287: The One With They Keying

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There's a knock the door. "I'll get it." Dad says getting off the couch and going to the door. "Mrs. Blossom! What are you and Cheryl doing here?" I get up and run over to the door. "Someone keyed my daughters car and I think it was your kid." She says pissed. I look at Cheryl, she just shrugs. I take a deep breath. "I didn't do anything! I didn't even know her car was keyed." I say quietly. "You were the last person Cheryl got into a fight with!" Her mom says quietly. "Ok? Good for us? I still didn't do it. I know how much that car means to her, I wouldn't do that to her." I explain. "You're the only person it could be." I take a deep breath. "Why?" I ask quietly. "Mom, it's not her." Cheryl whispers. "Don't pretend like it isn't." Cheryl's mom says pissed. "Why does it have to be me?" I ask pissed. "Because you're a serpent!" She says quietly. I nod. "Well, if I was this Southside trash you clearly think I am, I most likely wouldn't be able to spell Whore! So it can't be me!" I explain. I see Cheryl smile a little. "Because I'm not smart enough to do so!" I say quietly. "That's what you think of me when it only fits your narrative doesn't it?" I ask quietly. "Might as well go with the whole thing. Now if you would excuse me I'm gonna go snort some cocaine and drink beer to fit your narrative." I tell everyone.

Cheryl sits next to me in the student lounge. "I know you didn't do it." She says quietly. "So why were you and your mom at my house telling me I did?" I ask her. "My mom immediately jumped to conclusions. I found the security footage from when it happened and it was Reggie. I tried telling her but she didn't believe me. You're the only person my mom has ever hated." She explains. I look at her. "I'm sorry for getting mad after." I whisper. "Don't be, I get it." She says sadly. "I want to stay friends and be able to move on, I just need time to process everything." I tell her. "I know." She nods. "I'll see you later." She whispers before getting up and leaving. I take a deep breath and hold back tears.

Veronica opens the door. "I can't do it." I tell her. "But I have to." I whisper. She nods. "Come in." We walk into the apartment. "Where are they?" She ask quietly. "Bag." I say quietly. She nods. "Sit down, I'll take care of them." I sit down and hand her my bag. "These?" I shake my head. "No I need that." She looks at me. "They're for my anti-rejection meds." I say quietly. She looks at them. "Right for the kidney you keep fucking up." I take a deep. She goes through my bag and finds all the drugs in my bag. "Wow that's a lot." She whispers. She looks at me. "You were going to ask me for money didn't you?" She ask quietly. "I thought about it." I whisper. "I'm sorry." I tell her. "I'm gonna go dump these." I nod. "Can I go pet the bird?" I ask quietly. "Sure." She whispers. I get up and go over to Veronica's African Gray, named Wilson. "Hi buddy." I smile. I pet him gently. I kiss the top of his head. "All gone." Veronica says quietly. I turn around. "I need you to go to a meeting, then call your therapist." She whispers. I nod. "Can you come with me?" I ask her. She nods.

I look at my therapist. "You go to a meeting?" She ask quietly. I nod. "I went with Veronica." I whisper. "Is it because of Cheryl?" She ask quietly. "No, us breaking up kinda helped me. Because I was trying to juggle my addiction and my relationship." She nods. "I guess that's good." She says quietly. "Her mom thought I keyed Cheryl's car. It wasn't, the sound, feeling and thought of those makes me nauseous. Cheryl knew it wasn't me. Because she knows that it's out of character for me." I explain. She nods. "Have to talked to your mom?" I shake my head. "I can't reach out to her." I whisper. She looks at me. She nods. "Right!" I nod. "I don't want to talk to her anyways." I say quietly. She nods. I look at her. "She's the reason I'm paying more than I can afford to just talk about my feelings like a pussy." I say pissed.

I hand Cheryl a check. She looks at it and back at me. "What is this?" She ask quietly. "I know Reggie is gonna be an asshole and not pay you back for your car fixes. So this isn't all but it's some of it." I tell her. "Toni... you don't have to do this." She whispers. "It's this or me spending all my money on drugs." I whisper. She nods. "How much more do I owe?" I ask her. "300, since my car is old and the paint for it is hard to find, it was about 450 to fix!" She explains. I nod. "Ok." I whisper. "You doing ok?" She ask quietly. "You said it was this or drugs." I adds. "I spent $3,000 on drugs the other day. I didn't do anything. Veronica dumped everything." I explain. "This is all I had left." She nods. "How the fuck do you spend that much money?" I shrug. "Where do you even get that money?" She ask quietly. "What do you think?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Not from you." I tell her. "I know, I would have yelled at you by now." I nod. She looks at me. "I'll talk to you later." I say before starting to walk away. "Wait." She says grabbing my arm gently. I turn around. "You sure you don't need this for anything else?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. She nods. "Ok." She whispers. "You going to meetings?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah." She nods. "I know this all sucks but, I think it was best for the both of us, you weren't in a healthy place and I don't know how much longer we would have been together before we started hating each other." She explains. I nod. "I won't be able to pay you for a few weeks." I tell her. "Why not?" She ask quietly. "Um... I talked with my dad and we think it would be best if I went to rehab!" I say quietly. "I think it'll work, or at least push me forward in the right direction." I tell her. She hands me the check. "Use this for rehab." She says quietly. "I don't need the money. It wasn't even your fault. You need this more than I do right now." She explains. "I can't Cher. I don't want to have access to the money and spend it all on drugs." I whisper. "Then how about this? I deposit the money into an account that you won't have access to, you have your dad call me and I'll send it over so you can pay for rehab? at least some of the cost?" She ask quietly. "I won't be able to use it for anything else?" She shakes her head. "I have an account that I haven't used in years because there are none of their banks around here and the closest one is in Greendale. I was just letting it run out but I'll deposit the money in there for now and give it back when needed." She explains. I nod. "Ok. We'll do that." She nods. "Ok." She whispers. "I gotta go." I say quietly. "Ok, call me if and went you need me." She says quietly. I nod. "I just want to apologize first." I say. "For what?" She ask confused. "Everything, the fights, the lying! Everything!" I whisper. She nods. "I wasn't in a good place and I'm still not, but I'm better enough to realize what I did to you was wrong and I really needed to get all of that off my chest." She nods again. "I get it." She whispers. "I'm not ready to except your apology, but I don't hate you for what you did in the past." She says quietly. I look at her. "I still need to time." I nod. "I know. So do I."

3 months later

I walk into the kitchen. "What's that?" I ask dad. "Your rehab was payed for." He says quietly. I sigh. "Cheryl?" I ask looking at him. He nods. I take a deep breath. "There's no stopping her." He says quietly. "I know." I say quietly. "You talk to mom?" I ask quietly. "No." He whispers. I know he's lying but honestly, I don't really think I want to hear the truth. "Ok." I whisper. "Good to know we're honest with each other." I say to myself. "What?" He ask quietly. "Nothing!" I say quietly.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now