301: The One With The Garden

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I look up at Cheryl who's holding up some flowers. "What are these for?" I ask smiling. "You." I smile.  "Thanks Babe." I say quietly as I stand up and kiss her. "I stole them from Nana Rose's garden." She whispers. "It's your garden now." I say quietly. "It was always hers. I just kept it alive for her." She says quietly. "I think she'd be really proud of it." I tell her. "And you." I whisper. "I also think she'd want you to call it yours." I add. She looks at me. "It's hers." She whispers. "Hey Sam!" Our son Sam looks at us as he walks out of his bedroom. "Yeah?" I look at him. "The garden in back, who would you consider being in charge of it and essentially being their garden?" I ask quietly. He walks into the living room. "Well, I think it's moms, she makes sure it looks nice." He explains. I look at Cheryl. "See? It's yours!" I tell her. She takes at deep breath. "Can I go? I just came out to get a glass of water." He ask quietly. "Yeah." He nods and goes. "He's definitely yours." Cheryl whispers. I nod. "Yeah!" I smile.

I walk out of the house and into the backyard. I see Cheryl working in the garden and see the plaque she got to put on the stone pillar that connects the gates. I walk over. "I didn't notice this until today." I say quietly. She jumps a little and looks at me. "Yeah, I got that a few weeks ago and never put it up." I nod. "I like it." I whisper. "Thanks, I designed it myself." She says smiling. "Mom!" We both hear. We turn around and see Sam marching out of the house. "Oh god." I whisper. "What's up Sam?" I ask quietly. "Who's taking me to work tomorrow?" He ask quietly. "Ah! You?" He shakes his head. "No car." I nod. "I'll drive you." I say quietly. He nods and leaves. "Definitely your kid." I say to Cheryl. "Cher?" I look at her. She looks up. "Sorry, I wasn't listening." She says quietly. "The sign is crooked." She adds. I look at her. "Ok." I smile. "I can fix it tomorrow." I say quietly.

This is a short one I'm sorry

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