377: The One Where Cheryl Helps Out

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I walk into the office. "Why are you late Ms. Topaz?" The secretary ask as I walk into the office. "I had to drop my brother off at school, his bus never showed." I tell her. "This is the 4th time this week." I nod. "I know! It's not my fault!" I tell her. "Why can't your parents just drive him?" She ask annoyed. "They're dead and I'm 18 so I essentially adopted my brother. Weatherbee knows the situation, I just need a pass." I tell her. She looks at me in shock. "So? That pass?" I ask smiling. She writes me a pass

Cheryl sits down next to me in the student lounge. "You ok?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah!" I lie. "What's wrong?" She ask seeing right through me. "I can't get my brother anything for Christmas." I tell her. "He's 100% convinced Santa is gonna show up and give him lots of presents but I can barely afford rent and I want him to be happy." I tell her. "I know you're gonna hate me but I want to help." I shake my head. "No! You don't have to!" I tell her. "I'll just call F-." She stops me. "Toni, please?" I look at her. I nod. "Ok." I whisper. "Nothing crazy thought! I need to be able to keep up with it next year." She smiles. "Of course." I nod. "This is my first year without my parents. I don't know how they did this." I whisper. "Well, if it doesn't end in a screaming match then you're doing better then my family." I smile. "Do you guys want to come over to my place for Christmas?" She ask quietly. "I don't want to much to change for him. It might be too hard, but you're welcome over." I tell her. She nods. "Ok." She smiles.

I look at Archie who's dressed up at Santa. "Cheryl sent me." He says quietly. "She said you needed some help." I take a deep breath. "Thank you for doing this." I whisper. He smiles. "I owe you." I tell him. He shakes his head. "Don't worry about." He tells me. "One thing though. What's your brother's name?" He ask quietly. "Anthony." He nods. "Ok." I smile. "Santa!" Anthony says running out of the bedroom. "Hey! Buddy!" Archie says smiling. Anthony runs up to him and hug him. "How are you bud?" Archie ask quietly. "Good!" Anthony says quietly. "Yeah?" He nods. "I got you some presents. You've been a very good boy this year so I wanted to make sure you got your presents!" Archie tells him. "Really?" I smile. "Of course buddy!"

Archie hands me a big bag. "These are some more presents so he has something to open tomorrow morning. They're unlabeled so you can decide who they're from." He tells me. "Please say she didn't tell you everything." He shakes his head. "I mean it's kinda obvious when Cheryl comes up to me and tells me to bring your brother a bunch of presents and dress up at Santa. I didn't question it though. I know you've had some issues in the past so I wanted to be a good friend and help." He tells me. "Don't go after Cheryl for this. It's rare that she actually does something for someone when it doesn't help her in some way." I nod. "Thank you so much." He nods. "Of course. I have to head home, this is really sweaty and I need to get out of it before I pass out." He says quietly. I smile. "Ok, say hi to the dog for me." He smiles. "Of course." He says walking to his truck and driving off.

I move hair out of Anthony's face. "What about tomorrow though?" He ask quietly. "Santa left me some presents for you tomorrow!" I tell him. "Really?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "Will Cheryl be here?" I nod. "Yeah!" I tell him. "The earlier you go to sleep though the faster tomorrow comes around!" I tell him. He nods. I turn off the light. "I'll see you in the morning bud." I walk out into the living room. I look at Cheryl. "I need to decide what's from me and what's from Santa." I tell her. "Already did." She tells me. I smile. "Thank you." I say sitting down on the couch. "You sure you don't want to come over?" She ask quietly. "Maybe later but for breakfast and opening presents I think we should be here." She nods. "Ok." She nods. "Do you want to stay over?" I ask her. "I need to go check on Nana Rose before visiting hours are over. I have some stuff I want to give her." She says quietly. I nod. "Ok." I smile. "I'll be back around 8 tomorrow then." She says quietly. I nod. She kisses the top of my head and leaves. I lie down on the couch and try to fall asleep. Anthony has the bedroom. I made sure he was able to have it. I want to make enough money to move into a small apartment where we both can have our own bedrooms. That's all I want. I slowly dose off around 1 am.

I slowly open my eyes to Anthony staring at me. "Hello." I smile looking at him. "It's Christmas." He says smiling. "Yeah it is." I say quietly. I smile looking at him. "Can I open some presents?" He ask smiling. I nod sitting up. "Yeah. Open the ones from Santa first!" I tell him. He goes over to the tree and opens a bunch of presents. I hear a knock on the door. I get up and get it. "Morning." I smile. Cheryl holds up a small box. "This one is for you, open it later." I nod. "Why are you giving it to me now?" I ask her. "So I don't forget." I nod. "Got it." I smile.

I look at Cheryl as Anthony plays with his toys. "Do you want to come over?" She ask quietly. "I know you don't have anything to eat." She says quietly. I nod. "Why do you want to be with me?" I ask her. "Because I love you." She tells me. "We have completely different lives-." She stops me. "So?" She ask quietly. "You're always paying for stuff! You did this! I can't keep up!" I tell her. "Toni, I do it all because I love you! This is gonna sound horrible. "But between my family's money and my father for some reason leaving all his money to me, I have so much money to blow through, it's scary. I might as well use it towards someone I love." She says quietly. "So I'm charity?" I ask. "Toni... I don't mean it like that." I nod. "I know, I just- I don't know." She nods. "We can talk later." She says motioning to Anthony. I nod.


I look at Toni as she walks into the bedroom. "It'll be nice to actually sleep in a bed." She says coming over. I sit up and pull her closer by her belt. "We can do that later." I tell her. She smiles and pulls me into a kiss. "Do you have any protection?" She ask quietly. "In the nightstand." I say rubbing her thighs up the her crotch. I unbuckle her belt and slowly take her pants off as she grabs a condom. "Nothing fancy tonight." She says quietly. I nod. She pulls her underwear down and her dick bounces up. I look at her. "He's asleep don't worry." She tells me. I nod. "This is an awkward transition part." She says quietly. I nod. "How do we want to do this?" I ask her. "I want you to ride me." She tells me. "I can do that." I whisper as I rub her and down her torso. She smiles. She goes and sits down in the middle of the bed. I straddle her and we start to make out. She kisses my neck as she moves my underwear over. I feel her cold fingers rub my clit a slowly. I moan quietly. I grab the condom and open it. We both look down as I put it on her. The only sound right now is our heavy breathing in sync with each other. We look up at each other and kiss. Our bodies grinding together. She pulls away and starts to pull my shirt off. I lift my arms as she throws it off me. She kisses down my chest as I slide onto her. I moan quietly as I ride her. She pulls me into a kiss as I start to moan louder. She holds my hips and helps me go faster. We hear a knock on the door. "Toni!" I groan. "Can it wait?" Toni ask. "No. I don't feel good." I stop. "Get him before he pukes." I tell her getting off her. "Go to the bathroom! I'll be there in a minute!" Toni says quietly. "Ok." We hear him run into the bathroom. "He probably already threw up." She whispers. "I'm sorry." She says quietly. "Toni, it's ok! I'll go check the bedroom. You go help him." I tell her. She gets up and grab her underwear and puts it on. Luckily she's wearing a shirt so she just runs out of the room. I grab my shirt and put it on.


I run into the bathroom and see Anthony throw up. I sit down behind him and rub his back. I look down and realize I'm still hard so I quickly grab a towel and cover myself. He looks at me. "Feeling any better?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head. I nod and rub his back. Cheryl comes into the bathroom. "It's fine." I nod.

I look at Anthony as he sleeps. I stroke his hair. I look at Cheryl as she stands by the door. "I'm sorry." I whisper. She shakes her head. "Don't be." She tells me. "I think you can leave him." She says quietly. I nod and kiss the top of his head. I get up and go over to Cheryl. "It's almost 3 am, we should go to bed." I nod.

I wake up in a panic. I shoot up. "Where am I?" I feel a hand on my chest. I look over and it's Cheryl. I sigh in relief. I lie back in the bed. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I'm not mad." She tells me. "You need to stop doing that." I nod. She looks at me. "Do you guys want to stay here for a few days?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I tell her. She looks at me. "Stay." She whispers. I look at her knowing what she means. "I don't know..." I say quietly. "Please! I hate being here alone." She tells me. I look at her. "I have to think about it. It's all I have of my parents left." She nods. "I know." I take a deep breath. "But we can stay here for a few days. I guess." She smiles.

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