385: The One With Their Son

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I look at Veronica. "Is it true you have a kid?" She ask quietly. "N-no? Who told you that?" I ask confused. "I saw you walking around with a little kid!" I sigh. "That's my sister's son! She's a few years older than me, she had a kid and I was watching him for the weekend!" I tell her. She nods. "Are you stocking me or something?" I ask her. "No! I saw you at Pops! Cheryl showed me a picture of you guys together." I nod. "Why did you ask me something like that?" I ask her. "I was trying to protect Cheryl." She says quietly. "You know, my mother was a single mother of 3 and she's the greatest woman I have ever met! Single moms aren't the deadbeats. Also if you ask me where my father is I will make your life a living hell." I say ending with a smile. "You have balls." She says quietly. "I like that." She adds. I smile. "Does Cheryl know about your nephew?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I whisper. She nods. Cheryl walks into the living room where we are sitting. "What are you guys talking about?" She ask quietly. "Just getting to know each other." I tell her.

I look at Cheryl. "What did you think?" She ask as she takes off her makeup at her vanity. "I know she's your best friend but I really don't like her." I say quietly. She turns around and looks at me. "What?" She ask quietly. "She asked me if I had a kid and made it seem like if I did it was bad!" I tell her. "Why did she think you had a kid?" She ask turning back around to the vanity. "She saw me with Drew." I whisper. "I didn't know she knew what I looked like." I add. "I'm sorry. She asked to see a picture of you." I shrug. "It's fine! I was just confused how she knew what I looked like." I say quietly. "Oh! Ok." I smile. "I asked her why she wanted to know. She said she was protecting you. I went off on her about my mom and how amazing she is." I say quietly. "Knowing all 3 of you, by herself, how the hell did she raise you guys and not kill y'all?" She ask quietly. I smile. "She had her friends." I tell her. "Me and Jess were basically raised by her friends." I say quietly. "Was it hard not having a father around?" She ask quietly. "No. I mean my mom had us by donor. So she knew what she was signing up for." I tell her. "But I think there were a lot of times she questioned if it was a good idea to have 3 of us." She smiles.

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