340: The One Where They Talk

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I look at Cheryl as she's washing the dishes. "What's wrong?" She ask looking me. "You're quiet." She adds. "I'm not ok." I tell her. She turns off the faucet, dries her hands and walks over to me. "The dishes..." I say quietly. "Your wellbeing is more important." She says as she cups my cheeks. "Do you think you need to go to the hospital?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. "I don't know. I think I just need to talk or something." She nods. "Do you want to go upstairs where it's more comfortable or are you fine here?" She ask rubbing my cheek. "Can we go upstairs?" She nods. "Of course." She says quietly. We go upstairs and sit on the bed. "What's up?" She ask concerned. I shrug. "I don't know." I say quietly. "What's been going through your mind recently?" She ask quietly. "Ever since that nervous breakdown I had back in August, I haven't felt like I've had time to rest." I explain. She nods. "You had that week an a half after you quit your job after that." She says quietly. "Yeah! Usually I have the whole summer. I was just working all summer and then thrown back in my classes." I tell her. She nods. "Makes sense. You've been working nonstop since the beginning of last year." She tells me. "The summer was stressful for both of us and you barely had time off. I would be the same way. That's kinda why I didn't go to college." She adds. "Didn't help that we were moving your first week of work, in the middle of a heatwave, in this big rush." She says quietly. "What about our relationship?" She ask quietly. "I mean the move did put a little tear in our relationship but I think it was just stress, but I don't hate you so it's not the end." I tell her. "We've had fights before. It's not the end of a relationship." She says quietly. "Anything else?" She ask quietly. "I haven't had a break, and I just wait for the weekends and then they're gone and I feel like I've waisted the whole thing sleeping but I feel like I didn't get any rest when all I do is sleep." I say quietly. "Do you want to go on a vacation or something?" She ask quietly. "I think I want to drop out of college Cheryl. I talked to Veronica, she'll let me pick up a few shifts at Pop's for some extra cash." She looks at me. "I'm in community college, I can go back when I'm ready! If I'm ready!" She nods. "Ok. I wouldn't have suggested that but if you want to, and you have a job lied up, then I can't stop you." She says quietly. "But do you want to jump into working?" She ask quietly. "It's only on the weekends until I'm ready." She nods. "Ok." She smiles. "You already dropped out you were just hoping I'd be ok with it, didn't you?" She ask quietly. "No! I did fill out the paperwork though." She nods. "Ok." She says cupping my cheeks. "Is there anything else you want to talk about?" She ask concerned. "Not tonight. What about you?" I ask her. "I'm good." I nod. "I'm gonna lie down." I tell her. "Ok, do you want anything? I'm gonna go back downstairs to finish cleaning up, I'll bring you something when I come back up." She ask quietly. "No, I'll probably be asleep by the time you come back." She nods. "Do you want to go on a vacation though?" She ask quietly. "No. Not right now." She nods.


I walk out into the backyard and see Toni on the hammock. I walk over to her. "Are you ok?" I ask her. She nods. "I'm relaxing." She says quietly. "You're biting your nails." I say quietly. She stops immediately. "I don't know what your talking about." She says quietly. "You ok?" I ask again. She nods. "I can't relax." She says quietly. "And I'm not in the mood to have sex if that's what you are wondering." She tells me. I smile a little. "What do you want to do to relax?" I ask her. "Can you sit here with me?" I nod. "Do you want to talk?" I ask sitting down on the hammock. "No, I don't, I think I did enough talking last night." I nod. "I love you." She tells me.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now