264: The One Where Their Kid Can't Go To Prom

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I walk up to the podium. "Hello, my name is Antoinette Topaz but you can just call me Toni." I say to the school bored in front of me. "My son Jason Blossom came out to me and wife 3 years ago before he started high school and told us that he was trans and wanted to be proceed as male. So we let him. Because you're told as a parent to love and support your kid no matter what! You all are supposed to love and support your kids and the ones around them. Why is mine the one being excluded from this?" I explain. "My son just wants to go to prom with his boyfriend and have a good night!" I tell them. "It's one night, and you can forget he ever existed." I beg. "It's torture enough have your faggot of a family in our school now my son has to go to prom with your daughter?" I turn around and look at the woman who said that. "First of all, I'm not asking your kid to go to prom as my son's date! I'm just asking you to let my kid have the same experiences has yours. Second of all, he's not my daughter! Third of all, not all gay people are bad and I have a feeling that my son is not even on your kids radar." I explain to her. "What's your name again?" She ask. "Toni Topaz. You?" I ask smiling. "Marie Mantle." She says. I nod. "Ok." I smile. "There's a reason Reggie divorced you." I say quietly. "You know nothing about my family!" She says pissed. "No, I think I do. I went to high school with Reggie, he hung out with me a lot. Me, the fag!" I say quietly.

I walk into the kitchen. Jason sits up. I shake my head. "I'm sorry. I couldn't change their minds." He looks down. "Theres another meeting in a month! Maybe if I go talk to them I can get through to them!" He says standing up. "Jason, I don't think theres anything talking them out." I tell him. He sits down. "I'm sorry kid." I whisper. "Also your boyfriends mother is a bitch." He laughs a little. "Yeah." She smiles. "Did you take your meds?" He nods. "Ok. Good." I whisper kissing the top of his head. "Mom helped me with the testosterone." He says. "You got her out of bed for a bit?" He nods. "That's a good sign. I'm sorry you have to be put through this." I say quietly. "It's ok, I get what she's going through." He says quietly. "I'm gonna check on her." I whisper before going upstairs. I knock on the door. "Cheryl?" I walk into the bedroom. I squat down in front of her and rub her shoulder. I look over at the nightstand and see her meds and a glass of water still their untouched. "Cheryl please take your meds." I whisper. "I can't raise Jason on my own." I tell her. "Yes you can." She says quietly. "Doesn't mean I want too!" I say quietly. She rolls over to look at me. "Please take your meds you won't feel like shit!" I whisper. "For me?" I ask. She looks at them and back at me. I rub her cheek. "Sit up." I whisper. She slowly sits up. I grab her meds and give them to her. "Come on Cher." I give her the water. She slowly takes her meds. I wipe over her mouth. "How did the meeting go?" She ask quietly. "Bad." I whisper. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." I nod. "It's ok babe." I whisper. "I told off Reggie's ex wife." She smiles a little. "This why Tyler stays with Reggie more. She's a bigot and Tyler is so gay." I say quietly. "Did you shower?" I ask her. "No." I nod. "Ok." I whisper. "Maybe when you start feeling better try taking a shower." She nods. "Come here." I whisper pulling her into a kiss. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you more than anything else in this world. You're gonna be ok." I whisper. She lies into me. "I love you too Toni." I kiss the top of her head. "I'm gonna go back downstairs, go get some rest." I say quietly. She lies down. I kiss her head one more time. She looks at me. "You'll be ok Honey." She nods. I go downstairs. "Is she ok?" Jason ask quietly. "She will be." He nods. "You don't need to worry so much." He looks at me. "You want to. I know." I whisper.

Reggie sits down at the table. "She's crazy!" I say. "I've been trying to tell you guys this for months!" He says looking at me and Jason. "Do you know how hard it was to divorce her?!" I look at Jason. "I have an idea." He says standing up. "Oh god not the pacing." I whisper. "So Tyler and I use our friend as a cover if anyone asked if either of us were gay!" He says pacing back and forth. "Who?" Reggie and I ask at the same time. "Claudia Andrews." Tyler and Jason say. "Wow you guys are weirdly in sync." I say quietly. "Well, we've been dating long enough for that happen." Jason says quietly. We hear footsteps coming from upstairs. I look over and see Cheryl. "Hey sweetheart!" I smile. She looks at me. "Hey. What's everyone doing here?" She ask quietly. "Brainstorming." Tyler says. "Oh." She says quietly. "Where-where are my meds?" She ask me. "In our bathroom." She nods and goes upstairs. "At least she's not running around thinking demons are after her." I say looking at Jason. "One time!" He says. "Yeah but if you try hitting me with a bat again and I will make sure that bat goes so far up your ass it comes out your mouth!" He nods. "Thanks mom. I love you so much!" He smiles. I smile. "I love you too baby."

I hand Jason an envelope. "This is for you." I say quietly. "Did you open it?" He ask. "Yeah it wad addressed to me. But I want you to read it." I tell him. I look over at Cheryl. "No coffee!" I say quietly. She looks at me. "I'm tired." She says quietly. "Yeah, because you're doped up on meds that are supposed to knock you out for a few days." She looks at me. "Just until we can see your doctor and get everything sorted out." She nods and sits down at the table. "I made some pancakes." I whisper handing her a plate. "I'm not hungry." She says quietly. "Just try to eat something." I whisper. She nods. I hand her a fork. "Butter?" She shakes her head. I nod. I look at Jason. "They're letting me go to prom with Tyler?" I nod. He smiles a little. "I'm gonna go talk to him." He says getting up and grabbing his keys. "I'll be back in an hour!" He says. "Ok, text me if you're gonna be late or anything." He nods and leaves. "Why do you sit here and take care of me like this?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Because I made a vow to be with you in sickness and in health." I tell her. She looks at me. "You are the love of my life Cher." I whisper. "Why do you think you getting depressed because your meds stopped working is gonna make me stop?" I ask her. "This happens with you almost every year and I have helped you through it every time ever since you were diagnosed 7 years ago." I say quietly. "What if this happens to Jason?" She ask. "Well, he's our son, it's our job as parents to love and support and help him through everything he will go through while we are in his life." She nods.

I fix Jason's tie. "Did you take your meds?" I ask him. He nods. "Did mom?" He ask quietly. "Yeah. You need to stop worrying so much about her." I whisper. "You look handsome." I say smiling. "You sure?" I nod. I rub his cheek. "Yes." I smile. "I want you to have the best night of your life." I whisper to him. He nods.

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