244: The One Where Toni's Mom Comes Home Part 2

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I walk back into the bedroom. "Better?" I nod. I sit down on the bed and smile. "What?" Cheryl ask quietly. "I like it when you wear your glasses." I say quietly. "Yeah?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "Can I sit?" She ask motioning to the bed. I nod. She sits on the bed. "Stop picking at your lip." She says quietly. "I like kissing them and it's not fun when they are chapped." She says quietly. "Here." She hands me some chapstick. I pull away as she tries to put it on my lips. "Sorry." I say quietly. I take it. "It's ok babe. I shouldn't have just done that." I kiss her. I cup her cheeks and kiss her again. "Do you want to?" She ask quietly. "Kinda." She gets up and closes the door. I stand up and we both quickly take off our clothes except our underwear. "You sure?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I say quietly. We sit on the bed. She takes off her boxers and I take my underwear off. She quickly grabs condom and puts it on. I look at her. "It's just me." She whispers. I nod. "We can stop if either of us need to." I say quietly. She nods. I nod and slide myself onto her. I groan quietly. I put her hands on my hips. "Oh!" I moan. "Can I kiss your neck?" I nod. She slowly starts kisses me neck.

I put my shirt on. "You ok?" Cheryl ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah. Just um... you know." She nods. "Can I ask what made you want to stop?" She ask quietly. "So we don't accidentally do it again." She adds. "Um... I think it was um... the... I honestly don't know! I think it was just too much since I was kinda stressed." I say quietly. "Do you want me to drive you home?" She ask quietly. "No. I want to stay here for now."


Toni walks into the blue and gold in shock. "Toni?" She looks at me and Betty. "You ok?" She puts her bag down at the desk and starts working. "Toni?" Betty ask quietly. "I don't want to talk about it." I sigh. "Toni talk to me!" She looks up. "I'm fine!" She storms off. I follow her and see her on the risers on the football field. I sit down next to Toni who's nervously playing with her shirt. I look out at the football field knowing Toni just needs quiet for now. "My mom died." She says quietly. I look at her. "What?!" She looks at me. "My m-." I stop her. "I heard you the first time I'm just shocked!" She nods. "When did you find out?" I ask quietly. "Last night after you dropped me off." She says quietly. "I don't know how to feel." She says. "She watched me get molested by my uncle and was in and out of my life! She was still my mom though!" She says try to rap her head around everything. "I think you should be able to grieve." I say quietly. She nods. "I wished for this day to happen. I never thought it would actually happen." I look at her. "She's the source for all of my fucked upness." She whispers. "Yeah, but at least you're you." I say quietly. She looks at me. "You have your father, Me, you may not like it but you also have Betty. You can miss your mom all you want, you can hate her too. Just know no matter what, we'll all be there for you will make sure no one puts you through that again." I tell her. "That barely made sense." I nod. "I know." She smiles a bit. "I'm not really good with reading emotions, even through all your snark and sass you manage to make it easier for me." She says quietly. I smile. "Well, if it makes you feel and better you really taught me what patience is. Like I waited for you to be ready to let me even hold your hand, I waited for you to be ready for just about anything normal couples do." She looks at me confused. "That's a compliment. Because I know our relationship wasn't built on sex, it was built on love." I tell her. "I would wait a million years for you." I whisper. "So once we got to 1,000,001 you would stop?" She jokes. "Sure." We both smile. I look at my watch. "Do you want to go pick up our stuff from the Blue and Gold and head to Pop's for dinner?" I ask quietly. Her eyes widen. "Sorry. You probably had something planned." She nods. I nod. "Ok. Tomorrow maybe?" I ask. She nods. "What time?" She ask quietly. "6:30?" She thinks for a second. "M...maybe. I have to check with my dad." I nod. "Ok." I smile. She lies her head into my shoulder. "Can I?" She nods. I rap my arm around her gently.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now