296: The One With The Shell

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I run over to Toni in the hospital waiting room. I kneel in front of her. "Toni..." I cup her cheeks. I look at her. "How-how did you get here?" She ask quietly. "Your mom called me to make sure you were ok." I tell her. "She's heading to the airport as we speak." She nods. "Have you heard anything?" I ask her. "No." I nod. "Your mom didn't tell me what happened. What happened to your dad?" I ask quietly. "We- we were talking and he just dropped. I freaked out and called an ambulance." She explains. "Do they know what it was?" I ask her. "They think it was a stroke, he was complaining about his arm and his words were slurred more than usual." I nod. I kiss the top of her head. "Do you want to go get something to eat?" She looks at me. "You feel like you're gonna throw up, never mind." I whisper sitting next to her. "I don't, but I want to wait for someone to come out and tell me how he is." I nod. "I can go get something, while you wait." She nods. "Ok, I'm gonna go down to the cafeteria." I whisper. "Do you want anything?" I ask her. She nods. "Ok, what do you want?" I ask quietly. "Do they have chicken fingers?" She ask quietly. "I'll get you some if they have them, if not I'll get you have some chips." She nods. I kiss the top of her head. "Ok." I whisper. "Do you know when my mom is gonna get here?" She ask quietly. "She's coming back from Hawaii." I tell her. "So, I don't know." I whisper. I go to the cafeteria. "Cheryl?" I hear. I turn around and see Betty. "Hey! What are you doing here?" I ask her. "Visiting my sister. What are you doing here?" She ask quietly. "Toni's dad might have had a stroke." I tell her. "So I'm here supporting my girlfriend. By getting her some of her comfort food." She nods. "Chicken fingers?" I nod. "Yeah, I'm gonna let her eat and I think we're gonna wait for her mom, then I'm gonna bring her home to sleep." I explain.

I look at Toni. "Do you want to watch some tv?" I ask her. She doesn't says anything. "How about some Phineas and Ferb?" I ask quietly. She looks at me. "Yeah?" I smile. She nods. "Any episodes in particular?" She shakes her head. "Ok." I nod. We go onto the bed and we watch tv." She lies into me. I kiss her head. "I love you." I whisper. She nods. I know that's her way of saying that she's loves me. She's not really talkative, like ever. She's acting pretty normal, one time it took at least an hour for her to get a sentence out. "You're the only person I feel normal around." She whispers. "Yeah. That's good." She sits up. "I'm sorry, no one has told me that before." She smiles. "You ok?" I ask her. She shrugs. "I shouldn't have brought it up, I'm sorry." I whisper rubbing her arm. "No, it's ok." She whispers. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her. "No. I still need process everything."

I walk downstairs to Toni's basement. "You've cleaned this place a bit." She nods. "Yeah, mom was gonna kill me if I didn't, it's kinda part of our deal to let me live down here." Toni has the basement to herself. "She wouldn't make you move back upstairs." She shrugs. "You'd be surprised." She smiles a little. "I love my mom, I really do, but she scares the living shit out of me." She says as we sit down on the couch.
"She's been really busy with my dad so she hasn't had time to yell at me but she will soon." I look at Toni. "How's he doing?" I ask quietly. "He's ok. He's getting out of the hospital in a few weeks. It was really bad, and they're surprised he's alive." She whispers. I know she's lying and doesn't want to talk about it right now."How are you?" I ask quietly. "I don't know." I nod. "Do you-." She stops me. "Not really." She looks at me. "Ok." I whisper. "You want to get your mind off things?" I ask her smiling a bit. "Um... Can I top?" She ask quietly. "If that's what you want. I was thinking that you'd like the pleasure right now though." I whisper rubbing up her thigh. "O-oh?" She smiles. I nod. "Ok, maybe you can top." I smile and kiss her. "Let's go to my room." She whispers.


I wake up covered in sweat. I get up and walk into the living room. I just sit there in shock. I don't know how much time goes by but I feel Cheryl sit next to me. I know it's her because I can smell her fancy perfume. "How long?" She ask quietly. "The doctors don't know but it's not long. He's in a coma." I whisper. "I don't- I don't know what to do." I tell her. "Be with him." She whispers. I nod. "What time is it?" I ask looking at her. "4. You passed out after we had sex. Not in a rapey way you were just tired." I nod. "I know." I whisper. "Do you want to go back to bed?" I shake my head. "Watch tv?" I nod. "Ok." She whispers.


I look at Toni who's staring at her dads grave. I take a deep breath. I stand there awkwardly while Toni has her moment. I look up at the sky and see it's snowing. She looks at me and wipes her tears quickly. "Don't be embarrassed." I whisper. She looks at me. "Do you think he's in pain anymore?" She ask quietly. "No." I shake my head. "Do you think he's safe?" I nod. "Yeah." I whisper moving hair out of her face. I kiss her. "It's starting to snow." I whisper. "Let's go back to your house for the dinner." I tell her. "Why is this a thing?" She ask quietly. "What?" I ask confused. "Why do people go and have a dinner party after a funeral?" She ask as I rap my arm around her. "I don't know, it's just time to get together and reminisce." I tell her. She nods. "Makes sense." She whispers. I kiss her cheek. I walk go into my car and get in. The ride is quiet, which isn't to far off for us. We get to her house. "I can't even pull into my own driveway!" She says slightly pissed. She sighs and parks. We go inside. "Mom! We're going downstairs." Her mom nods and we go downstairs. I look at her shirt and grab it gently. She smiles. "Do you want to?" She shakes her head. "Ok." I nod. "But I do want a kiss." I smile, cup her cheeks and kiss her. "Oh! Sorry." We stop and see Betty and Veronica on the couch. "Please say you weren't about to have sex." Toni whispers. Veronica shrugs. "Not quite yet." I sigh. "I need alcohol." Toni whispers. "Go up and get some." I tell her. "No! I have a bottle of wine!" Veronica says quietly. We sit down on the couch. "You ok?" I ask Toni. She nods. Veronica pours a glass of wine and hands it to Toni. She looks at it. "Make sure this is the only one. I don't want to get drunk." I nod. She takes it and drinks it. "What any?" Veronica ask quietly. "No, I don't drink." I whisper. She nods. Toni looks at me. "You know my family history." She nods. "You sure you don't want to talk or anything?" I ask her. She looks down. "I never got to come out to him." She whispers. "I know he would be ok with it and I know he would support me and not care but I waited to tell him for so long because there's still that small chance he wouldn't." She explains. "Why did you tell your mom though?" I ask quietly. "She found out and asked me about it and I can't lie to her." I nod. "I would've taken it to the grave if she didn't find out." She says playing with my skirt. "He never got to know how happy I was with you." She says looking at me. I smile a little. "You've been really good for me and I don't mean that as I need you to make me this way. You just taught me how to come out of the shell I was in for so long." She tells me. I move some hair out of her face. "You-." Veronica interrupts us. "God! Just get married already!" We look at her. "Sorry. To soon?" We both nod. "Sorry. I'll make that joke when you aren't grieving your dad." She says quietly. "Why are you guys here?" Toni ask quietly. "Oh! My mom worked with your dad and dragged me along and then I dragged V along." Betty explains.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now