324: The One Where No One Knows

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I look at Cheryl as she sits next to me. "What are you guys talking about?" She ask quietly. "Toni! She definitely has feelings for someone and isn't saying who." Veronica says quietly. "Because it's none of your business!" I whisper. "Male or Female?" She ask quietly. "Male." I lie. Her eyes widen. "Sweet Pea!" I shake my head. "Fangs!" I shake my head again. "He's gay." I say quietly. "You're never gonna break are you?" I nod. "It's between me and them." I say quietly. "So it might not be a guy!" She says loudly. "You know, me saying that widens your options even more which will make it harder than it is." I tell her. She nods. "Cheryl?" I shake my head. "Not my type." I lie. "Why?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath and look at Cheryl. "I prefer someone shorter than me." I say quietly. Honestly I'm just trying to push Veronica in any other direction at the time.

I look at Cheryl. "Not your type?" She ask quietly. "I had to tell her something to throw her off." I whisper. She nods. "Do you think it worked?" She ask. I shrug. "What's would be so bad about us being public?" I ask her. "My mom." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "I'm not ready for that." She whispers. "What about just our friends so when we're all over here or one of their places we can be in a relationship?" I ask her. "What if someone says something?" She ask concerned. "Sweet Pea and Fangs won't." I tell her. "How do you know?" She ask. "They've had to keep secrets for me and they haven't told a soul." I whisper. "Like what?" I look at her. "I can't tell you." I whisper. "It was stuff that happened between the 3 of us and it's to never be brought up again." I tell her. "Did you guys all have a threesome?" She ask gasping. "Maybe! But that's not a secret!" Her eyes widen. "I was joking!" She says hitting my chest, not to hard. "You actually slept with them?" I nod. "Can I ask how it was?" I smile. "I have a bigger dick then both of them combined." I tell her. "You don't have a dick." She says quietly. "Exactly."

I walk into the blue and gold. "Hey, V." I whisper before sitting down. "Where's Jughead?" I ask quietly. "Sick." She says quietly. "Betty?" I ask confused. "Late." I nod. "You seriously aren't dating anyone?" Veronica ask quietly. I nod. "Then why have you and Cheryl been hanging out a lot lately?" She ask thinking she's catching on. "My mom's in rehab and she's helping me take care of my younger brother." I tell her. That's not 100% false so if Veronica were to ask Cheryl our answers will be consistent. "I don't belive you." She says quietly. "Why would I lie about that?" I ask her. She looks at me. "Your mom died." She says quietly. "Dad." I correct her. "Oh..." I nod. "How?" She ask confused. "My parents were in a car accident." I tell her. "My mom survived." I whisper. "What is she doing in rehab?" She ask quietly. "After the accident, she was put in pain meds and she got addicted." I say quietly. "We're done talking about this." I whisper. "How old is your brother?" She ask quietly. "5." I tell her. "What's his name?" She ask. "Anthony." I tell her. "I'm guessing your names run in the family?" I nod. "My dad's name was Anthony." She nods. Betty walks in finally. "Toni! We need pictures of the volleyball game!" She tells me. "When is it?" I ask quietly. "Tomorrow after school." I shake my head. "I can't." I tell her. "I have a thing tomorrow." I say quietly. "What?" She ask annoyed. "I promised Anthony that I'd go to his school concert." I explain. She nods. I take a deep breath. "Ok." She whispers. "I'm sorry." I whisper. She shakes her head. "No! You're good!" She tells me. "You sure?" She nods.

I look at Cheryl as she hands me a coffee. "Thanks." I smile. She sits down. "Thanks for helping out." I whisper. She nods. "I'd be a horrible girlfriend if I didn't babe." I look at her. "If this is too much you don't have to do this." I whisper. "No, you're brother's adorable and pretty well behaved so it's not that bad." I smile. "Thanks babe." She nods. I look over at Anthony who's just looking at sticks. I sigh. "I can't believe my mom is paying for him to look at sticks." I whisper. "He's happy." I take a deep breath. "He's always been like this." I say quietly. "I've noticed." I look at her. "That's not me trying to be rude, I'm just saying. Honestly there's nothing wrong with it." She tells me. "He seems to be enjoying himself." She says quietly. I look over. "Toni!" Anthony comes running over. "What's up bud?" I ask quietly. "Look." He opens his hands and I see a worm. "Cool! Can you put it back in his home? So he can be safe?" I ask him. He nods. "His name is Robert." I nod. "That's great! Put Robert back." I tell him. He runs over to where he was. "That!" I say to Cheryl. "That's not normal! Who names a worm Robert!?" I ask her. She smiles. "Just let him do his thing." She whispers. I nod.

I look at Anthony's principle. "We tried getting a hold of your mother but we couldn't. You're the next person we'd call." I nod. "Yeah. I'm his older sibling." I tell him. "What's the problem?" I ask quietly. "Well, it's something to be discussed with your mother. But we couldn't get a hold of her." I nod. "I'm his temporary guardian right now." I explain. "Where is your mother?" He ask quietly. "Rehab." I whisper. "Oh." I nod. "That's why he's in my care right now! I knew my mom had a problem so when I turned 18 I went to get a background check so if something happened I could take him without him having to go through the system." I explain to him. He nods. "That's good. It's better than some stranger." I nod. "Can you tell me why I'm here? I have stuff to do." I ask quietly. "Your brother might have autism." He says quietly. "No, he doesn't." I say quietly. "My parents went to get him tested last year and he came back without anything. He's a copy and paste version of my dad." I explain. "Can I go home now? I have shit to do and my girlfriend who's with him now has to be somewhere."

"When does mommy get home?" Anthony ask quietly. "I don't know! I have to talk to her." I say quietly. He sits in my lap. "Where's Cheryl?" He ask quietly. "She had a football game to go cheer for." I tell him. He smiles. "Do you want to go?" I ask him. He nods. "Yeah! Ok." I smile. "Do you want face paint?" I ask quietly. He nods. I smile. "Just so you know no one knows Cheryl and I are together. She just thinks she's helping me with you."

I pick Anthony up as we walk onto the risers. I look at Cheryl. She smiles. "Hey." She says walks over to us. "Hey." I smile. "What are you doing here? You hate football." She ask quietly. "Anthony wanted to come." I tell her. "I also wanted to support you." I say quietly. She smiles. "I love you." I look at her. "You sure you want to do this?" She nods before pulling me into a kiss. "Holy shit! I knew it." Veronica yells. We both look up. "If you need a safe place my door is always open." I whisper to Cheryl. She nods. "I'll be watching you. Not in a creepy way." I smile.

I walk out of Anthony's room. "How long have you been dating?" Veronica ask quietly. "Beginning of summer." I say quietly. I look at Cheryl. "Why did you not tell me?" Veronica ask quietly. "M-my mom." Cheryl says quietly. "Fuck." She whispers realizing what happened. "You're safe here." I remind her. "Please say you didn't do this for me." She shakes her head. "I've wanted that for a while." I nod.

I don't know what else to do with this one

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