356: The One Where it's the Right Person, Wrong Time

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I look at Cheryl. "So how was it?" She ask quietly. "The date?" She nods. "It was good." I tell her. She smiles. "What did you guys end up doing?" She ask quietly. "Ah! You know, the usual." I say smiling a little. "And more." I say quietly. "Like what?" She ask smiling. "We didn't have sex if that's what you're thinking." She sits back. "Why not?" She ask quietly. "Because we were just having a chill night." She smiles. I smile thinking about last night. "There's more." I shake my head. "No." I lie. "Toni..." I smile. "I'm serious! We didn't have sex." I tell her. "You always do!" I smile. "Yeah we do." I say smiling. "Did you last night though?" She ask smiling. "Why do you care so much about my sex life?" I ask her. "I like seeing you happy." She says quietly. I look at her. "I caused you so much pain. I want you to be happy even if it's not with me." She tells me. "I really loved you." I tell her. "I also really love Sweet Pea." She nods. "I know." She says quietly. "You didn't just cause me a lot of pain. It's been hard to forgive you. I know we both reacted poorly to what I told you." I tell her. "I'm sorry but you did kinda drop something very serious after 3 years of dating." She tells me. "I've been sober for 7 years." I tell her. "Not when we started dating!" She says quietly. I look down. "I had been sober for 4 years before it!" She looks at me. "We've already had this argument, I'm not doing it again. We broke up, shit was said, I've been sober for 7 years and I don't ever plan on going back to drugs." I tel her. "You work in a bar!" She says annoyed. "Yeah! I'm as surprised as you are." She smiles a little. "I'm sorry for rehashing this argument." She tells me. "It's ok." I tell her. "I surprisingly don't drink a lot. I just rely on coffee and cigarettes." I say quietly.

I look at Sweet Pea who's kinda sulking. We're sitting on the floor watching tv, we both like sitting on the floor, it's a thing. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "You and Cheryl..." I take a deep breath. "We're just friends." I whisper. "Really?" I nod. "Our relationship ended years ago, the flame has been out for a while babe." I tell him. He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, you're right! I guess I'm still a little paranoid from my last relationship." He says quietly. "It's ok. I do love her, just not like that. She's my best friend." He nods. "I know, I'm sorry." He whispers. I sit up and pull him closer. I cup his cheeks. "I love you." I whisper. "I'm not going anywhere." I add. He smiles. "I love you too babe." I pull him into a kiss. "You know, you're the only person I let use my actual name." He says quietly. "I know, but I've known you as Sweet Pea for so long I only use your actual name when I'm mad at you or when we're having sex." He smiles. "Do you hate your name or did Sweet Pea just stick?" I ask quietly. "It kinda stuck. You can thank my mother for that. I never hated Ben, but I don't really respond to it anymore and I work at a bar so it's not like I need to be really professional." He explains. I kiss him again. "You know we've been dating for a while now." I nod. "You are very observant." I joke. He looks at me annoyed. "Go on." I smile. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my parents with me and have dinner as my girlfriend?" He ask quietly. I look at him. "Um..." I look at him, my hands drop to his shoulders. "Toni!" He says annoyed. "I'm sorry! I was really confused for a second, I thought you were gonna ask me to marry you or something and I don't think i'm ready for that." I tell him. "Oh! I'm not ready for that either." He says quietly. "Ok, good." I smile. "I would love to have dinner with your parents, as you're girlfriend." I tell him. He smiles and pulls me into a kiss. "What if I did ask you to marry me?" He ask quietly. "Oh! We'd be having a screaming match right now." He nods. "Fair enough." He says quietly. "Do you want to have sex?" I ask him. He nods. "Sure." He smiles. "Cool! Where?" I ask quietly. "Well, there's my bedroom, or right here on the floor." He suggests. I kiss him. "Right here is good." He kisses me as we both rip our clothes off. "Wait!" He stops me. "Do we need a condom?" He ask quietly. "We've had this conversation. One, I'm allergic to latex and all the condom you have here are not latex free! Two, I'm on birth control. Three, your condoms are in your room and I want to fuck you right here right now." I tell him. He nods. "Also neither of us have any STD's." I say quietly. I kiss him again as we get closer. He grabs my legs and pulls me onto him. We make out and grind on each other for a bit. I feel him get hard. I pull his underwear down a enough for his penis to come out. He moans quietly. I kiss his neck and run my hands through his hair. He pulls my underwear to the side. "Can I?" He ask quietly. I nod. He slowly slides into me. I moan out. "Fuck. You're big." I whisper. "You're tight and wet." He whispers. I grind a little. "Babe." I whisper. "Do you mind if I lay you down?" He ask quietly. "I would like that." He slowly flips us over and thrust slowly. I moan in his ear. "Toni!" He thrust a bit faster. "You ok?" He ask quietly. "My back hurts." I tell him honestly. "Not in a fun way." He stops and sits up. "Do you want to go to my room?" He ask quietly. I nod. "Ok. We can do that." He tells me. We get up and go to his room. He turns on the light as I pull him into a kiss. He picks me up and walks over to the bed. He lies me on the bed and kneels down. "This ok?" He ask concerned. I nod as I sit up a bit. He grabs my hips to pull me closer, he rips my underwear off. "I didn't mean to do that." He says shocked. "It's ok, I got those at Walmart for 5 bucks." He nods. He kisses my thighs as he moves up to my core. I moan quietly. "Babe." He eats me out. I sit up a bit and run my hands through his head. "I need more." I moan. He stops and stands up. I grab his dick and stroke it a bit. He moans. I lean down and suck on his balls while I stroke faster. He stops me. I look up at him. He picks me lies me back and slides into me. "I'm gonna cum." I tell him. He thrust faster as I cum. I moan louder than I would like. He pulls out and strokes his dick. I sit up and stroke for him. "Look at me babe." I say quietly. He looks at me while he cums on my stomach. "Ah! Ah!" I groan. I pull him into a kiss. "I want you to cum inside me." I whisper. "I'm not wearing protection." He whispers. "We've been over this. I'm on the pill, we're ok." I whisper. He looks at me. "You sure?" I nod. "You watched me take it this morning." He nods and slides into me. "I want to ride you." I tell him honestly. "Where?" He ask quietly. "I don't care." He nods and pulls out again. "Anywhere?" I nod. "But make it quick." He nods.

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