390: The One With The Coming Out

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I look up, away from my breakfast as my son Anthony sits down at the table. "You ok? You look like you're about to puke." I ask him. "I'm gay." He says immediately. "Ok." I say before going back to my breakfast. There's some silence and I realize I should probably say something. I stop eating at look at him. "I'm gonna love you no matter what, I raised you with nothing but love." He nods. "Did you think I was gonna kick you out or something? Cause I can if you want." I sarcastically. He smiles. "No, I knew you would be ok with it, it was still scary." I nod. "You know I'm bisexual right?" He nods. "You know I have a girlfriend." He nods again. "Well, I should tell you that we are getting serious. And when you're ready, the 3 of us are going to have dinner together." He smiles. "Well, I have practice after school everyday this week but on Saturday we can." He tells me. I nod. "It just depends on what time, because I

I look at Cheryl. "Anthony should be here in a few minutes. He just texted me. He's just getting gas, was at his dad's today to help with something, guess he needed gas." I say quietly. "Is it hot in here?" She ask panicking a little. "Cheryl, there's nothing to worry about! He'll like you. Trust me." I tell her. "My ass is sweating." She whispers. The front door comes flying open. "I'm here! I'm here!" Anthony yells running into the dinning room. Him and Cheryl look at each other. Anthony reaches his hand out. "I'm Anthony." He says smiling. "I'm Cheryl." Cheryl says smiling. "Do you go by any nicknames?" She ask quietly. "No! Unlike mom I hate when people call me anything short for my name." He smiles. "I have gym with your daughter." He says quietly. "She's not my daughter. She's my niece. My brother died before her and her brother were born." Anthony looks at her in shock. "Oh my god, I knew that I'm sorry." He whispers. "She told me you eat lunch with her too." Cheryl says quietly. "Anthony sit." I whisper. He immediately sits down. "I do. She's really nice. She was the first person I came out too." He says quietly. I smile. "I'm just going to warn you, I will say stuff I'm not supposed to, I talk to much when I'm put in awkward situations." He tells her. "Don't worry, I'm the same."

"I got my progress report back." Anthony says walking into the kitchen. "Yeah?" He nods. "You seem disappointed." I say quietly. "Yeah! My grades are that good." He says quietly. "Are you passing?" He nods. "Yeah I have like 65's and 70's." He says quietly. "Oh... you're really getting the bare minimum." He nods. "Are you trying?" I ask him. He nods. "Yeah, I want better grades next year." He tells me. "Can I get a tutor?" He ask quietly. "For what?" I ask him. "Well, my worst class is Algebra 2, thanks you my dyslexia, so probably that one." I nod. "Same classes next year?" I ask him. "Yeah, just harder." I nod. "I can help you with the rest." He smiles. "Really?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile. There's a minute of silence until he breaks it. "Cheryl seems nice." He says quietly. I look at him. "Yeah. She really likes you." I say quietly. "She's cool." I look at him. "How did you meet?" He ask quietly. "We dated in high school actually. We broke up and then I had you! We met back up at one of your parent teacher conference things at the beginning of the year and it was like we were back in high school again." I tell him. "Cool."


I walk into the lunch room and walk over to Juniper. I sit in front if her. "Cheryl said she met you on Saturday." She says quietly. I nod. "They're dating." I say quietly. "I know. Your mom has been over a few times to pick Cheryl up for dates and stuff. She seems nice." I nod. "She said you have a brother." I say quietly. "Yeah, he's off at a fancy private boarding school." I nod. "Why aren't you there?" I ask her. "Oh! They wanted him there and it's an all boys school. You'd probably like that." She jokes about the last part. "Shut up." I smile. "You never mentioned you had a brother though." She nods. "Yeah. Since he's gone all the time I kinda forget about him. It's really bad." She says quietly. "Also we don't really get along." I nod. "He thinks he's better than me because he goes to a fancy school and I don't." She says quietly. "I'm sorry." She shrugs. "He's wrong though." I whisper. "You're better because you don't need a fancy school to prove how amazing you are." I tell her. She looks at me. "That sounded like flirting didn't it?" She nods. "I mean that as your gay best friend." I tell her. She smiles. "Thanks." I nod. "Of course." I smile. "Wanna come over after school?" She ask quietly. "I'm gonna be with my dad tonight. But maybe tomorrow, if you meet me after practice at Pops?" She nods.

"What about him?" Juniper ask motion to some guy we go to school with. "No. He's sweaty."


I look at Cheryl. "He's very quiet isn't he?" She ask sitting next to me. "Anthony?" She nods. "Yeah! He spends a lot of his time either with your niece or in his room. Not to the point it concerning, he'll come down to hang out! He just likes his privacy and quiet." I tell her. "He also spends a lot of time with his dad and I don't really know what he does there. I think they just work on cars and stuff." I say quietly. "Where is he now?" She ask quietly. "His dad's." I say taking a deep breath. "You don't seem happy about that." She says quietly. "No! I don't really care! It's just now that he has his license and a car, he can pretty much go wherever he wants and he chooses to spend time with his dad! I don't really have a problem with it but I do."

Anthony walks into the k. "How was your dad's?" I ask quietly. "Good." He says quietly. "Do you get jealous or mad that I spend a lot of time with him?" He ask quietly. "No!" I say quietly. "Why did you guys not stay together?" He ask quietly. "It was a drunk night. I'll be honest with you, you were not planned! Doesn't mean I don't love you more than anything!" I tell him. He nods. "We didn't want to put you through staying together and hating each other but luckily we have a good relationship and coparent." I explain to him. "So I was really an accident?" He ask quietly. I nod. "But accidents aren't always bad." He looks at me. "I'm sorry, I was hoping you'd never mention this! I don't know what to do or say." I whisper. "I love you! I am so happy that you are in my life! Yes, I wish I had you a little bit later in life, but I think I did pretty well raising you." He smiles. "It could have been worse." He says quietly. "Good. I really didn't want you living in a house that was full of people who hated each other." I tell him. "I had to do that and it was the worst thing I ever went through." I tell him. He nods. "I don't want you to be afraid of your parents." I whisper. There's a knock in the door. "That's Cheryl. I didn't think you were gonna be home tonight." I say quietly. "Oh! I'm heading out in a bit, I was just gonna take a shower and leave." I smile. "Date?" I ask smiling. "No. Just Juniper trying to get me on a date." He says quietly. I nod.

I look at Cheryl. "Wanna go to Pop's?" She ask quietly. "I think our legal responsibilities are there and it'll be awkward." I say quietly. "Well, what do you want to do?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "Order Chinese." She nods.

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