251: The One With The Assembly

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I look at Cheryl. "What?" She ask quietly. "As stupid as these are have they ever thought that maybe them making a gym full of kids sit down and listen to some stupid Church kids who know nothing about they're talking about and have them try and tell me the dangers of drugs are. have they ever thought that maybe, just fucking maybe, that this might be a little triggering for someone who's dealt with Drug Addiction first hand?" I ask getting more and more pissed off. She sighs. "Yeah. This is ridiculous." She whispers. "Did you try just walking out?" I nod. "Yeah, I got stopped at the door with a slip that said I had 2 weeks of detention!" I say annoyed. She smiles a little. "Did you give a snarky remark?" She ask. "M-maybe." She kisses my cheek. "How about we don't do that? Ok?" I roll my eyes. "I'm gonna down there and punch one of them!" I say almost jumping up. "No!" She stops me. I stand up. "How about you stop trying to tell kids that drugs are bad and that god doesn't like it when we hurt our bodies and you actually tell people the dangers of drugs?" I ask in front of everyone. They all look at me. "You know nothing! You think that's it's a personal choice, when in reality addiction isn't, if it was up to me I would be clean for 17 years instead it's 17 days! You think that god will save us, instead of actually telling these kids on where to go find help! You think that showing us that's it's ok as long as we find god at the end! When I never found god! I found a non-religious NA meeting and realized that maybe I wasn't the most fucked up. Can't wait until you find out how I feel about abortions!" I tell the group of speakers. "That all Ms. Topaz?" Weatherbee ask from the floor. "God isn't real! Fuck you all!" I say before grabbing my bag and getting of the risers knowing I'm in trouble. I hear everyone clap. "Fuck it." I whisper before going over to the church group and go up to the leader. "Go fuck yourself." I say before punching him. "This is a public school in America you shouldn't be here talking about god!" I yell. I flip him off and go straight to the office. I sit down and just wait for Weatherbee. I hear a door close and he comes in. "Do I even ask?" He ask me unbuttoning his suit jacket so he can sit down. "I wasn't gonna get punished you for voicing your opinion but you decided to go over and punch the man." He says quietly. "Aren't we supposed to have religious freedom at school? That's why we don't drop everything we're doing to pray to a god that isn't real?" I ask him. "Yes." He nods. "That's why my girlfriend is allowed to be Jewish and believe in whatever Jewish people believe in, Cheryl's given up on trying to tell me what she does at temple and I gave up on trying to understand! I can also sit here and tell you that I think god isn't real and you can smile and nod. Am I wrong?" I explain to him. "That's why people came to America! So they can worship and pray to whatever they believe in even if it's a spaghetti god!" I say. "That's why a Muslim kid can walk down the hallway with a hijab and be best friends with a Buddhist!" I tell him. "That's why I can not believe in god and you can go to church every Sunday and hope no one from school sees you there because that's awkward!" He takes a deep breath. "I'm not mad about you speaking up Toni, I'm mad that you went up to someone, told him to go fuck himself, punched him in the face and flipped him off while walking out of the gym in front of a room full with the entire school." He tells me. "You know that if this happens again I have to tell your parol officer and you'll be sent to jail for 30 days." I nod. I look at him. "I don't think I will be punching some guy from a Church in front of the school."I say quietly. "You know what I mean Toni!" He says pissed. "You get into a fight, you lay a hand on someone, unless it's self defense and it can be proven! You'll go to jail and you know it!" He tells me. "3 strikes and your out Toni. I don't want that happening to you, you're a good kid." He insist. "Also should I be concerned about what you said about being clean?" He ask quietly. "No, I just said 17 days to match my age." He nods. "Ok. Just know that if you break your sobriety and get caught, you go to rehab for 90 days." He whispers. "I've thought about it." I say quietly. "But I haven't in 6 months." He nods. "You might need to go tell Cheryl." I nod. "Definitely." I whisper. "I don't know what you're gonna do with you yet. So go to class and I'll call you down later." I nod. "And just remember this is all until your 18 birthday. Then you get a second chance for the 8th time." I nod.

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