282: The One With Trust

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"You have to take this to your grave." I tell Cheryl as I eat my ice cream. "Why?" She ask smiling. "Because I went so long thinking I hated Mangoes or anything related to them." I tell her. "But you like it in ice cream form?" She ask laughing a bit. "It's a guilty pleasure for sure." I say smiling. "I'm gonna stick to my Strawberry ice cream." She says quietly. "Does anyone else know you like that?" She ask quietly. "Ah yeah! The person who served us." I joke. She smiles. "Is that really it?" She ask. "Ah! I think so. Maybe like one ex girlfriend but that was a while ago so she probably doesn't remember." I tell her. "We've been apart longer then we were together so you don't have to worry." I whisper. "I don't really date much. Usually after a break up or something, I kinda forget that I have to put myself out there." I tell her. "Am I your first girlfriend in a while?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I nod. "I haven't been with someone in a few years. Like I haven't even really hooked up with anyone, that's not my thing. I've only dated 3 other people." I whisper. "Anything else I don't know about you?" She ask smiling. I smile and laugh awkwardly. "Ah! Nothing to important right now. I have some weird baggage that I'm just not ready to share until I know that this is going to be something besides a fling." I say awkwardly. "Ok, that makes sense." She smiles. "I get it, there's shit I haven't told you yet!" She says quietly. I nod. "Your truck is nice." She says changing the subject. "Thanks, it took a a few months to get this thing working and then another few months to get thing to look somewhat presentable." I explain. She smiles. "Did you get this to fix?" She ask quietly. "Ah! No! My dad died a few years ago and left this truck to me and it was already old when he died. We were going to fix it up but life kinda got in the way, so when he died I decided to get my shit together and fix it." I explain. "If you look on the license plate, it's his birth year." I say smiling. "I'm sorry about your father." She says quietly. "We knew he wasn't going to live that much longer, so it wasn't as hard." I say quietly. "Still sucks but we knew what was going to happen." I say looking down. "Your mom still around?" She ask quietly. I smile. "Yeah! She's still here." I say quietly. "We're pretty close and weirdly dad dying kinda helped." She nods. "I get it." I look at her. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "I never got to come out to him." I say quietly. She looks at me. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "Would he be ok?" She ask me. "Probably! His brother is gay and they had a really good relationship. I'm not open about my sexuality. It's hard enough being one minority, I don't want people hating me for another one." She nods. "Makes sense." She says moving hair out of my face. "I'm sorry that I kinda brought the conversation down. It just feels nice talking about it." I whisper. "It's ok! It's nice to know that you trust me." I look at her. "Thanks." I smile. "Of course." She smiles. "What are you doing tomorrow?" She ask quietly. "Oh! Helping Veronica move out of her apartment." I tell her. "I forget you are also friends with her." I nod. "Yeah." I smile. She pulls me into a kiss. "Do you want to go back to my place for a bit.

I look at Veronica. "You ok?" I ask her. She nods. "What-what happened?" She ask quietly. "You passed out and weren't responding." She sighs. "Shit." She whispers. "We called an ambulance." I say quietly. "You can refuse help." I whisper. "But I wouldn't if I was you because I think you hit your head and should at least get that looked at." She nods. "Is this a thing?" I ask sitting against the wall. "Yeah. My blood pressure must be low." I nod. "Can you hand me my bag?" She ask quietly. "Yeah!" I hand her the bag. "What are you doing?" I ask quietly. "Taking my blood pressure." I nod. "Oh! Ok! I'll look away because needles and blood scare me." I say turning around. "Do you know when the ambulance is going to get here?" She ask quietly. "In a minute." I say quietly. She nods. "So you and Cheryl?" I look back at her but quickly turn around when I see the needle. "You like her?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "We had sex last night." I say quietly. "Ok? And?" She ask confused. "That was my first time." I confess. "You've never had sex?" She ask quietly. "No, I've only dated 3 other people." I tell her. "I don't really like dating because it's so hard to trust people." I say quietly. "You done?" I ask her. "Yup." She says quietly. I turn around. "There's still a lot I haven't told her." I whisper. "She doesn't have to know everything about you immediately." I nod. "I know there's stuff you haven't even told me." I look at her. "I don't know what, but there's definitely stuff! I haven't told you stuff." I nod. "If you're worried about trusting her, don't she's a good person." She tells me. I look at her. "I really like her." I whisper. She nods. "Good!" She says smiling. "What if she finds out about my drinking problem?" I ask her. "She'll probably be ok with it." She says quietly. I nod. "You really shouldn't worry." She tells me. "We're supposed to be going to a place with a bar and I'm afraid she's gonna suggest we go sit at the bar. I don't have enough control." I tell her. "You'll be ok." She whispers. "Honestly don't worry about telling Cheryl, you both have some baggage." I nod.

I walk over to Cheryl, who's sitting at the bar. She turns around and looks at me. "Hey!" She smiles. "Hey!" I smile. "You want a beer or something?" She ask quietly. "Ah! No! I'm good." I tell her. "Ok! Still waiting for a table." She says quietly. "Do you want to sit?" She ask me. "Um.. No, I'm good." I say quietly. "You ok?" She ask concerned. "Yeah! Long day. Was at the Hospital with Veronica today." Her eyes widen. "She's ok! She just didn't eat anything and her blood sugar, or maybe it was pressure I don't really know, it was really low and she passed out and hit her head pretty hard. So we went to the hospital." I explain. She nods. "You sure you don't want a drink? You've had a long day you seem like you need one." She says quietly. "No, I'm ok." I say quietly. She nods. "Ok." I take a deep breath as I watch her have a beer. I shake my head. "You ok?" She ask concerned. "Yeah! Do we have to wait by the bar?" I ask her. "Yeah!" She says getting up. Finishes her beer and we go to the waiting area. "You don't drink do you?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "Ah! I um... I just I..." Cheryl nods. "It's ok if you don't want to talk about it." She tells me. "I just don't have a healthy relationship with alcohol." I tell her. She nods. "Ok! Totally understand." She says quietly.

"You ok?" Cheryl ask rolling over. I look at her. "Yeah." I whisper. "Long day." I whisper. "At dinner you were pretty off." She says quietly. "We've been dating long enough for you to figure that out?" She nods. "Yeah." She whispers. "During college, I was having a really hard time and drank a lot and it was more then I should have been. It got really out of control and I think getting kicked out and waking up in the hospital a few to many times was a good reason to stop. Didn't help that I was in an abusive relationship." I explain. "I also have severe ADHD which didn't help me at all." I tell her. "I just have a lot of shit." I whisper. "It's ok." She whispers. I look at her. "No, it's not. You really don't want to be dealing with it." I whisper. "I just came off of a 4 week long manic episode before someone realized my meds weren't working. Luckily I got my shit together before we started seeing each other." She tells me. "Bipolar 1?" She nods. "My doctor thought it was ADHD but when they put me on meds for it, they didn't help." She says quietly. "Then I drove my car off the side off the road into a tree on purpose and my doctor realized it was something else." She tells me. "Holy shit." She nods. "Yeah! Not my best moment." She smiles. "I get it, my mom is Bipolar, surprisingly didn't end up with it." I tell her. "She's managing it very well. Like she takes her meds and everything." I say quietly. "Me too, it's been a fairly recent since my diagnosis. So I'm still getting everything straightened out." She says quietly. "So if I get depressed or I'm acting weird, can you help me make sure I'm taking my meds and that they're actually working?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! As long as you make sure I don't drink." She nods. "Yeah." She smiles. "I really like you." I whisper. She sits up. "I really like you too." She whispers. "And I trust you which is new for me." I whisper. "That's good." She whispers. "Because I trust you too." I smile.

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