292: The One Near the Holidays

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Christmas morning

Veronica hands me a coffee and hands Cheryl her usual tea. "Thanks V." I smile. "Is that all?" I ask quietly. "One last thing." Cheryl says handing me a small box. "What is it?" I ask her. "Open it and find out." She smiles. I open it. "It's a pregnancy test." She nods. "Look at it!" I look at it for a second. "Holy shit!" I look at her. "You're-." She nods. "I'm not that far along so only the people here know." She says quietly. "Holy shit!" I look at Cheryl. "It worked." I whisper. She nods. "Yeah. So well we're having twins." She says quietly. "What?" Veronica and I both say in shock. "Yeah! I should have warned you that would be a high risk of ours." I nod. "Well, one for me and one for you." I joke. Cheryl smiles and pulls me into a kiss. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too."

I get into the hot tub and sit next to Cheryl. "What's up babe?" She ask quietly. "How long did you know?" I ask her. "A few days." She says quietly. "So only me, you and Veronica know?" She nods. "Besides the doctor yeah." She says quietly. "When can I tell my parents?" I ask her. "Not yet. When we know that they'll survive the pregnancy." I nod. "But it's my parents!" She nods. "Yes, but it's your parents." I think for a second. "Oh yeah! We should wait, my mom is gonna tell everyone she sees." I whisper. She nods. "You ok?" She ask concerned. "T-twins. We're having twins! Of all the blossom traits and you chose this one?" I ask her. She nods and smiles a bit. "Would you rather have me being a homophobic asshole who kills my son because I think it's funny?" She ask quietly. "No." She shrugs. "Oh! I could also be my mother and I don't feel like doing that!" She says quietly. "You're gonna be a good mother." She whispers. I look at her. "You sure?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Yes." She tells me. "Why? Do you have doubts?" She ask concerned. "I want to have kids, I just need time to wrap my head around twins." We both laugh.

New Year's Party

"This party was great." I say to Veronica. "Yeah, shame Toni had to go home." She says quietly. "Yeah! She has to get up first thing in the morning and she promised me she would stay up until midnight with me then go home. She's probably gonna be awake when I get home." I explain. She nods. "Hey, is this yours?" Veronica ask picking up a wallet. "What's in it?" I ask quietly. She opens it. "Ah! No ID, a Taco Bell gift card, about 5 bucks, and a Metro c-." I take it. "Toni's." I say quietly. "She doesn't keep her ID in there?" I ask looking in it. "No, but she keeps a condom in here." I say pulling one out. "You sure that's Toni's?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, she keeps it in here as a joke. And all the other stuff it to consistent with Toni not be her." I explain. "Damn, you know her well." She says sitting down. "Well I hope so, I've been married to her for almost 6 years now." She nods. "Right that makes sense." She says quietly. "I do feel weird going through this though." I say closing the wallet and putting it in my bag. "How's she doing with the whole babies thing?" She ask quietly. "Oh! God! She's freaking out. She's excited but I think there's something inside her causing her to if she's gonna be a good parent or not. I don't know how to tell her she will be, I know she will be!" I explain. "She has to be because if not, I will hunt her down and kill her." I whisper. "Oh! Can I help?" She ask quietly. I look at Veronica. "We'll see if we get there." She nods.

I walk into the bedroom and see Toni lying in bed staring at the ceiling playing with a small ball. I look at her. "You ok?" I ask quietly. She sits up and looks down. "I'm really exited to have a kid, obviously, I wouldn't have gone through the efforts of finding the right donor and all of that." She whispers. "I just didn't think we'd end up with twins, and I'm just afraid I'm gonna mess it up." I nod and sit down on the bed. "Toni, remember when we had to dog sit for Veronica?" She nods. "Remember how you made it your duty in life to take care of the damn thing?" She nods again. "Do that again and you'll be fine." I tell her. "Did take your contacts out?" She jumps up. "How about you go do that." I smile. She nods and runs into the bathroom. I go to the closet and get changed. I sit down on the bed until Toni comes running out of the bathroom. "Help!" She says in a panic. "What?" I ask sitting up. "I can't get my contacts out." She says panicking. "For fuck sake babe!" I whisper helping her get it out. She looks at me. "Thanks baby." She smiles. I kiss her. "You're an idiot." I whisper. "And you expect me to take care of a child?" She ask. "Yes, because I'll be here to help you and you'll be here to help me. Your parents will be here! Veronica, Betty! They'll be here. Sweet Pea and Fangs will as much as I don't want to admit it, they are actually decent people who will probably be helpful." I explain. She smiles. "What I don't want to cause my kid pain." She whispers. "Nothing long term." I joke. She kisses me. "Let's go to bed." She says quietly. "Oh! You left your wallet at Veronica's. It's on the counter." I say remembering. She nods.

9 months later

I look at the babies. "They look just like you guys." I say before looking at Cheryl. "Who? Me and Jason?" She ask quietly. I nod. "You think?" She ask. "Oh yeah!" I whisper. She looks at the twins. "Oh! Yeah I see it." She says quietly. I nod. "What do you want to name them?" I ask quietly. "Rose and Jason." I smile. "I'm cool with that." I smile.

Idk what this was

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