285: The One With The Awkwardness

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I walk into the house, barely able to keep my eyes open. "Hey kiddo!" Mom says smiling. I look at her. "Hey." I say quietly. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, I'm just really tired, I was up late." She nods. "Did you take your meds?" She ask quietly. "No," I whisper. "Can I ask why?" She ask concerned. "My alarm that tells me to take them didn't go off." She nods. "Ok. Go take them and sleep this off." She says quietly. "Do you mind if I make some coffee?" I ask her. "I have shit to do." She nods. "Go ahead!" She says quietly. "Make enough for me." She tells me. I look at her. "I didn't mean that to sound rude. I just wouldn't mind any." She says smiling a bit. "Ok." I say awkwardly nodding. I really don't understand my mom sometimes. I don't hate her! Don't get me wrong! I love her, she's amazing mom. But my brother died and our relationship has shifted into this constant state of awkwardness. I go over to the coffee maker and start making some coffee. Obviously it's a coffee maker, what else would I be making with it?

I hear someone stand next to my locker. I look from behind my locker and see Cheryl. "Hey!" She says looking around to make sure she's actually trying to talk to me. "Hi?" I say confused. "How are you?" She ask quietly. "I'm ok." I say quietly. "You gay?" She ask out of nowhere. I look around again. "I don't know." I say quietly. "Why are you going to throw me into a locker while people laugh?" I ask her. "No, I want to go on a date with you. Has someone done that to you?" She ask concerned. "No, you just seem like someone who would do that!" I say quietly. "No! I wouldn't, I actually have dignity. Also I don't have to the effort to do it." She explains. I nod. "But that date! Wanna come?" She ask quietly. "Are you going to show?" I ask her. "Yeah because you're gonna pick me up, I'll literally have no other choice." She says smiling. "I don't drive." I tell her. "Why not?" She ask quietly. "I was driving with my mom once almost got into an accident and I haven't driven again." I explain. "Ok, so I'll pick you up." I look at her. "Are you actually going to show up?" I ask quietly. "Yup!" She says smiling. "Ok, if you don't show up I'm gonna be mad." She nods.

"You're quiet." Cheryl says quietly. I look at her. "Yeah, I have insomnia. I take meds that knock me out and I'm slowly coming off of them because I took them later than I should have. I'm sorry that I might not be as responsive or I seem like I'm bored. I'm not!" She nods. "It's ok! I'm sorry you have to deal with this." She says quietly. I shake my head. "Oh! It's fine! If I don't sleep I just pump myself with energy drinks and caffeine pills." She smiles a little. "I got a lot of work done though! That's nice! But I couldn't keep my eyes open durning school." I tell her. "I still want to know why you asked me out?" I ask her. "Because you seem like someone will be chill." She says quietly. "You don't want me." I whisper barely audible. "I have a lot of baggage." I whisper. "I don't care. I can handle baggage, trust me!" She tells me. I look at her. "Do you want to do this again?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, when?" I ask her. "Well, I'm busy tomorrow, so maybe Friday after school?" She ask smiling. "Sure, Where?" I ask quietly. "Well, Pop's is the only place anyone eats in this town! So here?" I smile. "Yeah!" I say quietly. "Great." She smiles. "You want to go to Sweet Water?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Let's go." She smiles.

I look out at the water. "You close with your parents?" Cheryl ask quietly. I look at her. "Umm... I'm close with my mom, I haven't talked to my dad in years." I tell her. "He fuck up?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah! He was abusive and he caused a lot of pain in the family." I explain. She looks at me. "Have any siblings?" She ask quietly. "I had a brother. He died." I say quietly. I take a deep breath. "He had dyslexia and because of how our elementary, middle and high school handled it cause him a lot of pain and he killed himself, he couldn't handle it anymore. I don't blame him." I whisper. "I'm sorry." I look out at the water again. "How old was he?" She ask quietly. "He had just turned 16. My mom told him that if he dropped out of school, he had to get a job. He felt like he was to stupid to actually get a job even though my mom was happy to help him if that's what he really wanted to do! He was scared to drop out but he couldn't stay in school." I explain. "I was 14." I add. "When did you stop talking to your dad?" She ask quietly. "First year of high school, he kept not taking my brothers death seriously and just was an ass about everything, like more than usual." I tell her. I take a deep breath and wipe my tears. "I really don't want to talk about this right now." I whisper. "I'm sorry." Cheryl says quietly. I shake my head. "It's ok." I say quietly. "I have a good, really good relationship with my mom though! It's been a bit hard for us since everything with my dad and brother, but we don't fight that much, and I'm willing to talk to her about whatever I want or need!" I tell her. She nods. "That's good!" She smiles. I look at her. "Yeah!" I smile. She wipes my tears. "Hope it's ok that I did that." She says quietly. I nod.

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