to be them finding out we're back together." She tells me. I smile. "Fair enough, wait until Sweet Pea and Fangs see us. I'm gonna be dragged through the fucking mud." I whisper. She smiles. "Have fun." She says smiling. "We did have a nasty break up, and I think we both probably said we'd never get back together at least a million times, and then we got drunk at Betty's birthday party." I explain. "Yeah, I'm happy we got back together though, I was kinda losing my mind after we broke up." She says quietly. "I'm sorry for what I did." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "I thought we were broken-." I stop her. "Can we please not talk about it?" I ask her. "You're still not over it." She says annoyed. "No! It's not that! I just-." I sigh. "I don't know." I whisper.

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