386: The One With The Beer

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I walk into the house. "Hey babe! I'm home!" I announce putting my keys on the holder and hanging up my jacket. I reach for the wall as I lift my foot up and untie my shoes. I pull them off. My feet are throbbing. I slowly walk into the living room. "Hey babe." I say smiling. "Is that a beer?" I ask her. "Since when?" I ask smiling. "Since we ran out of wine and this was the only thing left." I nod. "I hate it more than anything." She tells me. "Wanna go to the bar?" I ask her. "You just got home." She says quietly. "Yeah, but, bar..." I say awkwardly. She smiles. "Ok. But I saw the pain you were in when you took those shoes off so no boots or heals."

I look at Cheryl and she hands me a beer. "I don't get it." She says quietly. "You don't have to." I smile. She looks at me. "How drunk are we planning on getting tonight?" I ask her. "Just a few drinks, I have to get some stuff done tomorrow, I don't feel like waking up at noon with a hangover, I just want to wake up at noon." I nod.

I look at Cheryl. "You ok?" She asks as she sits down next to me in the booth. "Yeah! My mom called." I whisper. "What happened?" She ask quietly. "My dad, fell. He's ok! They brought him to the hospital, nothing is broken! He's just in a lot of pain. I'm not worried about getting to the hospital or anything. He's being released tomorrow morning. I'll go over when they get settled." I explain. She nods. "I'm just moping for a minute." I say quietly. "I'll pay the tab and we can go home if you want." She says quietly. "You do that, I have to go to the bathroom." She nods.


I look at Toni who's looking at her sweatshirt. "What are you doing?" I ask confused. "I could just hang this up." She says quietly. "Yeah." I say quietly. "I mean, I wear it almost everyday! I could just come downstairs, put my sweatshirt on and put my shoes on." She says quietly. "Yeah." I nod. "Why did I never think of that?" She ask hanging it up. "Because it's not something you'd think about." I say quietly. "This'll motive me to actually put a shirt on some mornings too!" She says smiling. "I'm gonna forget this is down here tomorrow. Aren't I?" I nod. "You're gonna rip the bedroom apart." I whisper. "Try to remind me?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! I will." I smile. She looks at it again and takes it off. "I'll be running late and think I'll have time to chill, but then I'll have to put both of these on downstairs instead of putting it on upstairs and the chilling." She says going upstairs. "Why are you like this?" I ask following her upstairs. "I think I'm a little buzzed." I nod. "Fair enough." I smile. We go upstairs and walk into the bedroom. "Do you think it's weird how people are living completely separate lives from you?" She ask quietly. "Are you high?" I ask her. "Ok I lied. I'm not buzzed, but I go a bit of a contact high in the bathroom and I think it's hitting now." I nod. "Ok." I smile. "Go lie down." I say directing her to the bed. "You didn't answer my question." She says lying down. "Yes I think it's weird." I whisper. "I need to get changed." She says quietly. "Just go to bed." I whisper. She nods, rolls over and immediately falls asleep. It concerns me how quickly she's able to just fall asleep.

I hear the front door open. "Hello!" Toni says walking in. "How's your dad?" I ask her. "He's good! Not as bad of pain as he was yesterday. He's going back to the doctor's on Monday and my mom is gonna be out of town so I have to bring him." She tells me. "He can't drive himself?" I ask her. "My parents only have one car right now and my mom is taking it with her." She says walking into the living room. "My mom's car broke down and they can't get it back until the day after my mom comes home and also my dad doesn't want to go to this appointment on his own so I would have gone anyways." I nod

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