394: The One With The Stab Wound

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I look at Cheryl as we lie in bed together. It's a comfortable silence between us. The only sound is the rain outside. She looks at me. "What?" She ask smiling. "I love you." I tell her. She looks at me. "Really?" She says quietly. I nod. She smiles. "I love you too." She whispers. "I've been waiting for you to say that. I didn't think you felt the same way." She whispers. I smile. "Why wouldn't I?" I ask her. She shrugs. "I don't- I don't know." I smile. "It's getting late. I should head home." She whispers. "It's raining! Badly, I don't want you going out in that." I whisper. "I'll be fine." She tells me sitting up. I nod. She pulls me into a kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow. I have a few classes in the morning and I'm done for the rest of the day so maybe we can get lunch?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Of course." I smile.

I look down at my stomach and see the knife come out of me. "F-Fangs." He turns around, runs over to me and grabs me as I fall to the ground. I look at him. "Don't- don't let me die please." I beg. "Let's get you to the hospital." I stop him. "Toni, someone just stabbed you." He says quietly. "It'll be fine." I nod. "That's great bud." I say before passing out.

My eyes slowly open and I see Cheryl. "How are you feeling?" She ask quietly. "I've never been in so much pain." I whisper. "Fangs won't tell me what happened. I need the truth." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "I don't really know. I got stabbed, some guy started to fight me and he stabbed me." I tell her. "We- we, we were ah... we were leaving the- the bar, then- then, the f-fight- fight happened." I tell her. "I don't- I don't really remember what ah... I don't really remember what happened, umm... it all happened to fast, for- for me to process." I explain. She nods. "I'm sorry... I'm- I'm tired, I- I- ummm... I can't form a... proper sentence." She nods. "I should give you some time to rest." She says quietly. "No! Stay!" I tell her.

I look at Cheryl as we lie in my hospital bed. She's sitting on the bed spoon feeding me yogurt. I'm in a lot of pain and I can't really move. "I feel like a child." I tell her. "Yeah I feel like a mother who can't get their kid to eat! I will turn this yogurt into a choo choo train!" She tells me. "I prefer planes." I tell her. She smiles. "You're a smart ass today aren't you?" I nod.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now