398: The One With Toni's Mom

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I look at my mom as she walks around my room. "So who's this?" She ask looking at a picture of me and Cheryl. "That- that is- that is... Cheryl! My- my... my girlfriend!" I say awkwardly. She looks at me. "You're gay?" She ask sitting on my bed. "I don't know." I tell her. "What do you mean?" She ask quietly. "Well, Cheryl and I have been dating for a few months now, and I love her, but I've also dated guys! Obviously it didn't work out but I really liked them too." I explain. "I think I'm Bisexual. But I honestly haven't fully thought about it because I love Cheryl and it doesn't really matter to me." I tell her. She nods. "You're still young, you don't have to really decide. I don't mean that as it's a phase or anything like that! I just mean that you are allowed to evolve and grow and love who you want." She tells me. "I'll love you no matter who you love." She says quietly. "When were you going to tell me about you and Cheryl?" She ask quietly. "I don't know. I wasn't ready to come out. Because I didn't really know or have an answer." She nods. "You said a few months. I'm kinda impressed you managed to hide this from me for so long." She jokes. "What about her parents?" She ask quietly. "It's just her, her mom and grandmother. And her grandmother is on the brink of death and her mom is really homophobic and kinda racist. So we have to sneak around a lot." I tell her. "Well, just know that you guys are ok being here. You can actually be in a relationship here." I smile. "We are all the time outside of our houses." I explain. "But it'll be nice to sit down and watch tv and not worry about you coming home." I tell her. "Can I meet her?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah. Nothing fancy though, she'll run for the hills and panic."

I hear the front door shut. Cheryl and I sit up immediately. "My mom is home." She whispers. We quickly grab our clothes and put them on in a panic. "I can get you out the back in the kitchen, she goes and checks on Nana Rose before she comes up here." She explains. We both slowly but quickly go to the back entrance. She opens the door and I walk out. "Wait." She says grabbing my arm. I smile as she pulls me into a kiss. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too." I smile. "Go! Meet me at Pop's in an hour." She says as we hear footsteps. I quickly run away from the house.


I quickly shut the door and see my mother walking into the kitchen. "Good evening." I say smiling. "What the hell were you doing?" She ask annoyed. "I had some garbage in my room and needed to take it out it was getting full." I tell her

I look at Toni as we eat. "My mom wants to meet you." She says nonchalantly. She smiles as to eats a fry. She looks at me. "What?" She ask quietly. "Are- are we there?" I ask her. "It's nothing formal!" She says quietly. I nod. "Just come over tomorrow after school." She says smiling. "But now that you mention it, where are we?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "We're at the point where I meet your mom and we still sneak around my mom." I tell her. "We're at the point where we say how much we love each other and it's not awkward or hard for me to say anymore." She looks at me. "You had a hard time saying it?" She ask confused. I nod. "I haven't felt this way about anyone in a while and it really scared me. I did love you when we started saying it, it just took a lot for me to say." She smiles. "You made me a better person Toni." I tell her. "You showed me love and you listened to me and you cared about me. I love you so much Toni." She pulls me into a kiss. "I love you too baby." She smiles. "You know, you've helped me a lot too." She says quietly. "I'm less likely to go after someone and beat them to a pulp. Because if I got arrested you would kill me." We both smile. "I've been less impulsive. Which is weird." She says quietly.

It's not much but it's just something

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