307: The One On Probation

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I hear a knock on the door so I go and get it. I open the door to see Veronica. "Why didn't you do anything?" She yells pushing me. "I can't!" I yell back. She pushes me again. "You know that's not true!" She cries. "V! I can't go back." I whisper. She stops for a second. "I'm almost done with probation for something I did not do." I tell her. "I couldn't get between them." I say quietly. She sits down at the table in the kitchen. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "No one was in serious danger so I didn't think anything horrible would happen." I explain. "Archie isn't gonna graduate because of you!" She yells. "You really thought he was gonna graduate without this on his record?" I ask quietly. She looks at me. "I'm sorry. He's not that smart!" I tell her. "He's smart! He just has his moments where that's questionable." She says quietly. "You just proved my point." I tell her. "Shut up." She says pissed. I hear the door open and see Cheryl holding her son Jason. "Hey babe." I say quietly. "You can go now." I say to Veronica. She gets up and leaves. I look at Cheryl. "I'm gonna go put him down for a nap." She says quietly. A few minutes later Cheryl comes out of Jason's room. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "I can't do this anymore." I whisper. "I didn't do anything!" I add. She nods.


I look at Toni who's sleeping. I take a deep breath and rub her arm. Theres a knock on the door, she jolts awake. "What was that?" She ask quietly. "Probably your grandma." I whisper. "Can I come in?" Her grandmother ask quietly. "Yeah." She walks into the room. "I made dinner." She tells us. "I'm not hungry." Toni says lying back down. "It's pizza." She shakes her head. "I'm still not hungry." I take a deep breath. "Also Jason needs help eating." I nod. "I'll be back in a bit." I tell Toni. I walk out and go to the dinner table. "Mama!" Jason says quietly. "Hey bud."

Toni walks out of her probation officer's office. "You good?" I ask seeing she's a bit happier than usual. "I am no longer on probation." She says quietly. "They found the person who was actually selling the drugs." She tells me. "Off your record?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah!"

I watch Toni walk into the student lounge. "Reggie!" She yells. "Oh shit." I whisper. She walks up to Reggie and punches him. I jump up and pull her away. "Happy?" She ask clearly pissed off at Veronica. She storms off. I take a deep breath and try to run after her. I find her in the music room, headphones in, blasting music and playing whatever she's listening to on the keyboard. I take a deep breath and sit next to her. She stops and looks at me. "You know that's gonna damage your ears." She rolls her eyes. "I'm sorry for what you saw. It wasn't me." She whispers. "Why?" I ask her. "I felt bad for letting Reggie get away with last week." She says quietly. "Toni, you need to get this under control." I tell her. "I'm fine!" She says pissed. "Are you?" I ask her. "I'm fine!" She yells. I get a whiff of her breath. "You're drunk." I whisper. "I'm not." She says quietly. We both stand up. "Toni!" She looks at me. "I'm not drunk!" She says panicking. "The moment you get off probation you go and do this?!" I ask pissed. "I don't know what you're talking about." She says quietly. "This isn't you." I whisper. "No actually it is!" She tells me. "I can't have you around Jason like this!" I tell her. "He's your mistake." She says pissed. I push her back. "Don't you dare talk about my son like that!" I say holding back the urge to punch her. "You're a slut." She says quietly.


I take another sip of my beer. "Can I get a refill?" I ask quietly. Fangs looks at me. "I think you've had enough Toni." He says quietly. "I'm throwing money at you!" I yell. "I don't care!" He says pissed. I throw the glass at him. "Fuck you!" I yell. I feel my arms get held behind me and get shoved out of the bar. "I thought you were doing better Toni!" Sweet Pea says pissed. "This isn't you! This doesn't have to be." He says quietly. "Get some help." He whispers.

I see Cheryl sit down in front of me. "I had to talk to your grandmother to find out where you were." She says quietly. I look away. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I didn't think you wanted to see me." I say quietly. "I don't! But I needed to make sure you weren't dead." She says quietly. I look at her. "I'm guessing this is where we break up." She nods. "You need to get sober and stay sober, until we even think about getting back together. I don't want you to do it just for that though!" I nod. "You become violent when your drunk Toni! I can't have that. Especially with Jason." My heart drops. "I'm sorry! About what I said." I tell her. "I don't want to hear it." I nod. "How is he?" I ask quietly. "What do you care? He's just a mistake." She says repeating what I said to her. I look down. "I think we're done here." I say getting up. "Yeah. I think we are. Have fun slut shaming people!" She says pissed. I start to storm over to her but I get pulled back. "Fuck you!" I yell. "I hope you drink yourself to death! Maybe then you'll realize how horrible of a person you are!" She yells back before leaving. "Slut!" I scream. I stop and realize what I've done. "Fuck!" I kick over a chair. I sit down on the floor and start crying.

I walk into class for the first time in 2 months. "Toni! Good to see you again." The teacher says smiling. I see Cheryl. "I think I need to change some of my classes." I say quietly. The teacher nods. "Go down to guidance and talk to your counselor." She smiles. I nod and walk out. I go into guidance. "Hello, what can I do for you?" The secretary ask smiling. "Um... I need some of my classes changed." I say quietly. "Can I ask why?" She ask me. "Um... I would prefer talking to my counselor about it." I whisper. She nods. "Go sit down I'll go get him." I sit down. "Hey Toni." I look up and see Sweet Pea. "Hey." I whisper. "Haven't seen you in a while." He says quietly. I nod. "Yeah I was in rehab." He nods. "You think it helped?" He ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah." I whisper. "I needed it." He smiles. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you." He says quietly. I nod. "Can we talk after school?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Yeah!" He whispers.

"So? How are you feeling?" Sweet Pea ask before inhaling his burger. "Tired." I tell him. "I just feel kinda bogged down." I whisper. "I really fucked up." I say quietly. "I fucked everything up with Cheryl and I don't think I'll ever be able to fix it." He looks at me. "What did you do?" He ask quietly. I explain what happened to him. "Jesus Toni." I nod. "We both said some things that we can never take back." I whisper. He nods. "I can't even look at her." I say quietly. "Is that why you were in guidance?" I nod. "Yeah." I whisper.


I walk into the house. "I'm home!" I announce. I walk into the living room. "Hey Betty." I whisper. "How was he?" I ask sitting next to Jason who's playing with his toys. "He was very good, we had lots of fun right bud?" Jason nods. "Mama!" He hands me a toy. "Very nice bud." I smile. I kiss the top of his head. "You ok?" Betty ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah!" I lie. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "I don't want to talk about it in front of Jason." I whisper. She nods. I take a deep breath. Jason stands up. "What's up?" I ask him. He steps on me. "Oh you just want attention?" I ask smiling. I pick him up and kiss his cheeks. I hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Betty gets up and goes to the door. "Cheryl?" I look over and see Toni. She looks down. I put Jason in his crib we have in the living room and go over to her. "Can we talk?" She ask quietly. "I'll leave you guys." Betty says walking away. We both step outside. "What?" I ask pissed. "I just came over to see if you were ok." She says quietly. "I know that's a lie." I say quietly. "I'm sorry. For what I did and said!" She whispers. "You're abusive!" I say back. "I know. I was drunk and I know that doesn't excuse any of my behavior but I know it didn't help." She says quietly. "You weren't drunk last time I saw you." She nods. "Oh when you hoped I would drink myself to death? Yeah well, you weren't being the most positive!" She says quietly. "You know! I came here to try to apologize! You are a horrible person Cheryl! You make so fucking angry for no reason!" She yells. "You push and push!" She adds. "I loved you!" I yell. "I trusted you!" She yells back. We both go silent. She throws her arms up in frustration. "To me that means more than love!" She says quietly. "I let you live with me and helped take care of Jason!" She says pissed. "I'm not the one who got drunk and beat up a guy the second I got off probation!" I yell. She looks at me. "I'm gonna go." She says quietly. "Cheryl-." I stop Betty. "I don't want to talk about it."

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