267: The One Where Toni Is The Winter Soldier

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In this story woman were able to join the military the whole time, because it's a fan fic. And this is a simplified version of Bucky and Steves story in the MCU. This isn't good by the way


"I don't want you to go." Cheryl whispers. I look down at her. "Cher, you know I have no choice." She looks at me. "When do you leave?" She ask quietly. "Tomorrow morning." I say quietly. I look at Cheryl. "How does Sergeant Antoinette Topaz sound?" I ask her. She smiles. "It shouldn't be you." I nod. "Yeah, but it is, I know you want to go to war for some reason but it's ok. I'll be ok."  I whisper. "Come here." I say pulling her into a hug. "I'll see you in a minute." She nods. I do everything in my willpower not to kiss her. "I'll see you." I nod. I look at her and leave.


"Cheryl Blossom?" I turn around and see a woman in a doctor coat. "Heard you wanted to join the army but can't." She says quietly. I look at her. "Yeah." I say quietly. "I think we can help you." She says smiling. "My Name is Dr. Mary Andrews, I work for SHIELD. We're working on a super soldier program! Which will make you stronger and more powerful and hopefully taller." She says looking at me.

I walk into the room where a bunch of scientists are. There's a big Machine that will probably be how I get injected with the super serum. Dr. Andrews walks over to me. "Can I see Toni after this?" I ask her. "Who?" She ask. "Sergeant Antoinette Topaz?" I ask. "Oh, she died after being kidnapped." I look at her, my heart drops. "Well, she's still technically missing in action but it's been long enough for her to be presumed dead." She elaborates. "You ready?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I nod. I take off my shirt and pants. I walk into the big machine. They close it on me and it starts up. I take a deep breath as I feel the needles inject the serum in me. I groan loudly as I feel the transformation happened. The machine opens and I fall to the ground. I can feel my strength as I catch myself. I look down at my arms and I feel like I'm in a different body! "How do you feel Private?" I look up. "Like I'm in a different body." I whisper. "Because you are." I take a deep breath. "What's my first mission?" I ask quietly. My Sergeant comes over. "This is the facility that your friends Topaz got kidnapped in, more people were taken and we need you and few other people to go and get them before we have the same mistake." He tells me. I nod. "We need to get you some protection still. You're not bullet proof." I nod. "Ok." I say quietly.

I walk into the large room that they make and fix weapons for the army that's based in England. Hiram Lodge walks over to me. "How are you today?" He ask quietly. "Good." We shake hands. "Strong grip." I let go a little. "I'm sorry, I'm still getting used to my strength, I almost broke the door because I'm used to having to really pull on doors so I ended up swinging it open." I tell him. "It's ok!" He says smiling. "I was told I need protection, are you going to make everything bullet proof?" I ask quietly. "Yes, but I made you a shield." He says showing me. "It's made of Vibranium, it's the strongest metal on earth." He says handing it to me. I take a deep breath. "This is too much responsibility." I say holding the shield. "Yeah, but

We all run into the building. I block a bullet with my sheild. "Nice try." I smile. We fight our way through the building. I hear groaning from one room. I walk into that room and see Toni handcuffed to a metal bed. "Toni!" I go over to her. I get her out of the handcuffs. "Cher..." I look at her. "I thought you were dead!" I whisper. "I thought you were smaller." She says quietly. "Wow you're stronger and taller." Toni says quietly. I hold back the urge not to kiss her. She looks at me. "Yeah!" I smile. "You look good!" She says slowly getting up. "There's more people! I don't know where but there's more of my troupes. They're being held captive!" She says frantically. "I know! That's what mine our doing." I look at her. "Is this permit?" She ask quietly. "Hopefully." I say putting her arm over my shoulder. "Did this hurt?" I nod. "It was a bunch of needles going into me, what do you think?" She smiles. We hear an explosion. "Come on!" I say quietly. "I think I can walk on my own." She says quietly. She stands up and we walk away from the explosion. We hear more and more. "We should go!" I say. We quickly run out and see a few of that were held captive, plus the troupes I took. "How do we get back?" Toni ask. "On foot." I smile. "Damn Cher, do you really think we can?" Toni ask quietly. "Do we have any other choice?" She smiles. "Guess you're right. Let's roll out!" We all go back to the base it'll definitely take us hours. "What's with the shield?" Toni ask quietly. "I don't know. Everyone thought it was a good idea. It was." I say quietly. I look at her. She pats my back and smiles.

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