221: The One Where Toni is Famous Part 3

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"I don't know why we're doing this I'm not gonna win." I say as Cheryl fixes my hair. "You know, you could wear a dress every once in a while." She whispers. I look at her. "What does that have to do with anything I just said?" I ask quietly. "Nothing I just hate tying your ties." She whispers. "You're gonna win at least one Grammy baby." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "I wore one to our wedding." I say quietly. "That was a while ago." She says quietly. I smile. "Do you think Fangs and Veronica have everything handled?" I ask quietly. "Back at home with the chillest child in the world? Yeah!" She says quietly. "Also I think it would be good for Fangs to spend time with her." I look at her.

Cheryl takes my hand. Billie Eilish walks out onto stage (idk I needed a famous artist that would give someone a Grammy) I take a deep breath. "I'm not gonna win." I whisper to Cheryl. We go through the all the artist nominated for Album Of The Year. "And the Grammy for Album Of The Year is..." I look at Cheryl. I shake my head. "Toni Topaz." I stand up in shock. Cheryl kisses me. "Go." She whispers. I walk up onto stage. I take the Grammy and look at it. I walk up to the mic. "Oh my god!"  I say quietly. "I didn't think I would win so I don't have a speech prepared. I would like to thank my wife Cheryl for just being there when I needed her most even if I didn't think I needed her. Ah! I would obviously like to thank my team. Everyone who made this album possible! My fans for making this album number 1 in so many places and getting me here today. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this thing. I shouldn't be allowed to except this so early after it being announced because I really don't know what I'm doing up here. Ah! If my daughter sees this when she's older this is for you! I love you! If you are up, go to sleep you watched your mommy win something she never thought she would win!" I say to the audience. Everyone claps. "Oh! And I would also like to thank my dad for literally being the definition of a father with bad jokes and really stepped up to the plate and being there for me and everyone after my mom died." I add. I awkwardly walk off stage. I hand the Grammy over to one of the stage hands while they announce the next category which I'm nominated for because it's Music Video of The Year. I don't know who's actually up there, so if they say my name and I go up there it's gonna be really awkward. "And the Grammy for Music Video of The Year goes to... Toni Topaz." I take a deep breath and walk onto the stage.

Cheryl and I walk into the hotel room. "Maybe we should have kept our house in La." I say quietly. "We're constantly back and forth." I add taking off my tie and I unbutton my shirt. She steps closer to me. "Well, do you want to get a place here?" She ask quietly. "Something small." I say quietly. "Like a 2 bedroom apartment just so we can have somewhere that isn't a hotel room." I say quietly. "We can talk about this later, now I just want to celebrate." She whispers. "Can we celebrate by going to bed?" I ask her. "Can we at least have a little celebration?" She ask cupping my cheeks. "No alcohol." She nods. "There's an In and Out down the street we can go to and get some food how about that? You've got to be hungry." I nod. "Can I get changed first?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Yeah." She smiles.

"When are you getting the actual Grammy's?" Cheryl ask as we lie in bed. "7 to 8 weeks." I whisper. She smiles. "Your mother would be so proud." She whispers. I look at her. "Do you want another kid?" I ask quietly. She sits up. "Do you?" She ask. "I'd like another kid." I whisper. She nods. "Same." She smiles. "And a butler!" I say sitting up. "No!" She says quietly. I look at her. "Maybe." I smile. "I really wanna go home." I whisper. "We are tomorrow morning." I smile. "We should adopt." I say quietly. She smiles. "I like that."

6 months later

I walk into the living room. "Do we hide them?" I ask looking at my awards. "I feel like we're gloating." I say quietly. Cheryl sits up. "Toni, I don't think the agent from the adoption center won't care." I look at her. "They just show your achievements. We have all of Maria's on the fridge." She says quietly. "She's 3! The only achievements she made is learning how to walk and poop in an actual toilet!" I say. "She can talk too Toni." I nod. "Also we have a meeting with her teacher tomorrow, apparently there has been some troubles with her lying or something." I sigh. There's a knock on the door before I can truly react.

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