270: The One With The Unusal Activity

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I look at Toni who's clearly annoyed about something. "Babe what's wrong?" She looks at me. "There's to many people here." She says trying to breathe. "I need a minute." She says before going upstairs. "What's up with her?" Veronica ask quietly. "She said she needed some time alone and went upstairs." I say quietly. "I'm gonna go check on her." I whisper. She nods. I go upstairs. "Toni?" I go into the bedroom and see her lying in bed. I sit down on the bed. "You ok?" I ask Toni. She nods. "Yeah." She whispers. "You don't seem ok." I whisper. "I'm ok, just need some rest." She says quietly. I nod. "Ok." I say rubbing her back. I go downstairs and get Fangs. "What?" He ask quietly. "Toni's like half asleep upstairs. Can you figure out what's wrong?" He nods and we go upstairs. "What's wrong with her?" I ask him as he walks out of the room. "Oh, this is normal. Just give her the rest of the day, she needs to just decompress. She'll be fine by tomorrow morning." He says quietly. I nod. 

I rub Toni's back. "Do you want something to eat?" I ask her. "No." She says quietly. "Do you want to watch a movie?" She shakes her head. I take a deep breath. "I'll get my shoes we can go for a run by Sweetwater." I suggest. "No." She whispers. I move some hair out of her face. "It's been 3 days. Talk to me." I whisper. "Leave me alone!" She says quietly. I rub her back. "Ok." I whisper getting up and walking out of the room. "This isn't normal." I say looking at Fangs. "I haven't been around lately. Is there anything else besides the party that might have started this?" He ask quietly. "Ah... stuff with her parents. They're thinking about getting a divorce." I say quietly. "Was she ok before this?" He ask me. "No, but I thought she was just tired and stressed. She was acting the way she does when she's stressed." I tell him. "She's probably just depressed, give her a few more days and if she doesn't get any better bring her to see someone." I nod. "I will." He nods. "Just keep her company." He says. "As much as she might resist she clearly needs it." He say before leaving. I go back to the room and sit down on the bed. "Please leave me alone!" She says quietly. "You know I can't do that." I whisper. She groans a little. "You sure you don't want to try and go for a run? I know how much you like going on them. Helps clear your head, get your mind off things." I whisper. "I'm fine." She whispers. I take a deep breath and think about how I used to help Jason when he got like this. Obviously it's not going to be the exact same because they are polar opposites, but I could use the same techniques. "Do you want me to put on some of your favorite songs?" I ask her. "Some Marvin Gaye? Maybe some Fleetwood Mac." I suggest. She doesn't really respond just kind moves a little. "How about I do that." I say getting up and grabbing my phone. With Jason I would put on a random football game. I put on some of her favorite music and sit back down on the bed. After a while Toni finally moves to her back. "Do you want to watch some Friends?" I ask her. She shakes her head. I sigh. "Do you want me to put the one direction move on?" She looks at me. "You would do that?" I nod dreading it immediately. I don't hate One Direction but I now have this entire movie memorized because it's Toni's guilty pleasure. I put the movie on and Toni watches quietly. One the movie is over she just rolls over and goes back to sleep. I rub Toni's arm. "Come on." I whisper. "Do you want a sandwich?" She look at me. "Yeah you don't like any, that was a dumb question." I whisper. "How about we make some brownies together?" I suggest. She shakes her hand. "How about we go on a walk?" I ask quietly.

"Fangs, I can't even get her out of bed!" I tell him. "And I don't want to physically force her out of bed!" I whisper. "Not even to use the bathroom?" He ask. I shake my head. "How many days?" He ask quietly. "4!" I say quietly. I look at him. "I don't want it to happen again." I whisper. "I don't think it can get that bad for her if we get her help now." He says quietly. I sit down at the table.

Toni walks into the kitchen. "I think I need to talk to someone." She says quietly. "Yeah." I whisper. She looks at me. "I'm sorry for ignoring you for a week straight." I nod. "It's ok baby." She nods. "Ok. I'm not usually like that, I just got really stressed over work and the party. I honestly just needed time." I nod again. "I understand." I whisper. "I still want to talk to someone because I don't want that to happen again. It was weird." She explains. "Toni?" She looks at me. "I can smell you from here, please before you do anything else, go take the longest shower you can take and do a deep clean, because I've dealt with this long enough." She nods and goes upstairs.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now