283: The One Where Toni Fixes A Car

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I come out from under Veronica's car and hand her a cord. "What's this?" She ask confused. "Ah! The Crankshaft Position Sensor! The reason why your car kept idling." I say quietly. "Now what?" She ask quietly. "I'll go get a new one because it's clearly broken and not sending the right signals." I tell her. "You sure it wasn't loose or something?" I shake my head. "No! Because that shouldn't look like that." I say pulling up a picture of what it should look like. "I'm amazed that you managed to get your car here." I say quietly. We both hear a car door close and look in that direction. I look at Cheryl as she gets out of her car and walks over to Veronica and I with our drinks. "Morning ladies." Cheryl says smiling. "Iced coffee for you V." She says hand Veronica her coffee. "Red-bull for you Toni." I smile. "Thanks babe." I whisper kissing her cheek. "Really?" I ask looking at her drink. "It's almost a hundred degrees outside and your drinking hot coffee?" She shrugs. "Wait what?" Veronica ask popping her head out from behind the car. "It's almost a hundred degrees and she's drinking hot coffee!" I say going back to the car. She shrugs. "How much do I owe you for the part?" She ask quietly. "A beer." I say quietly. She nods. "Well, I don't really have a choice and it's better than going somewhere and having them tell me the same thing for $300." I smile. "I'll go out and get the part now." I whisper.

"It's all fixed?" Veronica ask as I pull the car up. "Yup! I even put more gas in the car." I say getting out. "You really should take advantage of being able to have the top down." I tell her. "Well, I was thinking about inviting you and Cheryl on a little camping trip, well it's more sleeping in a cabin but still, it'll be fun. And usually we have to top down on the drive up." She says quietly. "You really had to leap far to put that into the conversation didn't you?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Yup!" She smiles. I smile. "I'll have to talk to Cheryl but I can't see why we can't come." I tell her. "I'll just to talk to my Probation Officer too." I say more to myself. "What?" Veronica ask quietly. "Nothing, just thinking out loud." I whisper. She nods. "Ok." She smiles. "How far are we going?" I ask her. "Oh! We're not even leaving the state! We're just going upstate." She says quietly. I nod. "Cool." I say awkwardly. "Why?" She ask quietly. "Oh! Cheryl is gonna ask me a million questions before we go." I tell her. It's not a lie, she'll ask me a million questions that I don't have the answer to. It's kinda annoying sometimes. "Can I have my keys?" She ask quietly. "Oh! Yeah!" I say handing them to her.

"I've never been camping." Cheryl says. "I talked to Veronica, there's not much you have to worry about babe." She looks at me. "It's small cabins, it's not even tents." I say quietly. "Oh! So we'll be able to go inside whenever?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! There's 2 cabins facing each other. One of them will be for us and the other one for Veronica and Betty." I tell her. "There's nice little fire pit in the middle and a small grill and it's right by the water." I explain. "It'll be fun." I smile. She nods. "Ok." She says quietly. I nod. "I'll call V and tell her." I say quietly. "Wait, will there be a shower?" She ask quietly. "Yeah!" She nods. "You talk to your PO?" She ask quietly. "Ah! Not yet, I was gonna run it by you first so I knew if we were going or not." I say quietly. "Ok." She nods. "I have to go see her tomorrow anyways." I say slightly pissed. "Will she let you go?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! I don't really have to worry about her not letting me go! I just have to tell her where I'm gonna be so she doesn't show up randomly and I'm no where to be seen!" I explain. "If we were leaving the state then I might have to worry." I tell her.

"So why are you still here?" My Probation Officer ask sitting down at her desk. "Well, me and my girlfriend and a few friends were planning on going on a little camping trip." I say quietly. "Is it out of state?" She ask. "No!" I say. I explain to her all the details and let her make a decision. "Ok, well, it's not out of state and you have been pretty good at following your probation, so I'll let you go and miss Saturday's check up, but I stop by your house and you are home, I'm sending you back to prison." She explains. "We'll be back Monday. I don't know what time though." I tell her. She nods. "Can you call me when you think you'll be getting home, so we can meet?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! Of course!" I say smiling. "Why are you so happy?" She ask slightly annoyed. "Oh! I just really wanted to go on this trip." She nods. "Well, if it's something to keep you out of trouble." I nod.

(The cabin they're staying in is above the title)

We walk into the cabin. "I like this." Cheryl says turning around to look at me. I smile. "Come here." I whisper. She steps closer. "What?" She ask smiling. "Your hair is all messed up from the car ride." I say as I start to fix her hair. "Better?" She ask quietly. I nod. I kiss her. "I love you baby." I whisper. She smiles. "I love you." She says quietly.

I hang up the phone and walk back to the fire pit. "Who was that?" Veronica ask quietly. "Um... no one." I lie. "Are you cheating on Cheryl?" She ask shocked. I look at her. "You really like to jump to one thing to another!" I say shocked. "So you weren't on the phone is a secret girlfriend or something?" She ask confused. "No! Why would you think that?" I ask her. "Because you were talking about when you'd be getting home and shit!" She says quietly. "God! No! I was on the phone with my Probation Officer. She needed to make sure I wasn't off doing drugs!" I say the last part as I sit back in the small chair. "What did you do to have Probation?" She ask quietly. "My sister, um... she was murdered a while back and instead of just letting the detectives find the person, I found what I thought was him myself and beat the shit out of him. Turns out he wasn't and I nearly killed an innocent man. I got arrested and luckily the jury figured out what happened and let me off with 5 years in prison and 6 years of probation. But if I violate my Probation, I will go back to prison for another 2 years." I explain. "When did this all happened?" She ask quietly. "7 years ago." I tell her. "Wow!" She says in shock. I nod. "I don't really want to talk about this right now." I whisper. "It's a lot." She nods. "Of course." She says quietly. "Do you know where Cheryl went?" I ask quietly. "Oh! She's in the cabin with Betty." I nod. "Hey, thank you for fixing my car. I know it's a little random I'm saying this." I smile. "It was no problem! Anytime." I say smiling.

I just realized this feels more like a Veronica and Toni thing but it's not, it was just a small idea I had

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