224: The One Where Toni is Covered in Tattoos

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Toni's tattoos

Toni's tattoos

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I walk out of the bathroom into the bedroom. "I love your tattoos." Cheryl says quietly. I smile. "Yeah?" I walk over to her. She pulls the towel off my dick. She smiles. I quickly pick her up and we make out for a while. I lie her on the bed. I rip off her pants. "Condom." She whispers. "You're on birth control." I say quietly. "Toni..." I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry." She kisses me. I grab a condom and put it on. I slide into her. She moans loudly. I grab her hips and thrust faster. I kiss her neck. "You ok?" I ask quietly. She nods.

I roll over and look at Cheryl. "I'm sorry about earlier." I say quietly. She looks at me. "Toni, the only reason I'm on birth control is just in case the condom breaks. It's one less problem we have to worry about." I take a deep breath. "But you're taking the treatment you need to take! It's was early-." She stops me. "Toni, I don't want to give you HIV." She says quietly. "But your doctor said that-." She stops me again. "Toni please! I just want to be safe." I nod. "I get that." I say quietly. She kisses me. "I'm sorry." She says quietly. "Don't be." I say getting up. "Where are you going?" She ask as I grab my pants. "I just need to clear my head." I say back. She looks at me. "Toni..." I don't say anything. I just grab my shirt. "Call me when you're ready to come home." She says and leave.

"I'm just so frustrated!" I say pissed. Fangs pours me another beer. "Like, I know she wants to be safe! I get that! But it's been over a year and her doctor cleared her over a month ago!" I explain. "Cheryl hasn't been the same since that night. I think the thought of her giving you what she has because of the person who raped her, clearly scares her shitless." I take a deep breath. "I guess you're right." I say quietly. He nods. "Go home and talk to her." He whispers. I nod. I stand up and realize how drunk I am. "I need a ride." I say quietly. He sighs. "Come on." He comes over from behind the bar. "What about your car?" I ask. "How are you getting home?" I ask quietly. "My car is in the shop so Kevin dropped me off, I'll just have him pick me up at your house." I nod. "Keys?" I hand him the keys to my car and we go home. "I'm not that drunk. I just don't feel like crashing into a tree tonight you know?" He nods. "Yeah." He says quietly. We pull into the driveway and we go inside. I take off my jacket and put it on the hanger. Cheryl walks downstairs. "Go upstairs we'll talk in the morning when you're sober." I nod and go upstairs.


I fix her jacket and I look at Fangs. "She was so close to making it." I say quietly. "Like an inch." He adds. "Do you have a ride home?" He nods. "Do you mind if I stay here for a bit while I wait for Kev?" I nod. "Just make sure you lock the door behind you." He nods. "I'm sorry for accidentally getting Toni drunk." He says awkwardly. "It's ok. She needed it." I whisper. He smiles. "How are you doing? Toni didn't seem to happy about everything." He ask quietly. "I'm not going to talk to you about my sex life with your sister." He nods. "Yeah, I forgot about that." He whispers. "How do you forget that Toni is related to you?" I ask him. "Well, she's only half related to me." I roll my eyes. "I'm gonna go make sure Toni isn't flirting with herself in the mirror than slowly turning into a child." I say before going upstairs. I walk into the bedroom and see Toni on the floor trying to take off her shoes. She looks up at me. "Help." She whispers. "Ah! You're slowly sobering up I see." I smile. I sit down in front of her and start to take off her shoes. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "I'm not trying to play the victim or anything but this whole thing has been hard on me too." I look at her. "I don't want you to go through all that." She whispers. "I get why you're being cautious about everything, I probably would be too. I just want you to feel safe and I guess in that I thought maybe you would be ok with not using a condom but I guess that's what you need to feel safe even if it's ok if we don't use one and I'm truly sorry for not realizing that sooner." She says quietly. I look at her and pull her into a kiss. "I think I'm ready." I say quietly. "No, not tonight I'm still drunk and my dick doesn't like to work when I'm drunk." I smile. "Tomorrow?" I ask. She shrugs. "Sure!" She smiles. I help her up and we go. "I love your tattoos." I say getting a good look at the ones on her chest. She smiles. "Why is that of all things the thing that turns you on?" She ask quietly. "Because they are so dumb but so you." She smiles. "Like what's with the submarine?" I ask pointing to it. "My mom and I used to watch Yellow Submarine when I was a little kid." She whispers. "The wave?" I ask. "My grandma's favorite place was the beach." She says quietly. "Oh. The weird starburst thing?" She smiles. "I thought it looked cool." I roll my eyes. "This is what I'm talking about Toni. You have 2 competing companies on your body." I say quietly. "3." She says quietly. "What?" She sighs and takes off her shirt. "I got the Xbox logo on the back of my arm." I look at her. "I got it a few days ago." I sigh. "Toni I told you to at least tell me when you get a new tattoo so I can help you keep them clean." She smiles. "I did you groaned and pretended not to hear me."

Idk what to do with this one

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now