256: The One With The Allergy

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I look at Cheryl. "Um... there's something I need to tell you." I whisper pulling away. "I haven't had any surgery." I tell her. "Ok." She nods. "Let me grab a condom." I say quietly. She sits me. "It's ok, I'm in the pill!" She says quietly. "No, Cheryl please! I don't feel comfortable not using one." I say quietly. She gets off me. "Why?" She ask quietly. "I just want you to know that I did get treated and I'm  completely clean but I still don't feel comfortable not using a condom. A few weeks ago I was treated for Chlamydia and all my test have come back and I'm completely clean! It's just I still want to cautious for a bit longer." I explain. She nods. "Ok! That actually makes sense!" She says quietly. "Why are you so insistent on not using one?" I ask her. "I have a latex allergy." She says quietly. "There's a work around Cheryl, you could have just talked about it!" I say quietly. "We can talk about it now." She says. "True." I smile awkwardly. She kisses me. "Can I ask how you got Chlamydia?" She ask quietly. "Um... I don't think the person who gave it to me, wants people to know." I say quietly. "We've only been together for a few a week now, so I can't even pretend to be mad." She says quietly. "About the sleeping with people before we were together thing!" She nods. "I figured." I say quietly. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything before, I just wanted to wait." She nods. "Do you want to, even though I would prefer using a condom?" I ask quietly. "Yeah, just not right now because we don't have any condoms that we can use." I nod. "Ok. I was just making sure that maybe me insisting on using a condom was a bit of a turn off or something I just wanted to make sure." I tell her. She smiles. "Thanks baby." She whispers. "What do you want to do now?" She ask quietly. "Um... we can go get some condoms that we can use?" I suggest. "It's almost 9. So tomorrow." I nod. I hear my phone ring. "It might be important." I whisper and grab my phone. "It's my dad. I should take this."

I walk back into the bedroom. "Everything ok?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Um... yeah! I just got a call from my dad." I say throwing my phone on my bed. "My mom is back on the wagon for about a week and wants to talk to me." She looks at me. "Um... I don't want to talk about it right now." I whisper lying down. "We can talk about it after I process it. Which will probably be sometime tomorrow." She nods. "Ok. You don't have to talk about it at all if you don't want to. I'll be here if you want to though." I smile. "Thanks." I whisper. She kisses me. "Go to sleep baby." She whispers.

I look at the condoms. "Are they uncomfortable?" I ask Cheryl. "We could use an internal one." She suggest. "Like one that goes in you?" I ask confused. She nods. "They're weird and you have to keep them in place." She says quietly. "They aren't in my go to." I nod. "So Latex free for my dick?" I ask quietly. She kisses me. "Yup!" I nod. "I have to go pick up my medication." I whisper. "I'll pay you back for the condoms." I add. "Unless you want to go up to watch me get hormone replacements and stuff for my weird armpit rash?" I ask quietly. She looks at me. "I'll pay for the condoms, you have fun." I nods

I walk into the blue and gold. "So are you just going through the entire family?" Betty ask quietly. I look at her. "What are you talking about?" I ask quietly. "Me, Cheryl. You're going through all of us!" I nod. "Right. I forgot you and Cheryl are cousins." I whisper. "Does she know?" She ask quietly. "About what?" I ask confused. "About me giving you Chlamydia." She whispers the last part. I nod. "Yeah, but I didn't say it was you. I didn't think you wanted to have people knowing." I tell her. "Won't she figure it out?" I shake my head. "No! She doesn't know about us because you aren't out to anyone, barely to yourself." I whisper getting close to her. "I'll see you later." I say grabbing the camera and leaving. I go to the gym. "Everyone stop!" Cheryl yells. "Take 5!" She says before walking over to me. "What's up?" She ask quietly. "I need some pictures for the blue and gold." I say quietly. She kisses me. "Can you come back in like 10 minutes?" She ask quietly. "Yeah!" I whisper. "They need to get there shit together." She smiles. "I get it." I whisper. "I'll be back in 20 the football team is to happy to be into their looks and make me take a million pictures and won't let me leave." She laughs a little. "Do you actually go in alphabetical order?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I pull out my list and show her. I kiss her. "I'll see you in a bit." I whisper. I walk out.

I walk into blue and gold to drop off the camera. "Why are you so freaked out?" I ask quietly. Betty looks at me. "I'm pregnant." She says quietly. I nod. "It has to be yours." She whispers. "Or Jughead's." I say. She looks up. I whisper. "Also, Jughead told me that he had Chlamydia right before you got it and gave it to me." I tell her. "Jughead tells me everything. I tell him everything. I didn't tell him about us because I know you didn't want people to know." I whisper. "Not to be a dick or anything but do what you want with that kid. I'm not helping though. Because you're a slut, and unless that kid comes out black, it's not mine." I say putting the camera down and grabbing my bag. "I was planning on grabbing an abortion so you're in the clear." She whispers. I look down. "Do you have someone to take you?" I ask quietly. "No." She says quietly. "When's the appointment?" I ask her. "Saturday afternoon at 3 after our interview so we need to make that quick." I nod. "I'll pick you up." I whisper. "What about Cheryl?" She ask quietly. "I'll just say we have to do an interview, I won't say more." I say quietly. "

"Hey, Betty had an interview thing tomorrow and she wants me to get some pictures and video tomorrow." I say quietly. "We're leaving around 11 and be back around 6 in you want to meet me at Pop's after." I tell Cheryl. "Some alumni she wants to interview for homecoming." I whisper. She nods. "Ok, have fun." She looks at me. "Do you want to try the condoms?" I ask smiling. She smiles and grabs one. I go over to her and we make out for a while until I get hard. I take off my pants and put the condom on. "That feels weird." I whisper. "It's rippled that's why." She whispers. I look down and take off her underwear. "I need your consent." I whisper. She nods. "I want to have sex with you." She whispers. I slide into her. I thrust slowly.

I look at Betty. "You sure you want to do this?" I ask her. "I'm not trying to guilt trip you or anything honestly. I just want you to make the right decision." I tell her. She nods. "Yeah." She whispers. "Ok." I nod. "I'll walk you in." I whisper. "I know how crazy those pro-lifers get." I tell her. "Trust me, my mom was one." I say quietly. "Come on." I say getting out of the car. She gets out and we go into the center. She looks at me. "It's ok." I tell her. "You don't have to do this, but if you do you can! You're strong enough to." She nods. "This stays between us." She says quietly. "Of course." I nod.

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