329: The One Where Toni Goes Home

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I look at my mom. "I want to go live with dad." I tell her. She looks at me. "What did I do?" She ask quietly. "Move me away from all my friends and my father." I explain. She nods. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Don't be! It make's sense. I shouldn't have done that." I take a deep breath. "I'll be back. Durning breaks and stuff. I just really want to be back in Riverdale, surprisingly." I tell her. "When are you going?" She ask me. "Next week." I say quietly. She nods. "Dad is working on getting me reenrolled into school." I whisper. She nods. "Just know I don't hate you or anything." I lie. She nods. "I know." I nod. I genuinely hate my mother, I hope she trips on air. How? I do not know but it'll be funny to see.

I look at Cheryl. "I can't believe you're home!" She smiles. I nod. "Yeah! I'm staying with my dad." I tell her. "Why don't you want to stay with your mom?" She ask quietly. "I didn't want to be away from you." I tell her. "I also like my dad a lot better than my mom." I add. She nods. "Makes sense, your dad isn't a raging Republican." She says quietly. I smile. "I hated Florida." I tell her. "We were in red neck Florida and as you can tell, I am not white! So people had a problem with that." I whisper. "I don't really want to talk about it." I say quietly. She nods. "We don't have to."

I look at my dad. "How was Florida?" He ask quietly. "Bad." I whisper. "I got beat up and mom did nothing about it." I tell him. "There's nothing that can be done anymore so I'm over it. I'm also hear so I don't care." I whisper. "Is that why you came home?" He ask me. "Yes. I also didn't want to be so far away from Cheryl and my friends." He looks at me. "Why is Cheryl special?" He ask quietly. "She's my girlfriend." I tell him. He nods. "Are you gay?" He ask. "I don't know, I'm just attracted to whoever." He nods. "That's cool." He says quietly. "It's your choice. Not saying being gay is a choice or anything. Even if it was it's not my job to tell you what to do. If someone feels like dating the same gender then it's their life not mine." I smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you." I whisper. "It's your life Toni, you're ready to do what you want when you are." I look at him. "That barely made sense didn't it?" I nod. "I know what you mean." I smile. He smiles. "Cool! I love you Toni, nothing can change that." He tells me. "Unless you murder someone, like on purpose and it's not in self defense, then I might consider sending you back to your moms." He explains. I hold back laughter. "You know weirdly that's comforting." I tell him. He nods. "You really like Cheryl?" I nod. "You shouldn't be moving back somewhere just for a person." He tells me. "I like it here anyways." He nods. "If you're happy." I nod. "Anywhere is better the with mom." He nods. "Yeah, there's a reason we aren't together anymore." He says quietly. "Why did you guys separate?" I ask him. "We didn't agree on how to raise you and honestly the only reason we were together was because we had you and didn't want you to have a life without both your parents together." He tells me. "Was it worth it?" I ask quietly. "No." He says quietly. "I know how badly you guys clash. It's not good." I nod. "So why did you let me stay with her?" I ask quietly. "I wanted you to realize it yourself, because you weren't going to listen to me."

I look at Cheryl as we watch the movie. "Hasn't the government learned not to use any Metals in case Magneto comes after her!" She yells annoyed. "Yeah, that would be a smart thing to do." I tell her. "You're high aren't you?" She ask quietly. "What makes you think that?" I ask her. "You usually have something to say to that." I nod. "True." I smile. "Where is it?" She ask quietly. "Bedroom, nightstand bottom drawer under my hair dying shirt." She nods and gets up. I smile and watch the movie.

I hand Cheryl some water and sit down in front of her. "Does your dad know you are a pot head?" She ask quietly. "Yeah. Last night we got high together." I say quietly. "Great father daughter bonding." I joke. She looks at me. "So why do you hide your stash?" She ask quietly. "I don't, it's just where I have it." She nods. "I'm hungry." She says quietly. I nod. "I have chips." I whisper. "Sure." She smiles, I get up and grab a bag of chips and sit back down. "What's a good show to watch while high?" She ask quietly. "Phineas and Ferb." I say quietly. She nods. "Wanna watch it?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." We get up and go into the living room. We sit down and watch tv. "I'm so happy you came home." I nod. "Me too."

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