365: The One With The Ring

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I pick up the ring and look at it. "This is it." I whisper. "She's gonna love this." Veronica says quietly. "Thanks for letting me look at rings." I say quietly. "I've known Cheryl for longer than I would like to admit. This is the second best thing you could get her." I look at her confused. "We family had a ring that was passed down but she got rid of it. Because she realized it didn't really have a lot of good luck with it." She explains. "I remember Nana Rose mentioning something about that." I whisper. "She loved that ring but couldn't keep it." She says quietly. "You and Cheryl seem to be a normal relationship so I think this ring will bring you good fortune." I look at the ring. "If you are wrong I want you to personally pay me back for 3 of these." I tell her. She nods. "Ok." She smiles. "How are you gonna do it?" She ask quietly. "Nothing fancy but I'm planning trip to Maine where we are going to go skiing. When we get back to the place we will be staying at I'll ask." I explain.

I look at the ring again. "Who do I ask?" I ask looking at Veronica. "90% of her family is dead. The other 10% aren't in her life." I add. "Well, I mean, I am selling you this ring, but I'm not her family. Maybe Betty? Or Alice?" She says quietly. "I'm not really gonna ask, I'm kinda just going to say that, this is what I am doing and I just wanted them to know." I say quietly. "That's a good idea." She says quietly. I look at a ring. "I wish he was here." I say quietly. "Your dad?" I nod. "He was supposed to be here helping me when the time came to do this." I say quietly.

I look at Alice and Betty. "You look nervous." Alice says quietly. "You and- and Betty are the only family Cheryl has that isn't under the age of 18. I didn't have anywhere else to go with this." I explain. "I just wanted to tell you that I was going to ask Cheryl to marry me. I have the ring. I didn't want to ask because I think that's ridiculous because she's not property." I tell her. They both look at me. "When are you doing it?" Betty ask excitedly. I smile. "Well, I was thinking about asking her on the trip but I think she's catching on so I have no idea." I tell them. "I think you do it on the trip when she least expects it." Betty says quietly. "I'm not proposing to her while skiing down a hill." I say quietly. "Maybe I'll just do it when I feel it is the right time." I say.

I rub Cheryl's back. "Come on." I whisper. She shakes her head. "I don't feel well." She tells me. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "I just told you." She says quietly. "What's really wrong?" I ask her. "I'm tired." I nod. "We have to get out bed though. We have a big day." I whisper. "I don't care." She tells me. "We're going snow tubing!" I say excitedly. She looks at me confused. "The fuck is that?" She ask confused. "It's like sledding but on those big tubes." I describe. "You really didn't have a childhood did you?" She shakes her head. "I was basically locked in that mansion." I nod. "It'll be fun." I tell her. She takes a deep breath. "What's the worst that cou-." I stop myself. "A lot could go wrong." I say quietly. "But probably won't because it's under supervision!" I tell her. "Let's get you dressed." I say smiling

I look at Cheryl as we sit in the hot tub. "Thank you for getting me out of bed today." She says quietly. I nod. "Of course." I smile. "How do you do it?" She ask quietly. "What do you mean?" I ask quietly. "How do you get me out of bed when I can't?" I shrug. "I'm telling you my secret because you'll work around it." She nods. "I'll respect that." She smiles. She looks at me. "You have something on your mind." She says quietly. "You." I say quietly. She looks at me. "And how happy I am to be with you." I tell her. "I've been through so much and you've been there with me the whole time no questions asked. I wish I was able to do the same with you." I explain. "I wish I was able to pull you out of the darkness faster." I tell her. "Are you drunk?" She ask quietly. "A little." I say quietly. "What I am trying to say is I want to marry you." I tell her honestly. She looks at me. "I have a ring and I was gonna do this more formally but I think I need to do this now." I say quietly. She smiles. I take her hands. "Cheryl Blossom, you are the love of my life and I want to make that official so, will you marry me?" I ask her. She nods and we kiss. I smile.

I look at the sky as Cheryl and I look out on the porch. "It's snowing." She whispers. I smile. "Just like our first date." I tell her. She looks at me. "Really?" I nod. "Remember? We had to cut it short because you were worried the snow was gonna get to bad that you wouldn't be able to get home." I explain. "That wasn't our first date." She says quietly. "Yeah." I say quietly. "No, Fangs abounded you at the movies and you saw me and we went to see Love, Simon together. Then we went to Pops and I came out to you." She tells me. "Oh! I didn't know that you considered that an official date." I say quietly. "What did you think it was?" I shrug. "I don't know. I just saw my opportunity and took it." I tell her. She smiles and kisses me. "I consider that our first date." She says quietly. "Ok. So it's snowing like our second date." I tell her. We both laugh quietly. "Yes." I shrug. "I can live with that." I say quietly. "Did Fangs actually abandoned you?" She ask quietly. "Kinda, he saw that you were there and he knew how crazy I was about you and came up with some bull shit excuse to abandon me." I explain. "And obviously it was the best thing he could have ever done because you are about to be my wife." I say quietly. "I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else." I whisper moving same hair out of her face. She smiles.

"Let me see! Let me see!" Veronica squeals when Cheryl and I walk into Pops. Cheryl shows her the ring, that Veronica suggested I give her by the way. "V! You picked out the ring!" I say annoyed. "Yeah! But I want to see it on her hand." She says smiling. "Ok." I smile. I sit down at the counter and let them have a moment. I look at Cheryl and see how happy she is. This is all I wanted for her. She has had so much pain in her life. It's taken years to see her this happy. She still has some days where she can't get out of bed but those are becoming less and less.

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