207: The One With the Engagement

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"This place is nice." Toni says walking out of the bathroom. "Yeah, Veronica has good taste is places." She smiles. "She made it seem like this place was small. It's a whole thing." She says lying next to me. "Can I ask you something?" She ask quietly. I nod. "I know we've talked about it before, but I think we should talk about it more. Do you want to get married someday?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "Definitely." I smile. "Why?" She shrugs. "I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page." I pull her into a kiss. "I would marry you, any day." She smiles.

I sit down next to Betty in the couch. "Can I talk to you about something?" I ask quietly. She looks up from her book. "Yeah." She nods. "So I was talking to Toni last night and she brought up getting married." Her eyes widen. "This isn't the first time we've talked about it." I say quietly. She smiles. "Do you want to marry her?" She ask quietly. I nod. "More than anything." She smiles. "So if she proposes, say yes." I nod. "She's probably not going to do it for a while anyways. So I don't have to worry." She nods.


"What about this one?" I ask quietly. Veronica looks at the ring. "Do you like it?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, but I don't know if Cheryl will." I say quietly. "Honestly, you could give her a chewed up piece of gum and she will take it because she loves you so much." I look at her. "You think?" She nods. "I've never seen Cheryl this crazy about someone." She whispers. "What made you realize you wanted to spend the rest of your life with her anyways?" She ask quietly. I smile. "Last year, she was studying because she had a big final that would determine if she was gonna be able to graduate collage or not. And she got a little pissed off because in one of the textbooks there was a minor punctuation error. She was on the phone with the company for about an hour before I had to pull the phone away from her and hang up." I smile at the memory. I take a deep breath. "I just looked over at her and I knew that one day I would want to spend the rest of my life with her." I explain. She smiles. "She's your soulmate." I nod. I look at the ring. "I think this is the one." I say quietly. "Oh! And thanks for not telling Betty. I know how hard that must have been since you guys tell each other everything!" She smiles. "Speaking of Betty! What is happening with you guys?" I ask quietly. Her eyes widen. "Nothing! We're just friends." I nod. "Ok." I smile. She looks at me. "You believe that."

Cheryl and I get into the hot tub next to each other. I smile. "What?" She ask quietly. I reach other to my jacket and grab the small box. I open it and look at her. "Oh my god!" She looks at me in shock. "I forgot my speech. But I love you and you're the love of my life and I want to spend the rest, of my life with you and only you." I whisper. She smiles. "Yes, I'll marry you." I smile and pull her into a kiss. I put the ring on her finger. "It's too small." She whispers. "I tired." She smiles and takes off her necklace. "I'll put this on here until I can get it fixed." She smiles. I kiss her again.


I look outside at the hot tub. "What are you looking at babe?" Betty ask walking over to me. I motion over to Toni and Cheryl. "Is Toni about to propose?" She ask excitedly. "Yeah." I smile. "Think she said yes." She says quietly. "We should give them their privacy." She whispers kissing my shoulder and up the back of my neck to my ear. I moan quietly. I turn around and our lip crash together.

There's a knock on the door. "It's me, can we talk?" Toni says. Betty and I shoot up. "Go in the bathroom." I whisper. "One second I just got out of the shower!" I say back. She quickly runs into the bathroom and quietly closes it behind her. I throw on a shirt and underwear. "You can come in." Toni walks in. "How did it go?" I ask pretending like I didn't see what happened. "Ah! We're getting married." I smile. "We're gonna go open a bottle of sparkling cider and celebrate." She says quietly. "Why not champagne?" I ask confused. "Cheryl's... a...recovering... alcoholic..." She says like I would know that. Which I do know, I'm just panicking. "I'm gonna go tell Betty." She says quietly. "I'll do it!" I say immediately. She looks at me. "Go be with Cheryl, I'll go grab Betty." I say. She nods. "Yeah! Ok." She smiles and leaves. I close the door behind her. "The cost is clear." Betty walks out. "You forgot Cheryl doesn't drink." She laughs a little. "Shut up and put some clothes on." She kisses me quickly. I look at her. "You sure you don't want to come out?" I ask quietly. "I'm not ready." I nod. "I'm not trying to force you out of the closet or anything but Cheryl and Toni of all people are going to be ok with it and aren't going to say anything." I say quietly. She nods. "I'll think about it." I nod and kiss her. "We have a few more days here so take your time." She gets changed and we go downstairs. Cheryl and Toni are in the kitchen with small glasses with sparkling cider in them. "I would like to make a toast." Betty says quietly. Everyone looks at her. "To a relationship that is hopefully longer and happier in marriage as it was..." She stops to think for a second. "I forgot how I where I was going with that." She whispers. "To Choni!" I say raising my glass. We all raise our glasses. "Also, I would like to make an announcement." Betty says nervously. I look at her. "Ah! Veronica and I..." I nod reassuring her. "We are in a relationship." She says quietly. "Yeah, we already knew that." Toni says rapping her arms around Cheryl. "We won't say anything if you don't want us to." She says quietly. We both nod. "How long?" Toni ask quietly. "On and off for a few months now."


I walk out of the bathroom. "So Betty and Veronica." Cheryl smiles. I look at her. "I called it a while ago." I say lying in the bed between her legs. "Yeah?" I nod kissing her neck. "Are we doing this?" I nod. She closes her book as I kiss down her body. She moans quietly. I slowly take off her pants. "Oh! This is our first time as fiancés!" I smile. "Toni, eat me out." I nod and do as told. She grabs the back of my head and moans.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now