297: The One Where Cheryl Gets Help

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I lie back on the bed when I hear a knock on the front door. I get up and go to it. I open the door and see Veronica. "Hey?" I say confused on why she's here. "What's up?" I ask confused. "I have Cheryl in the back of my car. I found her trying to..." I sigh. "I don't know what to do with her." She whispers. "Bring her to a hospital?" I ask as if it wasn't already obvious. "She won't go." She tells me. "Let me talk to her." I say before going to the car. I open the door and Cheryl looks up at me. "Hey. You ok?"  I ask sitting down next to her. "Talk to me." I whisper. She stays quiet. I take a deep breath.  "You taking your meds?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head. "Why?" I ask. "I thought I was doing better." I nod. "You were, you really were because you were taking them." I whisper. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "Don't be." I say quietly. "Do you want to go get some help?" I ask her. She looks at me. "Cheryl, you need to get better." I tell her. "I don't want to enable this. I can't let you do this to yourself Cheryl." She nods. "Do it for me." I whisper. "Do it so we can grow old together and have kids." She smiles a little. "Can we get a cat?" She ask quietly. I nod. "We can get a cat. I'd have to figure out how to not be allergic to them but we can get a cat." She laughs quietly. "How about we get something that won't cause me to break out in hives?" She nods. I smile. "Ok, we can do that after we go get you some help. Yeah?" She nods. I motion to Veronica and she comes back to the car. "Riverdale Hospital." I whisper. She nods and drives off. We get there and Cheryl goes into the psych ward. I sigh. "Can't believe I'm gonna say this, have you called her mom?" I ask Veronica. "No. Remember how hard it was for her to admit that Cheryl was depressed in the first place." She whispers. I take a deep breath. "She's 18, she doesn't have to be released to her. She can be released to you." She tells me. I take a deep breath. "Or her grandmother." I say slightly annoyed. She look at me. "Are you ok?" She ask concerned. "Yeah." I whisper. She looks at me. "You sure?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Are you and Cheryl ok?" She ask. "We had a really bad fight a few days ago. I don't think this is my fault, I just feel like it probably was part of it." I explain. "It was probably the tipping point." I say before walking out of the hospital.

Cheryl sits down in front of me. "How are you?" I ask quietly. She looks at me and shrugs. "Did you bring them?" I nod and pull out a bag of skittles. She smile a little. "They don't have any here but they aren't banned or anything." She whispers. "Does anyone know I'm here?" She ask quietly. "Nana Rose knows you're here. She promised not to tell your mom." I whisper. She nods. "Veronica knows, obviously." She smiles a bit. "How long are you in here?" I ask her. She looks at me. "A month." I nod.

Cheryl finishes signing the release forms. She walks over to me. "Ready to go home?" She takes a deep breath and nods. "How do I explain where I've been for a month?" She ask quietly. I shrug. We go to the car, get in and drive off. I pull up to my trailer. "I thought we were going home." I nod. "Yeah! I'm not letting you go back to your mom and while you were away Nana Rose was put in a nursing home so you can't go home to her." I explain. "I know we're still young, so! Veronica and I are gonna help you find a place to live because, I'm honestly not ready for that commitment!" I tell her. "Thank you." She whispers. I nod. "Let's go in." She nods. We get out of the car and go into my trailer. "Some of your clothes are in my room where they usually are if you want to get i to get changed." I tell her. She goes into my room and gets changed. I sit on the couch and watch tv. She walks out a few minutes later. "Want something to drink?" She shakes her head and comes over to me. "Already?" I ask seeing the look on her face. She nods. I smile and pull her on top of me. We make out for a bit. "I want you inside me." She whispers. I pick her up and bring her into the bedroom. I sit down on the bed and we take our clothes off. I slide my fingers into her and thrust slowly. She grinds on my hand until she cums which is pretty fast for her. She looks at me almost embarrassed. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "Hey, it's ok." I whisper. "It's the meds." She nods. I kiss her. "Get some rest." She nods and lies down. I take a deep breath and rub her arm as I lie next to her.

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