322: The One With The All Nighter

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"You have to write a personal narrative about something, good or bad that's happened in your life and connect it to the book you read." I tell Toni as I read off the computer. "What do you have so far?" I ask quietly. "I opened a google doc." She tells me. I groan. "What book did you read?" I ask her. "We were supposed to read?" She ask confused. "Yes!" I tell her. She looks down. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "It's ok." I whisper. "Get the coffee started?" She ask quietly. I nod. She gets up and goes into the kitchen. "What was something significant that happened in your life Toni?" I ask. "Ah! I was born." She says quietly. "Tell me about that." She looks at me and shrugs. "Something else babe." She nods. "I dunno." She says awkwardly. "How about when you joined the serpents?" I ask quietly. "I don't remember, I got hit in the head pretty hard." She says quietly. "That explains a lot." I whisper hoping she wouldn't hear. "You calling me stupid?" She ask. "No! But it explains why you are the way that you are sometimes!"

I look at Toni's tattoo. "Why galaxy?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "My sister always loved space. She wanted to become a astronaut." She tells me. I sit up and start typing. "Yeah?" She nods. "Yeah, she knew everything about every planet." She whispers. I continue typing. "Was it hard losing her?" I ask quietly. She nods. "It was like a piece of my heart was ripped away from me." She tells me. "I don't think anything will ever replace that piece I lost that night."  She whispers. "What was the hardest part of losing her?" I ask quietly. "Never hearing her laugh again. Her laugh was so contagious. What I would do to hear her again." I take a deep breath and keep writing. I kinda feel bad for doing this but I need an essay to come out of her sob story. "How did she die?" I ask her. "She was in a car accident, right before our freshman year of school. She had just gotten her license." She tells me. "So 4 years ago?" She nods.


"This is good." I tell Cheryl. She smiles. "Thank you, I tried my best to make it sound like you but also make it sound like it wasn't made in the span of and hour on a caffeine high and lack of ADHD medication." She explains. I look at her. "You and me both babe." She says summiting the essay. "Let's go to bed babe." I look at her. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. I sit against the couch. "Do you think she'd hate me for using her death to get an A?" I ask quietly. "I think she'd find it impressive that one of us thought of it." I nod. "You don't talk about her dying a lot. That's the most I've heard you talk about it." She whispers. "It's to hard." She looks at me. "I'm sorry, I brought it up." I shake my head. "I was able to get some things off my chest." She nods. I pull her into a kiss. "I love you." I whisper. "You're the only person who would stay up until almost 3 in the morning with me just to write an essay that I hadn't even thought about starting and not complain or get mad." I tell her. "Well, I was little annoyed but it was because I told you to start this a week ago." She whispers. "Also I love you too babe." She says moving some hair out of my face. I lie into her. "I don't have the energy to move." I whisper. "Do you just want sleep here?" She ask quietly. "Kinda." I whisper. "I feel like if I move in gonna snap in half." We both laugh quietly. "Is your dad asleep?" She ask quietly. "A bomb could go off and he'd sleep through it." I whisper. "Why?" I smile. "He has Insomnia and takes meds for it and they knock him out for almost 12 hours."

I walk into the kitchen. "Hey dad." I whisper. "Cheryl leave?" He ask quietly. I shake my head. "No, she's sleeping upstairs." I say quietly. "You guys were quiet last night." I look at him. "We were down here all night." I say confused. "Yeah, I took my sleep meds and was out by 8. You could have screamed in my face and I would have slept through it." I smile. "Have you talked to mom?" I ask him. "Yeah! I just got off the phone with her. She'll be home next week." I nod. "Is she having fun?" I ask quietly. "Yeah! Sounds like it." He smiles. "She really needed this break." I nod. "Is she having fun?" He nods.

I look at Cheryl who's rubbing my tattoo. "How long did this take?" She ask quietly. "6 months." She looks at me in shock. "The amount of times you went in and the hours spent getting this done?" She ask quietly. "No, just it took the span of 6 months. I didn't do all the math on it." I tell her. "How long combined?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "A while." I say quietly. She nods. "You miss her?" I nod. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "I don't want to talk about it anymore." She nods. I look at her.

I look at my burger. I wanted but now the thought of eating makes me sick. I look at Cheryl. "What?" I ask quietly. "You're quiet." She says quietly. "Talking about her brought back things I suppressed." I whisper. "Do you want to talk?" I shake my head. She nods. "You're not touching your burger, usually that's gone by now." She says quietly. I push it away. "I'm- I'm not hungry." I whisper looking out the window. "Why?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. "Do you just want to sit here?" I nod. She sits back. "We can do that." She whispers. I nod. "Thanks." She nods. "I'm eating this though!" I smile a little. "Have fun." I smile. "When you're ready we can talk." I shake my head. "Or I can distract you with literally anything else!" I look at her. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "So you're not left to your own thoughts." I nod. "What do you want to talk about?" I ask quietly. Sometimes I forget that I'm not the only person with problems in the relationship. "Homecoming?" She ask quietly. "I'm not wearing a dress." I tell her. "I'm not staying you have to!" She smiles. "But I would like you to help me shop for something and maybe we can pick something out for you." She says quietly. I nod. "I can do that." I smile. "I was thinking all red." I shake my head. "No it'll be to clashy, also not my favorite color! How about you wear something red with some black and I wear something black with some red." She smiles. "I like that."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now