232: The One Where Veronica Finds Out Part 2

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Cheryl immediately slaps me. "You fucking dumbass!" I look at her. "You said you'd be there with me raising our daughter no matter what and than the second it gets to hard you leave immediately!" She yells. "This was your idea in the first place!" I look down. I sit down. "I can't." I say almost in tears. She goes over and slaps my again. "I hope you realize what this means!" I don't look at her. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "She doesn't deserve me." I add. "You know, I was going to come here and talk you back into doing this but I don't think I can. Have fun dealing with the divorce papers." My heart drops. "There's consequences to your actions Toni!" She yells. "Come back with me and we'll try, or don't. Either way, I'm not staying married to you." I look at her. "Just know that if you stay here you can not walk back in on that girls like until she goes to find you." She says. "I'm giving you 2 weeks."


I walk to the car. "She's not coming is she?" Veronica ask. I shake my head. "Do you have a good divorce attorney?" I ask quietly. "Or do you know one?" She nods. "My mom used a good one." I sigh. "Why?" I look at her. "I can't keep doing this with her!" I say as we get into the car. "What about Emma?" She ask quietly. "I don't know, but I'm gonna need your help." She nods. "I'm here." She says. I smile.

I look at Emma in her crib. "I'm sorry." I whisper. She just sucks on her thumb. I feel my phone bus. I pick it up. "Hello?" I ask. "Hi are you married to an Antoinette Topaz?" A voice ask. "Yeah!" I say. "Well, I'm her doctor. Doctor. Johnson. I'm here calling from the Washington Memorial Hospital to tell you that Ms. Topaz is in the hospital right now and is being treated for a psychotic break. If you can come here as soon as possible that would be great." She explains. I sigh. "Actually at the moment we're separated." I say. "But I'll come down, I might be a few days, I'm not in Washington DC at the moment." I say before hanging up. I look at Emma. "Want to go on a road trip?" I ask smiling. "The answers no by the way."

I get a text from Veronica showing me that Emma is ok. I look up at the hospital and go in. I walk in. "I'm here to see Antoinette Topaz." I say quietly. The secretary looks up. "She's in room 237 I'll get a doctor to take you." A few minutes later Toni's doctor comes over to me. We go to the room. "Let me talk to her first." She says. "Antoinette, your wife is here." I go in and see Toni. She sees me. We both immediately hug each other. "Where's Emma?" She ask quietly. "Now you care about her?" I ask slightly pissed. "I'm ready to be a mother." She says quietly. "Toni, you almost threw yourself off a building." She looks at me. "You need help." I whisper. "What about us?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I say. "I think once we're both in a better head space we can sit down and be civil about this, but honestly I don't know if you should be around Emma especially after this." She nods. "How long are you here for?" I ask quietly. "Until I'm better but a minimum of 90 days." She says quietly. "Ok, I'll come back and pick you up and you're coming home!" She nods. "And it doesn't make anything better." I say. "Ok." I hug her one more time. "This is for your own good." She nods. "I'll see you soon." I whisper. "But I am genuinely concerned. Where's Emma?" She ask quietly. "With Veronica, who's been more of a mother for her than you." She nods. "Good one."


I look at my therapist. "My father died when I was 12." I tell her. "From what?" She ask. "Cancer." I say quietly. "He was buried in Arlington. He fought in Iraq and cancer was the thing that killed him." I explain. "It's not fair! You know? He was the best person in the world! He was the first person I came out too, he wasn't happy about it at first but that's only because he didn't understand but was willing to learn." I say quietly. "What made you so scared to become a parent?" She ask quietly. "I was afraid I was gonna end up like him, fight in a war no one wanted, die before my daughter really got to learn who I truly was until it's to late and she can't get mad at me because I'm dead." I explain. "I still love my father but he had a drug problem after Iraq. I only found about it after." I say. "What happened in your past you didn't want your daughter to know about?" I look down at my hand and rub my tattoo. "That I left her and her mother when they needed me the most." I say quietly. "I don't want to be the reason she has trust issues or abandonment issues!" I tell my therapist. "So you left?" I bite my lip. "I wasn't thinking straight when I did it. The closer and closer we got to her being born the worse my anxiety got! I couldn't sleep! I couldn't leave the house! I didn't want to show my daughter that side of me! I know it would be better if I left now instead of when she's old enough to remember me." I explain. "You just contradicted yourself. You said you didn't want her to have trust and abandonment issues and then you leave, which will definitely cause problems because now she gets to see your wife all stressed! If you leave now and regret it when you're older and when she's older and just show up randomly she'll be pretty messed up for her life! You of all people should know that." She explains. I look down. "I thought I was ready to become a parent." I say quietly. She nods.

I sit down in front of Cheryl. "I still want to see my daughter." She nods. "If you read the damn document, you'd know that." She whispers. "You can see her whenever you want but I have to be there and you have to be at least 2 months on your medication with no problems!" I nod. "I don't want this to be messy." She nods. "I still love you but, I can't have someone as unhinged as you around our daughter all the time especially unsupervised." She explains. "I know. But, do you really think this is the best for her?" I ask quietly. "It's better than you not being in her life at all!" I nod. "What if we decide to get back together?" She sighs. "Than we'll deal with it then, but for now it's not gonna happen." She hands me a pen and I sign the divorce papers.

3 years later

I walk into Pops and Emma immediately comes running up to me. "Hey kiddo!" I say picking her up. "Happy birthday!" She says hugging me. "Thank you for reminding how old I'm getting." I say walking over to the booth Cheryl's at. "Cheryl." She looks up and smiles. I sit down. We were never able to fix our relationship, we were luckily able to be civil enough for our daughter. I think we both still have love for each other, but I'm not ready to be in a relationship and I don't think Cheryl is either because neither of us have found someone. But I'm ok with that, for me at least! I want Cheryl to be happy and if that means with someone else then it means with someone else. I can't control her feelings.

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