317: The One Where They Go Home

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I look at my little sister Maria, she's 7 and doesn't really know the difference between different relationships. "You're girlfriend is pretty." She whispers motioning to Cheryl. "Yeah?" I ask smiling. She nods. "Do you love her?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Very much so." She smiles. "Does she know?" Maria ask smiling. "Yes." I nod. "What's her name?" She ask quietly. "Cheryl." She nods. "Cheryl! TT loves you." Cheryl looks at me and I just shrug.

"What would you do if you won the lottery?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Pay back my debts." I tell her. "Pay my parents back. Save money for Maria to go to college. Use whatever's left on our future. Maybe get you an actual ring." I say quietly. She looks at me. "What about you?" I ask quietly. "Take you out to a fancy restaurant." I look at her. "Our priorities are very different." She nods. "I'm not mad, you've had a completely different life than me." I add. "We could do both." She says quietly. I smile. "We could get married and have the wedding you always talked about." I tell her. She nods. She kisses me. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you." She rubs my cheek. "Your sister is adorable by the way." I smile. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce you to my family sooner." I tell her. "I didn't know how they would react to you." I whisper. "I know, our families don't really see eye to eye." She says quietly. "But I think my parents liked you." I say smiling. "I'm not my parents." She says quietly. "No! You're not! You're the opposite of your parents. You actually like people about 70% of the time." She smiles. "Can I ask you something?" I nod. "Why is Maria so much younger than you?" She ask quietly. "My mom remarried." I tell her. "Maria is my half sister." I say quietly. "What about your actual father?" She ask quietly. "Not be a rude or anything. You just never talk about it." I shake my head. "It's ok. It's just because it's hard to talk about." I whisper. "My father died when I was 12." I tell her. "But I didn't really know him anyways, my parents were divorced." I say quietly. "Do you know how he died?" She ask quietly. "If you're comfortable." She whispers. "I don't really know. My mom might, I never asked, I knew it was a hard for my mom so I didn't want to bring it up." I tell her. She nods. "I don't really want to talk about it anymore." I whisper. She nods. "We should get some sleep." I say quietly.

I roll over and kiss Cheryl's cheek. "Good morning sweetheart." I whisper. "Good morning baby." She smiles. "What time is it?" She ask quietly. "9 ish. My parents should be up." I tell her. "You ok after last night?" She ask quietly. I nod. Cheryl kisses me. "Get some clothes on, we'll get breakfast." I say quietly. She smiles. "Ok." She whispers. We both get up and throw some clothes on. We walk out of my bedroom. We walk downstairs. "Good morning." I say walking into the kitchen. "Good morning sweetheart." Mom says smiling. "Where's dad?" I ask looking around and realizing he's not there. "Oh! He's at work. It's Monday so he goes in early." I nod. I feel tiny arms wrap around my side. "Hey." I look down at Maria. "Good morning." I smile.

I look out at the lake from the porch as I watch Cheryl play with Maria in the pool. "You ok?" Mom ask handing me a cup of coffee. "How did my birth father die?" I ask her. She looks at me. "I know you guys weren't together but I know you know." I whisper. She sits next to me and takes a deep breath. "He was bipolar, he got depressed and suicidal and killed himself by setting his house on fire." She tells me. I breathe out trying to comprehend that. "Holy shit." She nods. "Why?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "What?" I ask quietly. "Why all of a sudden are you wondering?" She ask clarifying. "I was talking to Cheryl last night and she asked and I didn't have an actual answer." I say quietly. "You really love her?" She ask quietly. I nod. "I was hoping to sit you down with Cheryl and tell you this but I might as well do it now. Cheryl and I are engaged." I tell her. She smiles. "Who proposed?" She ask quietly. "I did." I whisper. "You really don't care that she's a Blossom?" I ask quietly. "She seems sweet. Unlike her parents." I nod. "Very. She has her moments but that's because she's Cheryl and doesn't take shit from anyone." I tell her. "She seems to know what she wants." I nod. "Yeah, that's why I love her." I whisper. "When's the wedding?" She ask quietly. "We don't have a date planned or anything." I say quietly. "Why not?" She ask concerned. "We can't afford it." I whisper. "Not to be rude or anything but isn't Cheryl rich?" She ask quietly. "Not anymore. Um... after her grandmother died her mom got all of her inherence, because her grandmother didn't actually have anything set aside so it just all went to Cheryl's mom." I explain. "I'm sorry." I shrug. "I'm more worried that Cheryl's secretly plotting her mother's death to get that money though." I whisper. "Would she?" I shrug. "I wouldn't put it past her."

I walk over to Cheryl. "Are we seriously about to have sex in your childhood bedroom?" She ask quietly. I pull my pants down. "Do you not want to?" I ask quietly. "No, I do. I just find it a bit awkward." I nod. "We can stop if it gets to uncomfortable for you." I tell her. She comes over to the side of the bed and wraps her legs around me. "I don't really care." She whispers pulling me into a kiss. I take off her pants and underwear. "You took your birth control right?" I ask quietly. "Yeah. You don't need a condom." I nod. "Unless you want one." She whispers. "No, I'm just double checking." I tell her. I kneel down in front of her and slowly eat her out. She grips the back of my head as I suck in her clit. "Oh, fuck." I stroke my dick to get hard, stand up and slide into her. "Fuck." I hold her hips and pick her up. I lie us on the bed and thrust slowly. She looks at me. "You ok?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Let me ride you." She whispers. I pull out and lie down.

I roll over and look at Cheryl who's lying in bed. "You ok?" I ask quietly. She doesn't say anything for a minute. "That was Betty. Her mother just died." She says breaking her silence. "Shit. Really?" She nods. "What do you want to do?" I ask quietly. "Do you mind if I leave a day early? I need to be there for her." I nod. "Yeah! But we only have one car here. How am I getting home?" I ask quietly. "You can come with me." I nod.

I look down at Maria and kneel down. "Why do you have to go?" She ask quietly. "Something came up." I whisper. "Can I come?" I shake my head. "It's an adult thing." I tell her. She hugs me. "I'm gonna miss you." She whispers. I take a deep breath. "I'm gonna miss you too." I whisper. "When can I see you again?" She ask quietly. "Soon, I'll be back up in a few weeks." I tell her.

I walk up to the bar. "Do you have any non-alcoholic drinks that look like they have alcohol in them?" I ask Veronica. She nods. "Yeah." She says quietly. "Also nothing with coconut." She nods. "I know that part." I smile. "Why no alcohol?" She ask as she makes my drink. "Oh! I quit drinking." She nods. "Why?" She ask quietly. "Oh! I'm a very light weight and I don't feel like dealing with the hangovers anymore!" I explain. "Also I'm the designated driver." I add. She nods. Cheryl walks over to me. "Is Maria coming down to stay with us this weekend?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I smile. She kisses me.

I open the door and see Maria. "TT!" She says excitedly. "Maria!" She runs over to me and hugs me. I pick her up. I smile.

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