395: The One With Sesame Street

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I walk out into the empty arena. "Wow. This place is huge." I whisper. I pull out my phone and take a few pictures of the arena. I immediately send them to Cheryl. I look at the stage again. "So the drums are on the left and your piano will be on the right as usual." Veronica explains. "Ok." I nod. "Where's the wife and kid?" Fangs ask walking over to us. "Home." I say sadly. "Mommy!" I hear. "Or not." I smile. I turn around and see my daughter Rose running over to me. I drop to my knees and open my arms. "Come here!" I smile as she hugs me. "How are you baby?" I ask smiling. "Oh! I've missed you so much." I say quietly. "Hi baby." I smile. I look at her. "I've missed you so much." I tell her. She smiles. I hug her again. I look up and see Cheryl. "Give me a minute." I tell her. She smiles and nods. Do I love my daughter more than my wife? Yeah! Probably. Does Cheryl know that? Yeah. Do we need to talk about it? No. I look at Rose again. "You look so good!" I say looking at her outfit. "I wanted to dress like you mommy." I smile. "You look amazing." I tell her. "Now let me say hi to mommy ok?" She nods. I stand up and go over to Cheryl. "Hey babe." I say smiling and pulling her into a kiss. We move into a hug. "How long are you guys here for?" I ask her. "The rest of tour." I look at her. "Yesterday was Rose's last day of school!" I look at Rose. "You're a going to be a kindergartner now?" I ask smiling. She nods. I give her a high five. "I'm so proud of you." I say smiling. "I'm sorry I missed it kiddo." I say quietly. I look at Cheryl. She kisses me again. "I've missed you so much." I tell her. "You don't even know." I whisper.

I walk onto stage. "We'll come out from our sides of the stage, then we'll meet in the middle. We'll look around for a second, the light will flash on our instruments and we'll go to our instruments. Play Garden of Fire then halfway through that, the song will abruptly stop, I'll go back behind the curtain and Waiting Hope will play, the curain will drop, we'll play through that then I run off stage and get changed." I explain to Cheryl. She nods.

I look at Rose as I follow her while she runs around the halls of the arena singing the theme song to Sesame Street. "Hey Rosie!" She stops and look at me. "Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?" I ask her. "No!" She says with a mischievous smile. "What?" I ask in shock. "Never!" She shouts before running off. "Rosie!" I run after her. I catch up to her and pick her up. She squeals. I kiss her cheek repeatedly. She looks at the big poster with Fangs and I's face on it. "Who's that?" I ask pointing at me. "Mommy!" I smile. "Who's that?" I ask pointing at Fangs. "Uncle Fangs." I nod. "Yeah!" I smile. Cheryl comes over to us. "You ok?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah. Little jet lagged." I nod. "I'm so jet lagged that I'm not even jet lagged anymore." I tell her. She laughs quietly. "That's what you get for becoming a musician." I smile. Cheryl and I don't have the best relationship, we fight but we don't hate each other. It's usually when she's exhausted, she tends to pick fights or be cold to the point I get frustrated. She admits that though. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "I'm really tired." I nod. "It's ok. I can keep Rose occupied, if you want to go take a nap before the show." I suggest. "You sure? You have to get ready." I shrug. "It's fine!" I smile. "It takes me like 5 minutes to get changed." I tell her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask Cheryl. "I'm sorry for getting pissy with you." She whispers. "It's fine!" I say quietly. "We're allowed to have fights." I tell her. "We're allowed to have moments where we irritate each other, as long as we talk about them, move on and don't let them be a constant thing." I tell her. "I love you! It's gonna be really hard for you to make me hate you! We don't see each other a lot because I'm touring. It was easier when Rosie wasn't in school! Maybe after this tour, we take some time off! It's not that hard to convince Fangs he's wanted to take a break for a while!" I tell her. "I've been thinking about! Maybe if both me and Fangs want to take and break we can talk the label into letting us." I explain. "How long?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "I'll figure that out with Fangs, but for now let's sit in bed and eat bad Chinese food because it's so bad it's actually good." I tell her. She nods. "I can do that." She smiles. I look over at the baby monitor. "She'll sleep through anything." I say quietly. "Yeah. I don't know how but she will." I smile. "She looks like you when she sleeps." I tell her. "You think?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile.

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