347: The One Where Toni Leaves Prison

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"Why aren't you with the serpents right now?" Cheryl ask quietly. "I'm on parole." I tell her. "I can't be around them." I whisper. "When you're off parole?" She ask me. "6 months." I whisper. "No serpents until then." I add. "When that's over?" She ask quietly. "I'll probably go back." I tell her. "Do you think living around them is going to be bad?" She ask concerned. I shake my head. "No." I whisper. "I've missed you." I say looking at her. She looks at me. I stand up and walk over to her. "You really fucked up." I nod. "I know." I whisper. "Why did you do it?" She ask quietly. "I wasn't thinking. I just wanted revenge." I tell her. "What did she do?" She asks me. "She killed my son." I whisper. "You have a kid?" I nod. "I did." I say sadly. "Why didn't you tell me?" She ask confused. "He was 3. He would stay with my parents a lot because I couldn't really afford to take care of him! I was gonna tell you because I loved and trusted you enough to maybe be in his life." I tell her. "He was killed before I could tell you. I went on that rampage before I could tell you." I add. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Why did you lie at the beginning?" She ask quietly. "No one knew he existed. I didn't need to drop that." She nods. "Penny was going after my parents, they survived but he was beaten to death, he died in the hospital." I tell her. She cups my cheeks. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "I should have told you sooner! I'm sorry." She wipes my tears. "I'm not mad." She tells me. I smile. "What's his name?" She ask rubbing my cheek gently with her thumb. "Ah! A-Antonio. He was named after my uncle." I whisper. She smiles. "What about your dad?" She ask quietly. "His name is Richard. I didn't want to give my son an old man's name." I tell her. "And Antonio isn't?" She ask quietly. "No, because me went by Tony. And he had a cool name." I whisper. "His middle name was Richard though." I say quietly. She nods.

"You killed my son!" I yell in a fit of rage. I hit Penny again. "I don't know who you're talking about." She says smiling. I hit her as hard as possible. "You're the reason my son is dead!" I yell. "You killed my baby!" I look at her. I grab a small pipe that's near me. I hit her with it. "You're a murder!" I say hitting her in the head as hard and fast as possible. "I'm not the one with the pipe!" She says quietly. I stop and look at her. I drop the pipe. "You're a pussy." She says smiling. I hit her again and she drops. I hear sirens. "You killed my son." I whisper. "You killed the one person who mattered most to me." I say quietly. "Police put your hands where I can see them!" I put my hands up. They grab my arms and cuff me. I look at Penny as they do the same for her. I look up at the sky. "I'm sorry baby." I whisper.

I jump awake. I look at my surroundings and see I'm in the living room on the couch. "You ok?" Cheryl ask looking at me from the kitchen. "Why are you here?" I ask her. "You have nothing in the fridge so I went and got some stuff for you." I nod. "I was just putting the stuff away." I nod again. "Do you want anything?" She ask quietly. "Pops. That's all I've wanted." I whisper. "Ok." She smiles. "I can't drive. Like I was in jail and my license expired." She nods. "I can drive. I don't mind." I nod.

"What about his father?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Where is he?" She ask concerned. "He died." I whisper. She looks at me. "He was in the army and was killed." I tell her. "He died before Tony. He never met him." I say quietly. "He was a one night stand. He was already in the army he was just home for a few days." I tell her. "He was a good person though. So it wasn't like he was an ass." I add. "How do you know he was the father?" She ask quietly. "He was the only person who I had sex in the past year." She nods. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you all of this." I tell her. "Don't be." She whispers. "You had a lot of time to come clean every weekend though, for a year!" I nod. "I know. I was still processing everything." She nods. "Eat your burger."

I walk into the hospital room. "Hey Baby!" I look at Tony. He looks at me. I can see the life leaving him. "It's mommy!" I whisper cupping his face and moving hair out of his face. "Mommy's here." I tell him. I can tell he's scared. "I love you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me." I whisper. "I'm sorry this happened to you! This is all my fault. I'm sorry I wasn't with you more." I say crying. "It's ok." I tell him. "You'll be ok." I whisper. There's no saving him, they're keeping him alive so I can say goodbye. I pull out his favorite stuffed animal and give it to him. "It's Mr. Bunny." I say quietly. I kiss the top of his head and cry into him. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Go to sleep baby. It's ok. Mommy's here." I whisper. I look at him as his eyes slowly close and the heart monitor goes dead. I cry into him. "I'm sorry."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now