333: The One With Toni's Dad

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"You knew him?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Not really." I tell her. "I saw him like once, he didn't say much." I say quietly. She takes a deep breath. "Why didn't you tell me?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "I honestly forgot about it, he asked for a beer once and honestly, when Jug and Archie came in that one time I thought it was Archie both times." I say quietly. She nods. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Why?" She ask me. "I thought you should have known sooner-." She stops me. "Toni, the case was settled! I don't really care anymore, also what you just told me wouldn't have helped. I think anyone at the Wyrm can agree that they saw Jason at least once." She explains. I nod. "You're not mad?" She shakes her head. "I don't really care." I nod.

I look at Cheryl. "You ok?" I ask her. She nods. "Talked to my dad. You can stay here as long as you need." I tell her. "That usually means like one night." She whispers. "No, we constantly have people staying over. We're kinda the place where kids with no home go too. You'll just sleep in my room instead of the guest room." She nods. "Your dad is quiet." She says quietly. "Oh! He's deaf." I tell her. "Oh! That explains a lot." I smile. "I'm sorry about that." I shake my head. "He was born deaf." I tell her. She nods. "So a bomb could go off and he wouldn't know?" She ask quietly. "I mean, he might if the house shakes." I say quietly. "How do you get his attention?" She ask quietly. "Flick the lights on and off." She nods. "Anything else?" I ask her. "No."

I look at my dad. "Tired?" I ask signing. He nods. "Got to bed late last night." He signs. "What is he saying?" Cheryl ask quietly. "He got to bed late last night." I tell her. She nods. Dad taps me on the shoulder. "What are you talking about?" He ask me. "Just telling her what we're talking about!" I tell him signing and talking out loud so Cheryl can hear. He nods. "Why did you go to bed late?" I ask him. He shrugs. I nod. "Cool." I whisper. "Fangs is coming over later to help you with the bike." I explain. He nods before getting up and walking out. "Why do you sound so mad?" Cheryl ask quietly. "He can't hear me that well so I kinda gotta yell. Even when signing, so he can read my lips." I tell her. "And he has a hearing implant thing. It's not great but it helps

"What took you so long?" Cheryl ask quietly. "All my clothes were inside out." I say walking downstairs. "This is why you don't leave everything in a hamper!" She tells me annoyed. I shrug. "It works for me." I whisper. "Also now you have closet." I tell her. She smiles. "We're gonna be late." She whispers. I nod. "The movie starts in 20 and we need to get a good spot and food." I smile. "I want a corndog." I whisper. "We'll get you a corndog, don't worry." She smiles.

"Is it just you and your dad?" Cheryl ask quietly. I look at her. "I'm sorry. That was probably a bad question to ask." She says quietly. "It is! It's not a secret! My mom is still alive and is doing fine, she's just in Australia." I whisper. "Doing what?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I whisper. "Probably having a secret life." She jokes. I look at her. "I was kidding." She says quietly. "You might be serious." She looks at me. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "My parents are separated." I whisper. "So it's possible." I add. "Not mad. Though!" I say quietly. "I haven't really talked to her in a while." I whisper. "Why?" She ask quietly. "Because I'm broke and not paying for international phone calls." I tell her. "Oh! I thought something happened between you guys." I shake my head. "No! She's been gone for 3 months. I know she's not dead because she post on Instagram and they're clearly recent so she's not dead or kidnapped." I tell her. "And I have spoken to her. But briefly." She nods. "Makes sense." I nod.


I walk sit down at the desk. "You and Toni are dating?" Fangs ask. "Yes."  He looks at me. "If you hurt her I'll kill you." I look at him. "I kinda want to just to piss you off." I whisper. I smile. "Really?" He ask quietly. "No! I don't want to see her hurt." I tell him. "How's her dad?" He ask me. "Good!" He whispers. "How is she?" He ask quietly. "Why don't you ask her?" I ask quietly. "She's not talking to me." He whispers. "Why?" He shrugs. "We had a fight." I look at him. "You'd still to anything for her?" He nods. "She's my best friend. I'd do anything to make sure she was ok." He whispers. "Anything?" I ask. "What do you want?" He ask annoyed. "Nothing just like annoying you." I say smiling a little. "God! You are just like Jason." He says quietly. "What do you mean by that?" I ask him. "I just mean, you're a little shit. You are your brother are basically the same person." He jokes. "I'm not my brother." I whisper. "You're stubborn as fuck though." I nod. "Ok, maybe I am."

I sit up. "Hey! You ok!" I feel a hand on my back. I look at Toni. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "Bad dream?" I nod. "About what?" She ask concerned. "Jason." She nods. "I'm sorry." I shake my head and get up. She sits up. "I don't what to talk about it." She nods.

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