281: The One Where The Marriage Starts To Get Back Together

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"Toni?" I look at my therapist. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "I haven't had a drink in 2 days." I whisper. "I feel like I'm going crazy." I say quietly. "Have you talked to your wife?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. "No, she wants me to be sober for at least a month before I talk to her." I explain.

I take a sip from my coffee. I hear the bell ring to Pops. "Mommy!" I turn around and see my daughter running over to me. I look up and see Cheryl. I pick up Rose. "Hey sweetheart." I smile. "How are you?" I ask smiling. "Where were you?" She ask quietly. "I was away for a work thing." I lie. "Are you going home now?" I shake my head. "No, I have to get back on the road for a few more weeks." I whisper. She nods. "Ok." I smile. "How about you go get a booth? Ok?" Cheryl ask quietly. I put Rose down and she runs over to a booth. I look at Cheryl. "I didn't know you were going to be here." I say quietly. "Outside, now!" I nod. "V, keep an eye on Rose for me?" She ask Veronica. "Yup!" Cheryl and I go outside. "I swear! I did-." She stops me. "Are you drunk?" She ask quietly. "No, I haven't had a drink in a week." I tell her. She looks at me. "I don't believe you." I hand her my chip. "One week." I tell her. "I'm really trying this time." I whisper. "I want to see my daughter again! I want to be at home! With you!" I explain. "Did you know we were coming here?" She ask quietly. "No, I come here and drink an unhealthy amount of coffee after meetings." I tell her. She nods. "Go home." She whispers. "I need to pay first." I say quietly. "I'll pay, you just pay me back later."  She whispers. I look over at Rose who's sitting at the booth with Veronica. I take a deep breath. "I don't want to let her down." I whisper. "I think you already did that Toni." I look at her. "Go." She whispers. I nod and go to my truck.

I take a deep breath. "One more?" Veronica ask holding up the coffee pot. "Yeah." I nod. "You ok?" She ask pouring me the coffee. "Yesterday." I whisper. "She misses you." I look up at her. "Rose?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah! She was really happy to see you." I smile a little. "I don't want to mess this up again." I tell her. "So don't. You're at your best when your sober, and your kid needs a mom." I look at her. "She has Cheryl." She shakes her head. "No, you needs you too." I take a deep breath. "She only talks about you." She whispers.

I open the door and see Cheryl. "Cheryl?" I ask confused. "Can we talk?" I nod. I let her in and we sit down at the table. "I saw the way Rose lit up when she saw you." She whispers. "I'm trying to stay sober!" I tell her. "I haven't had a drink in almost 2 weeks." I whisper. "I think we still need to be separated for a while." She says quietly. I look at her. "I just want you to know that I think as long as you are sober you should be able to see your daughter." She tells me. "She doesn't deserve me." I whisper. "Yes she does." She whispers. "I don't want to fall back into the same habits." I say quietly. "I won't let you." She says smiling. I look at her. "Can I ask why Rose was dressed like that?" I ask her. "What do you mean?" She ask quietly. "She usually dresses more girly. She wasn't when I saw her." I say quietly. "I don't have a problem with it! It's just kinda out of character." She looks at me. "Oh! We were shopping. She wanted the shirt." I nod. "Cool." I smile. "Does she even know what Star Wars is?" I ask her. "Oh! No! Not at all." I smile.

I roll over and look at Cheryl. "That was nice." She says quietly. "This can't be a consistent thing though." She tells me. "Not until you get your shit together." She adds. I nod. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "Don't, I get it." I whisper. "Honestly." I whisper.

6 months later

I kiss the top of Rose's head. "Mommy!" She says smiling. I pick her up. She giggles. "Happy Birthday Sweetheart!" I say smiling. We go into the kitchen. "You're here!" Cheryl says shocked. I nod. "Good!" She smiles. I put Rose down. "Go watch some Tv while Mommy and I talk." I whisper. She nods and walks away. I look at Cheryl. "I'm really trying to be there for her." I whisper. "Good! I just didn't expect you to be here as early!" She says smiling. "Oh! Yeah! I got bored and it was either coming here or drinking. So I might as well come here and not break our promise." I explain. She nods. "I want to try us again." I whisper. "I don't Toni. I thought I would but I don't, I can't trust you. I don't know what to do!" She tells me. "I think we need a divorce. I still want you to be in Rose's life and mine I just can't be married to you." She explains. I sit down and I take deep breath. "I'm sorry if that makes no sense, I just don't know how else to tell you." She says quietly. I look at her. "Can I still help you with Rose? Like with doctor stuff and school?" I ask her. She nods. "We'll both have the same amount of time and say over her. We just won't be married." She whispers. I nod. "Can I come over here if I want?" I ask her. "As long as you tell me beforehand because we might not be home or something." I nod. "I like that." She nods. "Ok." She whispers. "When do you want to tell her?" I ask quietly. "Not today." I nod. "As long as you are sober you can do all this. I'm really not trying to bribe you or anything but it has to be done." She tells me.

I put Rose on my lap as Cheryl puts the small cake in front of us. "Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Rose! Happy Birthday to you!" We sing to Rose. "Blow out the candles sweetheart." I whisper. She blows out the candles out. We all clap. "Are you 1! Are you 2! Are you 3! Ar-." Rose stops us. "I'm 3!" She says happily. I kiss the top of her head. "Let's eat." I say happily.

I kiss Cheryl's neck. "I thought we weren't doing this anymore?" I ask quietly. "I don't know anymore." She whispers sliding onto me. I moan quietly. "We shouldn't." I whisper. "I don't care." She says riding me. I moan as I kiss her neck. "Does this mean you want to get back together?" I ask her. "I don't know. Just shut up and fuck me." She whispers. I roll us over and thrust harder. I cover her mouth as she starts moaning. Unlike me she can't make my moans quiet. I kiss her neck. "Oh fuck!" She moans. "I love you." I whisper. "I still love you." I tell her. "Toni!" I thrust harder. I hold her hips, sit up and thrust as fast as possible. "I'm gonna cum!" She moans out. I nod and we both cum. I lie next to her. "Are you on birth control?" I ask her. "No." I sit up. "Remember how hard it was to have Rose? I don't think we have a problem." I lie back down. I look at her. "What are we doing?" I ask her. "I don't know." She whispers. "Do you want to try us again?" I ask quietly. "Before we decide if we really want to get a divorce or not?" She nods. "Ok." I smile.

I hand Cheryl my 6 months chip. "Got this today?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "It feels really fucking good. I'm almost 200 days sober." I whisper. "This is really good." She says quietly. "Rose can't know." I whisper. She nods. "Of course." I look at her. "You sure you're not pregnant?" I ask her. "Took a test, there's nothing to worry about!" I nod. "Cool."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now