328: The One With The Sub

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"What's your name?" The sub ask Sweet Pea. "Ah! Sweet Pea." He says quietly. "I'm not doing this." The sub says annoyed. "Doing what?" He ask confused. "The fake names." The sub says. "What's your real name?" She ask. "Sweet Pea." He says again. "No it's not." We both hold back laughter. "I'm gonna call down to the office. Go sit down." We both to sit down. "Wait until she meets Fangs." I say quietly. I smile. "Yeah." I whisper. I look at Cheryl as she walks in and gives the teacher her name. She walks over to me and gives me a kiss. "Hey baby." She smile. "No!" We hear. I look over at the sub. "What?" I ask quietly. "We will not have any of that in this classroom!" She tells us. "What? She just kissed me!" I say confused. "It's gross." She says back. "Why?" I ask quietly. "Because it's not natural for 2 girls to kiss each other." I nod. "Really?" I ask quietly. She nods. I look at Cheryl. "Don't." She whispers. I take a deep breath and stand up. "I need to leave." I say quietly. "You can't leave!" The teacher yells. "Oops." I say walking out of the classroom.

I hear a knock on the door. "It's open!" I yell. Cheryl walks in. "Hey." She says quietly. I smile. "Hey." She walks over to my desk where I am. "How are you feeling?" She ask quietly. "I've been better. I just got off the phone with my dad." I whisper. "How's he doing?" She ask quietly. "Good." I say sadly. "You don't sound so confident about that." She says sitting on the bed so I turn around to look at her. "No! I just miss him." I tell her honestly. "He doesn't know when he's gonna be home." I whisper. I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry. At least you know he's ok though." I nod. "Yeah!" I smile. "Your mom told me to remind you that you had to take your meds." She says quietly. I sigh. "I did!" I yell so my mom can hear. "Sorry." I says looking at Cheryl. "You're good." I stand up and walk closer to her. "You ok after today?"
She ask standing up and wrapping her arms around me. I just into her. "No." I whisper. She rubs my back and kisses the side of my head. "I don't really care about the Sweet Pea thing, that happens a lot." I tell her. "Just I wish people weren't assholes about people being themselves." I whisper. "I know. I've been dealing with stuff like this my whole life." She says quietly. "We both have." She adds. I kiss her. "I love you." I say quietly. She looks at me. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "You don't have to say it back-." She kisses me. "Toni, I love you too. Why would you think I didn't?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Don't be." She smiles. I lie into her. She rubs my back. "Do you want to go to Pops?" She ask quietly. "You can get whatever you want." She whispers. I shake my head. "I'm not hungry." I whisper. "Do you just want to sit here and chill?" I nod. "Ok." She whispers. "Can I stay here tonight?" She ask quietly. I nod.

I look at Cheryl who's quietly lying in bed. "You ok?" I ask her. "I was gonna ask you the same thing." She says quietly. I nod. "What's bothering you?" I ask her. "My mom." She says quietly. "Is that why you wanted to stay over?" I ask sitting up and facing her in the bed. She nods. "You're welcome here as long as you need, just if you are staying here consistently for long periods of time. We're technically violating our lease so we'll have to figure that out." I tell her. "I'm not gonna be here all day everyday. My mom's going out of town anyways so I'll be fine." She whispers. I nod.

"Who are these people?" Cheryl ask hanging me an picture. "Oh! Sweet Pea and Fangs and their older siblings. Sweet Pea and his parents use to take me out trick or treating on Halloween since my mom couldn't." I tell her. She smiles. "That's nice." She whispers. "You guys have been friends for a while then haven't you?" I nod. "Yeah! Our mom's use to work together." I tell her. "So since we were all the same age they kinda forced us to hang out until we realized we were attached at the hip forever." I say quietly. She nods. "Did our relationship ruin that?" She ask quietly. "No! Most of the time when we aren't together, I'm with them. Even when you are with me sometimes you're there too. Trust me, Fangs sometimes brings Kevin and it doesn't bother me, Sweet Pea does the same with Josie and even though Josie and I haven't gotten along in the past we don't hate each other and honestly as long as they're both happy, I can't really stop them that's weird." I explain. She smiles. "Josie still hates me doesn't she?" She ask quietly. I nod. "She's not your biggest fan. But again, I think she's happy that you found peace." I whisper. She looks at me. "You know if you think about it, relationship wise your friend group checks out." She says quietly. "What do you mean?" I ask quietly. "Well, there's one boyfriend and two girlfriends. That's what people would assume for a friendship like yours. Just who is with who is not." She explains. I smile. "Yeah! Fangs and I need to switch then." I joke. "Ew." I whisper thinking about. "Me with Fangs or you with Kevin?" She ask quietly. "Both." I whisper. She smiles. "Yeah. That's scaring." I smile. I nod. "Definitely."

I walk into class and see our actual teacher. "Toni? Can I talk to you for a minute?" She ask quietly. I nod and walk over. "I got some notes from the sub about you and Sweet Pea's behavior." She says quietly. I nod. "Yeah I'm-." She stops me. "I'm not mad at you! I'm happy that you are standing up for yourself but I need to know what happened from your point of view so I can get both sides." She tells me. I nod and explain exactly what you saw at the beginning. "I'm sorry." She says quietly. "I don't really want to talk about it." She nods. "Go sit down."

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