345: The One Where Toni Gets Revenge

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I look up at Cheryl who's wiping the blood off my eyebrow. "Not as bad as it looks." She says quietly. She looks at me. "How many times are you going to do this before you give up?" She ask quietly. "Until I die." She nods. "Ok." She whispers. "And I will be here to help clean you up." She tells me. I look at her. "You're my girlfriend. I love you, I'm not gonna stop loving you." She kisses me. "I'm with you until the end." She says quietly. "It's all my fault." I tell her. She puts a small bandaid on wound. "No it's not." She says quietly. "If I didn't look away for those 2 seconds she'd still be here." I whisper. "Toni, it's not your fault." She moves some hair away from my ear. "Can you hear with this ear?" She ask quietly. "Never have been able to." I say quietly. "Why didn't you tell me?" She ask quietly. "Because I've never needed to." She nods. "Fair enough." She says quietly. "That explains why you only use one earbud and still don't hear me sometimes." She says quietly. I nod. I gasp in pain. "Ow!" I say grabbing her arm. "Oh this isn't good." She says quietly. She looks at me. "We should get you to the hospital." She whispers. "He cut your ear badly!" She tells me. "Come on." She says quietly. "Wait! I need a cover." I whisper. She takes a deep breath. "I'll call Archie." She whispers handing me a towel. I look at it. "On your ear to stop some of the bleeding!" She says pissed. She looks at me. "Do you feel light headed?" She ask quietly. "No." She nods. "Ok. That's actually more concerning." She whispers. "I feel-."

"Toni!" I feel Cheryl shake me. "What happened?" I ask her. "You passed out." She whispers. "Again." She adds. "Again?" She nods. "Archie fixed your ear and you passed out." I nod. "You kinda passed out in my arms." She whispers. I look at Archie. "Hey." He says awkwardly. "Hey." I say quietly. "Don't go after Hiram for a few more weeks. Just rest."  He says quietly. "He killed my sister." I whisper. "He needs to pay." I whisper. They look at each other. "Think about Veronica." Cheryl says quietly. I look at her. "Do you know how hurt she would be?" I take a deep breath. "I think I'd be doing everyone a favor."

I look at Veronica. "She won't let me." I whisper. "She keeps trying to guilt trip me." I add. "I need you to get Cheryl away for a weekend or something!" I tell her. She looks at me. "I want to be in town when it happens." She says quietly. "But I can get Betty to get her out of town for a while." I nod. "I can't do this with Cheryl up my ass. She doesn't really care but every once in a while she hits me with a little guilt." She nods. "I can get them to do a trip." I nod. I look at her. "How are you getting out of this?" I ask quietly. "I think of something." I nod. "What about Keller?" I ask looking at her. "He knows. Call me then him, when you're done and we'll make it look like an accident."

I look at Cheryl. "Don't go after Hiram while I'm gone." I nod. "I won't." I whisper. "V will kill you if you do." I nod again. "Yeah! I know." I tell her. "I'm not going after him." I lie. I hate lying to her, but I have to. She kisses me. "I'll see you on Monday." I whisper.

I look away from Cheryl. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "You did it?" I nod. "What about V?" She asks me. "She asked me to do it." I tell her. "He killed Hermione." I whisper. She looks at me. I take a deep breath. "How much?" She ask quietly. "30,000." I tell her. "Originally it was 70,000 but the first few times were unsuccessful." She nods. "Can you live with yourself?" She asks. I shrug. "Do you feel like you got revenge?" I nod. She nods. "Does Keller know?" I nod. "He helped cover it up." She takes a deep breath. "He's not the first person." I tell her. "How many?" She ask quietly. "Just 2. One wasn't my fault and the other was."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now