382: The One With The Betrayal

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I hear 2 loud bangs. I turn around and see Cheryl holding her stomach. She lifts her hands, we both see the blood pouring out of her. She falls to the ground. Fangs and I both run over to her. She looks at me and shakes her head. I hold back tears as I see the other gun shot by her heart. "We have to save her!" Fangs says shocked. I look at Cheryl and she shakes her head. I take a deep breath. I look at Fangs. "She's been through enough." I whisper. He takes a deep breath. "You sure?" He ask. "Yeah. Give us a second." He nods and steps away. I look at Cheryl again. "Look at me." I whisper cupping her cheeks. "You'll be ok." I tell her. "You can rest now." I whisper. "I love you." I tell her. "I will always love you. I know you're in a lot of pain, I know you'll find peace. It's ok." She looks at me. "I'm scared." She whispers. "I'm here." I say grabbing her hand. I rub her cheek with the free hand. "We can call an ambulance if you want." I whisper. She shakes her head. "I can't deal with the rest." I nod. "I'll see you soon babe." I watch the life slowly leave her body. "I'll be back." Fangs says as he runs in the direction of the guy who shot her. I take a deep breath. "I love you." I whisper. She smiles a little. "I'll be ok." I say before kissing her cheek. I cry into her as I feel her breathing stop. I look at her. Her eyes are wide open, the life is gone from them. I take a deep breath.

I scrub Cheryl's blood off my hands and try not to cry. I hear the door open and it's Fangs. "I couldn't get him." He says quietly. I turn around and look at him. "It's ok." I whisper. "He killed Cheryl!" He says raising his voice. "I know." I say nodding. "He should be killed for what he did!" I shake my head. "That's how wars are started." I say quietly. "Eye for an eye!" I shake my head again. "What did I just say?" I ask quietly. "He killed Cheryl." He whispers. "I know I was there." I say quietly. "We'll get our revenge. But we aren't killing him. We'll make them think they got away with it and then attack." I tell him. "And I will be the one to get him." I whisper. "I thought we weren't killing him. "No, we're taking him to the police." I whisper. "I want to he civilized! I want him to rot in jail." I tell him. "I have an in with Keller! We'll be able to throw him in jail." I say quietly. "I already called him." I add. "Are you ok?" He ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah!" I lie. "Toni, it's ok if you aren't." He tells me. "I'm just in shock." I tell him. "You can leave now." I tell him. "I don't want to leave you." He says quietly. "Please go." I tell him. "Now!" I yell. He nods and leaves. I take a deep breath. "Fuck." I whisper. I go upstairs and go into the bedroom. I sit down on the bed not being able to bring myself to get changed.

I hold a gun up to the guy who shot Cheryl. "You killed the love of my life." I tell him. "Are you gonna kill me too?" He ask smiling. "I want to but I rather see you rot in jail." I say quietly as Keller and the rest of the police squad pull up. "Put your hands where I can see them!" Keller yells. The guy puts his hands up as Keller runs up to us and handcuffs him. I watch him get hauled away. Which didn't feel as good as I thought it was because Cheryl would haunt me for the rest of my life if I killed him. Keller walks over to me. "You did the right thing." He says quietly. I look at him. "She's still gone." I whisper. "I know."

I walk into the warehouse. "She got him arrested?!" I hear Penny yell. "You were supposed to kill Smurfette not Strawberry Shortcake!" She yells. I can feel by blood boiling. "Where is she?" She ask quietly. "We don't know." Someone replies. I recognize that voice. It's Sweet Pea. No, he can't be a Ghoule. "I want her head on my desk by tomorrow morning!" Penny yells. "Of course ma'am."

I hear the front door open. I get up and grab my gun. I make sure the gun is loaded and walk out to the bedroom. "Who ever you are I have a gun!" I yell. I walk into the living room. "Sweet Pea!" I put my finger on the trigger. "Give me 2 reasons not to pull the trigger!" I yell. "I came to warn you!" He says holding his hands up. Fangs comes up behind him and hits him in the head with a bat. Sweet Pea falls to the ground. I put the gun down. "Do you think he's lying?" He ask quietly. "No." I whisper. I kneel down and search his pockets. "Only his knife!" I whisper. "He was telling the truth." He nods. "Help me get him up and at the table." I say quietly. We pick him up and bring him over to the kitchen table. Fangs hand cuffs him to the table and we wait for him to wake up. About an hour goes by and he starts to regain consciousness. I put some water in front of him along with some Advil. "This'll relieve some of the pain." I say quietly as I sit down in front of Sweet Pea. "Are you gonna tell me what you where doing with Penny Peabody?" I ask him. He looks at me. "Jughead! He sent me to double as a ghoulie!" He tells me. "Pretend to pledge my allegiance to them." He whispers. "Leave the Serpents-." I stop him. "It got my girlfriend killed!" I whisper. "I know." He says quietly. "What did you come here to warn me about?" I ask him. "They're coming after you." He whispers. "I know." I whisper. "How?" He ask quietly. "Matt you know how I am. You know I sneak around." I tell him. His eyes widen at his first name. "You are out of the serpents." I whisper. "I was trying to help." He says quietly. "You were trying to help and that got my girlfriend kill." I whisper. "I loved her more than anything!" I tell him standing up. "You are going to leave the Serpents, leave the Ghoules and move as far away as you can because before Penny finds out, my head won't be the only thing she wants." He nods. "You were there for that conversation." I nod. "What about Jug?" He ask quietly. "He's gonna be thrown out too." I whisper. "I know, you and Jug aren't to fond of Cheryl, but she didn't have to die for your stupid plan!" I say quietly. "I hope one day the same thing happens to you so maybe you'll know why I hate you so much right now! You were my best friend and you betrayed me!" I yell. "She wasn't supposed to die!" He yells back. "She got in the way." He whispers. I punch harder then I have ever punched anyone before. "You still killed her!" I yell. "You let her!" He says looking at me. I look at him. "I'm not the only person guilty here. I know you let her die." He whispers. I punch him repeatedly until my hand is bloody.

I look at Fangs. "Can you stay?" I ask him. He nods and sits down on the couch next to me. "Why did you let her die?" He ask quietly. "Cheryl was in a lot of pain. We both new that her recovering would be the nail in the coffin." He nods. "Cheryl was exhausted." I say quietly. "Therapy wasn't helping, medication wasn't helping. I was about to bring her to a psych ward, to get her maybe some more intense help and keep her safe. But that happened I saw a way for her to get out and I know she had been contemplating." I tell him. "I didn't want to see her in pain anymore." I whisper. "Why did you punch Sweet Pea so much?" He ask quietly. "Because I feel guilty." I whisper. "You kinda are." I nod. "I know! I have accepted that, but I didn't need to hear about it." He nods.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now