226: The One With the Roomate

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I walk out into the living room. "Did Toni even make it too the bathroom?" I ask Betty. "No! She's in the kitchen getting popcorn." I nod. "Damn." I walk into the kitchen. "Toni! Let's go! I want to pretend to watch this movie and have sex." I say quietly. Toni looks at me. "Can we have popcorn?" She ask putting it into a bowl. I shake my head. "No!" I say grabbing the bowl and walking out. "Betty! Want some popcorn?" I ask smiling. She takes it and Toni and I go into the bedroom. I pull her into a kiss. She smiles into it. "Why are you so horny?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "Cheryl tell me." She whispers. "I just really want some alone time with you." I whisper. "Cher..." I take her hands. "You're stressed about something, aren't you?" She ask cupping my cheeks. "I just need to get my mind off work." She nods. "I can do that." She smiles pulling me into a kiss.


I walk out of Cheryl's room and close the door quietly behind me so I don't wake Cheryl up. "Leaving already?" Betty ask. "No! I just need a cigarette." I say quietly. "That's really bad for you." I nod. "Yeah, but I can't quit it." I explain. "I've tried everything." I say before Betty can say anything. She nods. "Does Cheryl know?" I nod. "Has Cheryl been a little off to you recently?" I ask quietly. "Yeah! I think it's something to do with her brother." She says quietly. I sigh. "I forgot about that." She nods.

I lie next to Cheryl. "What happened at work that has to all stressed out?" I ask rubbing her arm. She looks at me. "There was a set of twins that came in with their parents and they reminded me of Jason and I." She whispers. I look at her. "It was just weird, I felt like I was looking at my self." She explains. "You know, if I was about 7 and a completely different race." We both smile. "It was more the fact that they were twins." I nod. "I get what you mean." I says smiling. "What time is it?" I ask quietly. "Almost 2 why?" I sigh. "It's late, don't you have work first thing in the morning." She lies into me. "Yeah." I rap my arms around her. "You're going to pretend to be sick so you don't have to go in aren't you?" She nods. I kiss her. "Ok, but I'm tired so we should actually go to sleep." She smiles. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too."

Cheryl and I walk into the apartment making out. She pulls away. "Betty?!" No answer. She goes back to kissing me. I pick her up and bring her into her room. "You really need your own place." I say quietly. "Yeah, but it's cheeper." She says quietly.

"I have to head home." I whisper. "Why?" She ask quietly. "My sister is coming over with my nephew first thing in the morning." She smiles. "Miles is so cute." I smile. "Yeah. If you want you can come over and help me after work. He's sleeping over. Marie and her husband have a wedding they need to go to and Miles is just to young to be there." She smiles. "What?" I ask. "I just find it funny how your parents named you guys Marie Antoinette." I roll my eyes. "Yeah than they named by brother Paul." I say grabbing my pants. "What is your middle name again?" She ask. "Worst the than my first name." She rolls her eyes. I feel a sharp pain in my knee when I move it weirdly. I sit down on the bed. "Knee?" I nod. "You need to see a doctor about it again." She whispers. "Yeah, I have an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday." She rubs my back. "Can you go with me? I just don't really want to be there alone if I find out I need surgery again." She nods. "Yeah." She kisses me and hands me my shirt. "I have no idea where your bra went." She says. "It's fine." I say putting on my shirt and buttoning my shirt up. "I'll be over around 6." She says kissing me. "Ok." I smile. "What time is the appointment?" She ask. "10 am." She nods. "I'll be there too."

Miles runs up to me. I squat down and open my arms. "TT!" I smile and pick him up when he comes running into my arms. "How's my favorite Nephew doing?" I ask smiling. He giggles. I kiss his cheeks. "Auntie Cheryl is gonna be here later." I say quietly. I look at Marie. "You got it?" I nod. I put Miles down. "Go into your room, there's some new toys that you'll love." He runs into his room. I look at my sister. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Have you talked to mom?" I ask quietly. "No, I was kinda hoping you had." She says quietly. "How Miles doing?" I ask smiling. "Good! He's starts preschool in a few weeks." I smile. "No smoking or drinking in front of my son." She says. I nod. "I know." I say. "I have to go, I'll see you guys on Monday." I smile. "Ok." She leaves and Miles comes out of the room. He runs over to me. "What do you want to do?" I ask smiling. "Pops!" He says excitedly. "Maybe for dinner." I say picking him up. "Do you want to go see a movie?" I ask. "No! Can we go to the park?" He ask quietly. "Yeah!" I smile.

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