383: The One Where Toni Takes Them In

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I open the door. "Cheryl?" I ask confused. "Can we stay here?" She ask quietly. I look at her and her son Jason. I nod. I let them in. "What happened?" I ask quietly. She looks at Jason and I nod.

I help Cheryl get into the bathtub. "I'll give you some privacy." I whisper as I start to stand up. I feel a hand grab my pants. I look back at her. "I don't want to be alone." She says quietly. I nod. I sit down on the floor next to the bathtub. I look at Cheryl. "Do you need help? Or do you not just want my presents?" I ask her. "Help." I nod. I grab the Loofah, I get it wet and put some soap on it. I rub the soap in, letting it get foamy. I move her hair from her back onto her front. I slowly wash her back. I feel her trembling the whole time I wash her. I can hear the soft whimpers from her crying. I want to take the pain away from her, there's nothing I can do. "Do you want to do you hair or wait?" I ask her. "Wait until I can get an actual shower." I nod. "Ok." I whisper. I stand up and grab a towel. I slowly help her out of the bathtub and wrap the towel around her.

Cheryl walks into the bedroom. "Feeling calmer?" I ask her. She nods. "Thank you for taking us." She says quietly. "Cheryl, you're my girlfriend. I'll always take you guys in. Especially in an emergency." I whisper. "It all happened so fast I didn't know where else to go." I nod. "I was more worried about Jason." She says quietly. I look at her. "I'm always here. You are my girlfriend. I mean I didn't think we were ready to live together but I don't really care." I tell her. She looks at me. "I need to learn how to shut up I know." She smiles and pulls me into a kiss. "Also, you guys basically live here anyways. That spare room is Jason's and I got a bigger bed because you were staying here a lot." I tell her. "We'll be here a while, I don't know if I'll feel safe there anymore." I nod. "Well, you can just move in at this point, I really need the company." I tell her. "Tomorrow try to act like nothing happened. I will talk to him at some point, I just don't want to freak him out." She says quietly. I nod. "Also I have to go down to the station, talk out the robbery." I nod. "So I'll be alone with him?" I ask quietly. She nods. "You're good with him." She says quietly. She looks at me. "Because you're with us!" I whisper.

I walk into the living room. "Good morning." I say smiling as I look at Jason, sitting on the couch, watching tv. "You're up before your mom." I say smiling. He nods. "You hungry?" He nods again. I sigh. Jason and I haven't really had time to interact alone, outside of Cheryl. "You really don't talk much do you?" He shakes his head. "No." I smile. "It's ok." I say quietly. "Want pancakes?" He nods. "Ok. Chocolate chips or blueberries?" I ask him. "Neither." He says quietly. "Butter?" He nods. "Anything else on it?" I ask him. "Can I have bananas on the side?"
He ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah! Of course!" I say smiling. "Sit tight I'll tell you when they're done. How many do you want?" I ask him. "Just 1." He says quietly. "You sure?" He nods. "Ok, I'll make a few extras if you want any and I'll have some extra batter for later." He nods.

I put the plate in front of Jason. "Thank you." He says quietly. I smile and sit down at the table next to him. The table I have is round so everyone is sitting next to everyone. "How's school?" I ask him. "Fine." He whispers. "What happened last night?" He ask quietly. "Ah! I don't really know. But your mom is going to talk to you later." I explain. "Ok." He says starting to eat. A few minutes of awkward silence Cheryl finally comes out of the bedroom. "Oh thank god." I whisper. "Good morning!" She says quietly. "Toni made pancakes." Jason says quietly. "Yeah?" She kisses the top of Jason's head and then kisses me. "You ok?" I ask her. "I've been better." She says quietly.

"What does he like?" I ask Cheryl. "He likes Star Wars." I nod. "Star Wars." I whisper. "Ok." I smile. "He can talk to you about it for hours." She says quietly. I look at her. "I can do that." I say quietly. "You sure you're gonna be ok?" I ask her. "Yeah, I kinda have to." I nod.

I look at Jason as we stare at each other across the table. "Ch-." I stop myself. "Your mom said you liked Star Wars! What's new with that?" I ask awkwardly. "Not much." I nod. "What else do you like?" I ask him. "I like LEGOS." He says quietly. "I like those too!" I say smiling. "Do you want to go out and get a small LEGO set and make it?" I ask him. He sits up and nods. I nod. "Get your shoes." I say standing up. We both go to the front door. I grab my keys and throw on my shoes. "I need help." He stays struggling to get his shoes on. I quickly help him. "Come on." I whisper. We get in the car and go to Walmart. "Do you like Pokemon Cards?" I ask him. "No." He says looking at the LEGOS. "Ok." I say grabbing some for myself. "What about this one?" I ask grabbing a Star Wars LEGO set. "You said a small set." He says quietly. "Oh! I meant big! It'll keep us occupied." I tell him. He nods. I smile.

I look at Cheryl. Who's lying awake. "You ok?" I ask her. "Yeah. Just a little in shock still." I nod. "How did he take it?" I ask her. "He doesn't really understand what I told him, but I said we were probably not going back." I nod. "Probably?" I ask quietly. "You guys are staying." I whisper. "Toni... you don-." I stop her. "No, but I love you and your practically live here anyways." She nods. "How was your afternoon with him?" She ask changing the subject. "Good!" I say quietly. "He's kinda boring though, he doesn't do much." She smiles. "Yeah! I hate to say it. But you're right. He just has a lot of social anxiety and I think he's still getting used to you being around." She tells me. "Also call my kid boring again and we never speak again." I nod.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now