268: The One With Doubt

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I kick the ball over to Jason. I look over and see a woman looking at me and Jason. "Why is she looking at us?" He ask quietly. I look at him. "I don't know." I whisper. The woman comes over to us. "Is this woman bothering you?" She ask Jason. "No." He says quietly. "You ok?" She ask. "My knee hurts from falling off my bike yesterday but I'll be ok." I look down and hold back laughter. "What's so funny." She ask quietly. "You think I kidnapped him! This is my son!" I say trying not to laugh at how ridiculous this is. "He looks nothing like you!" I nod. "Yeah, because my wife had him and I had our daughter. We had a little competition to see who could get pregnant first and we got pregnant around the same time thanks to technology and some random guys sperm! I don't recommend that, we were both very hormonal." I explain. "You wouldn't question if my wife was out with my daughter would you? My daughter is black and my wife is fish belly white!" I add. "I'm calling the police." I nod. "Ok! Have fun when my brother in-law shows up and knows who I am!" She calls the police. "Wow so mature of you!" I say pissed. About 20 minutes later Kevin, who's now Sheriff of Riverdale, pulls up to the field and comes out. "What seems to be the problem ladies?" He ask. "I think this woman is trying to take this poor boy." The woman says. I look at Jason, he's to occupied with a butterfly. "Toni?" Kevin looks at me. "You know him?" The woman ask. "He's brother in-law. We went over this when you called him in the first place!" I say smiling. "He can't be your son!" She says not knowing what to do. "Yeah he can. Ma'am, I suggest you just leave them alone and go be a bigot to someone else." Kevin says trying to push her away. "Your father must be so proud! Oh wait! You probably haven't talked to him in years!" She says. "No, I literally just picked my son up from his house like an hour ago." The woman not knowing what else to do just leaves in a huff. "Did she lay a hand on you Toni?" Kevin ask concerned. "No, she was just being annoying." He nods. Jason comes over. "Hey kid." Kevin says smiling. "Hi." I smile a smile.

I walk into the bedroom. "Not tonight baby." I say to Cheryl who's in her sexy clothes. "What's wrong?" She ask concerned. "I was at the park playing soccer with Jason because he needed to blow off some steam and this woman kept looking at us and then noticed that I saw her so she came over and asked Jason if I kidnapped him or something! Luckily Jason is a smart ass and told her off! She called the police and luckily it was Kevin. Because if not you'd probably be bailing me out of Jail and picking Jason up from child protective services right now." I explain. "Do you know what sucks?" I ask looking at her. "You go out with Maria and your fine! I go out with Jason and I get questioned!" I tell Cheryl. "I did almost got arrested for almost punching the woman after she made a comment about my dad." I say quietly. "Ah yes! I love racist stereotypes." She says sarcastically. I look at her. "Not the time sorry." I go over to her. "It was needed." We both smile. She kisses me. I smile and kiss her back. "Ok, maybe we should have sex because now that I have vented I realize how sexy you look." I whisper. She smiles and pulls me into a kiss.

I look at Cheryl who's sleeping. I place my hand on her shoulder. "Mommy?" I look over at Maria. I get up and go to her. "You ok?" I ask her. "I had a bad dream." I pick her up. She lies her head into my shoulder. I sit her bed. Jason slowly wakes up and looks at us confused. "Go back to sleep sweetheart." He nods and immediately goes back to sleep. He wasn't conscious enough to really wake up. I look at Maria who's also fallen asleep. Cheryl walks in. "You got it?" She whispers. "I think I'm gonna lie down in here, I don't want to wake her." She nods. "Or you can bring her back into our room." She smiles. "I also know you like your back." I slowly get up and we go into the bedroom. I lie down on the bed. "Mommy." Maria whispers. "Go to sleep." I whisper. She nods and lies back into me. I look at Cheryl. "She's definitely your kid." She whispers. "Yeah." She looks at me. "It's 2 am." I whisper. "Ok and?" I put my finger up. We hear Jason get up and go into the bathroom. "On the dot." I smile.

I watch Jason and Maria who are playing on the playground. "So which ones yours?" I hear Cheryl say jokingly. I look at her. "Really?" She smiles. "I love you baby." I kiss her. "Love you too." I smile. "Jason looks so much like him." She whispers. I look at her. "Well, yeah!" I smile. I look at Cheryl and moves some hair out of her face. "Mommy! Mommy!" I look over and see Maria running over. "What's up kiddo?" I ask quietly. I look at her. "When's dinner?" She ask. "You ran all the way over here for that?" She nods. "Ok! Ah! I don't know." She nods. "Cool." She says running away. I look at Cheryl. I take a deep breath. "I love them so much."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now