352: The One With The Gift Basket

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I look up and see Veronica. "Hey! What's up?" I ask her. "This is for you." She says handing me a small gift basket of candy. "From you?" I ask confused. "No! I think Cheryl." She tells me. I nod. "That makes more sense." I say taking it. I look at the tag. "Yeah it is." I say smiling. "Yeah, you have a a few others but I think those are from Fangs and Sweet Pea. You'd think we'd roll these out better so I can give all of them to the person instead of back and forth and hunting you down." I nod. "Well, it gives you something to do." I tell her. "Yeah." She says quietly. "Do you know where Cheryl is anyways?" She ask quietly. "No! I haven't heard from her." I say quietly. "You're not worried?" She ask confused. "No! She might have gone in for a doctor's appointment or something today." She nods. "She also might be lying in bed depressed."

I climb into Cheryl bedroom through the window. "What happened?" She ask quietly. I hold my stomach as I stand up straight and catch my breath. "I need to lie down!" I tell her as I reach for her. She grabs my arm and I collapse my weight on her. She helps me onto the bed. I lie down groaning in pain. "What happened?" She ask quietly. She takes the hand on my stomach and lifts it. She gasps. "I'm sorry." I say quietly. "I didn't know where else to go!" I tell her. "The hospital?" She ask annoyed. "With what money?" I ask her as she gets the first aid kit. She sits next to me and stitches up the wound. "Fair enough." She says quietly. "Do you have any beer?" I ask her. "I have chocolate milk." I shake my head. "Lactose intolerant." I say quietly. "I don't drink. You know that." I nod. I wince in pain. "Ah! Ah!" I let out. "Sorry." She whispers. I groan. "What the hell happened?" She ask pissed. "I don't know, I blacked out and woke up in a dumpster covered in blood and with a stab wound." I tell her. "Were you drunk?" She ask looking at me. "No! I got hit in the head. I didn't even get to the bar." I explain. "Where were you today?" I ask her. "Oh! I had really bad period cramps." I nod. "I'm sorry I saw your text and forgot to respond." She tells me. I groan loudly as she puts alcohol on my wound. "Jesus fucking christ!" I yell out. "What the fuck?" I ask pissed. "Do you want to bleed out?" She ask annoyed. "You could warn me!" I say pissed. "No you wouldn't have let me do that then." I nod. "Fair enough." I whisper. "Where were you?" She ask quietly. "We were at the wyrm and some Ghoulies came by looking for some fun and fangs and I were that fun." I tell her. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "We just wanted a few drinks." I say quietly.

I look at Cheryl. "You ok?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Why weren't you in school today?" I ask her. She looks at me. "I had that appointment." She says awkwardly. "Oh..." I sigh. "I don't want to talk about it." I nod. I look at her. "Everything ok?" I ask her. "What did I just say?" I look at her. She looks at me. "You said you felt like bottling up your feelings. Which I can't sit here and let happen." I tell her honestly. "What is it?" I ask her. "High functioning anxiety with a hint of depression." She tells me. I sit up and rub her thigh gently. "That's fun!" She looks at me. "Sorry." I look down. "Are you getting put on any medications?" I shrug. "I don't know yet." I nod. "Can we talk about this tomorrow morning?" I nod. "Ok. What do you want for breakfast?" I ask her. "Toni! You can't cook!" She tells me. "I know..." I say quietly. She smiles. "Can I pretend to help you tomorrow morning?" I ask her. "Yes." She says smiling.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now