258: The One With The Parrot Part 2

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I don't remember if I ever said who Jason's biological father in the first one and I don't really feel like looking back lol


Jason sits next to me on the couch. "What's up?" I ask quietly. "If I wasn't autistic would you have had another kid?" He ask quietly. "No we just wanted one, that ended up being you." I explain. He nods. "So it has nothing to do with me?" He ask. "Absolutely nothing." I whisper. "What made you think that?" I ask quietly. He shrugs. Henry flys over onto Jason's head. I laugh a little. "Hello!" Henry says looking at me. I put my fingers up to his claws and he steps up. "Jason! I need your help with the Turkey!" Cheryl says walking into the living room. "Ok." He says getting up.

I put my hands on Cheryl's shoulder. "You need to calm down sweetheart." I whisper rapping my arms around her. "What if my mom says something to or about Jason?" She ask quietly. "Then we stick up for him and don't talk to your mom for another 10 years." She looks at me. I kiss her. "He can also speak up. He's tougher than you think baby." I say quietly. She nods. "I already talked to him about what's ok to ask people and what's not so you don't need to worry about him calling your evil witch of a mother that she's old and he's surprised she's lived this long." I explain she smiles. "Mom! Henry's bit me!" Jason yells from the living room . I sigh. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" I ask. "Probably not!" I nod and go into the living room. "Where are the bandaids?" He ask quietly. "I don't know." I say quietly. "You're the one who keeps track of this shit!" I tell him. He nods and thinks for a second. "Kitchen!" We both say quietly. He runs into the kitchen. I sigh.

Jason lies his head on my shoulder. "Henry needs to be out." He says quietly. "Just an hour or two more. He can't let him out with a lot of people here." I say quietly. He nods. "I know but I feel bad." I nod. "It's ok." I smile. "Can I go up to my room for a bit?" He ask quietly. "If you want. Take Henry if you want him out of the cage." He nods. He takes Henry and goes up to his room. Veronica sit next to me. "He needs a life." She says quietly. "Definitely." I whisper. "He's trying." She says looking at me. I look at her. "After school last week he came into Pops all by himself and asked for a job or if I knew anyone that was hiring." She tells me. "Then he almost threw up because he got a whiff of something he didn't like." I smile a little. "What did you tell him?" I ask her. "I sent him to the comic book store since he's a huge nerd and refused every other thing I offered him." I laugh. Cheryl walks in. "Where's our son?" She ask quietly. "You don't have a GPS on him?" I ask sarcastically. "You're lucky I love you." She says quietly. I nod. "He's upstairs decompressing for a bit." I say quietly. She nods. "Why? What do you need?" I ask her standing up. "I can't reach a shelf and he's actually the tallest person here." I smile a little. "We have a step stool." I say quietly. "Yeah, and his name is Jason." She says quietly. "I hate you sometimes." I say quietly. "Yeah?" I nod. "Ok. Have fun with that." She says smiling. I nod.

"Your mom behaved." I say quietly. Cheryl nods and drinks her tea. Sweet Pea walks into the living room. "You can see him more if you want." I say quietly. "I think it would be good if I kept my distance. I know it's hard for him." He says quietly. "He needs the father figure Sweet Pea." I say quietly. "At least give him your number so he can talk to you about stuff Cheryl and I don't feel like hearing about!" He nods. "He needs a push and you are that push." I tell him. Jason come running downstairs, he looks at all of us for a minute and runs upstairs. I sigh. "Is that normal?" Sweet Pea ask quietly. "Yeah." Cheryl and I say at the same time. He nods and drinks his beer. "I should head home. I'll see you guys later." He leaves immediately without giving us a chance to say goodbye. "Why is he like that?" I ask quietly. "Who knows." She says quietly. "Jason! Everyone is gone!" I yell. He runs downstairs and sits downstairs.

I walk into the comic book store with Jason. "You got this." I whisper. He nods. "I'm ok." He says quietly. I look at him. I kiss the top of his head. "Have fun. Call me when you need to be picked up." He nods. I smile and leave. I drive home. Once I get there I get the mail. I walk inside. "This is from school probably for Jason." I hand Cheryl an envelope. She opens it and reads it. Cheryl looks up from the paperwork. "They want Jason to graduate!" She says quietly. I smile. "He's ready sweetheart." I whisper. She looks at me. "You're not." I say quietly. She looks down. "How about we sit down with Jason and his councilor and talk about him graduating and collage." I say taking her hands.   She looks at me. "I know you're scared, but he'll be ok." She nods. "Yeah!" I hear wings flapping and then feel a bird on my shoulder. "Jason didn't put somebody in his cage!" I say looking at him. "Hello." I nod. "Yes hello." I say kissing his head. "I took him out cause he needed to poop." Cheryl says quietly. "I forgot to put him away." I nod. "He's not causing any harm." I say smiling. I'm

I look at Jason. "Are you ready to graduate?" Ms. Maple, Jason's guidance counselor ask quietly. Jason thinks for a second. "Will I be able to go to college?" He ask quietly. We all nod. "Can I go to community college?" He ask. "If that's what you want." He smiles. "Good because I was looking at classes and they have a game design class that I like." He says quietly. I look at Cheryl. "See? He is ready!" I say quietly. She take a deep breath and nods. "Can I keep my job?" I nod rubbing Jason's back. "Then I will be graduating in early June because I am tired of taking the same classes." He says standing up. "Speaking of I have Computer Science. I need a ride home later." He says quietly. "Have fun." I smile.

Idk what else to do with this

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now