332: The One Where Cheryl Forgets

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"I'll just call Jason, he'll know how to fix this." Cheryl says quietly. "Cheryl." She looks at me. "What?" She ask quietly. "Jason's dead." She sits back. "Fuck..." She whispers. "I'm sorry Cheryl." She sighs. "It's not your fault." She says quietly. I walk over to Cheryl and kiss the top of her head. "I can call Archie or Fangs." I tell her. "Fangs, Archie is gross." I hold back laughter. "And Fangs isn't?" I ask her. "I mean, he produces enough sweat to fill a swimming pool, like, daily." I explain. "Fangs doesn't use me for personal gain." She tells me. I take a deep breath. I nod. "Can I ask what did he do?" I ask her. "He wanted to get into some fancy school. I had a way in. I was also using him..." I nod.

"What's wrong?" I ask Fangs. "You have mouse problem." He says pulling 2 dead mice out of the radiator. "Ew." I whisper. "Told you!" Cheryl yells from the bathroom. "She didn't believe me." She says with victory in her voice. "I hope you trip! Don't fall! Just enough to gasp and have an 'oh shit' moment!" I say looking at her. We both look at each other and hold back laughter. "Why are you guys like this?" Fangs ask quietly. "Because we've never had a normal relationship!" I tell him. "Also it's an inside joke! You would know that if you were our girlfriend." He sighs. "I hate you both." He whispers. "Your thing is fixed. Their might be a smell for a few days, but there's probably not another mouse." I nod. "We need a cat." I tell Cheryl. "No!" She says pissed. "Why?" I ask her. "I don't like them." She whispers. "She's afraid of them." Fangs says quietly. "Isn't she?" He ask smiling. "No!" I look at Cheryl. "Are you allergic?" I ask quietly. "No! I've had cats in the past." She says quietly. "I'm not getting into this." She whispers. I look at her.

I lie next to Cheryl in bed. "You've been off all week." I say quietly. "How do you know I haven't been acting off the whole time and this is the real me?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "My mom called." She whispers. I look at her. "I'm not ready to talk about it yet." I nod. "You'll need to talk about it at some point." She nods.

I walk out of the house and see Cheryl sitting on the patio. I walk over to her. I'm about to say something when Cheryl notices me and speaks first. "Why are you up?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Couldn't sleep, you?" I ask quietly. "Same thing." I say sitting down next to her. "Why couldn't you sleep?" I ask concerned. "Nightmares." She whispers. "What about you?" She ask looking at me. I shrug. "I've been up every hour for the past month." I whisper. "Really?" I nod. "I'm sorry. I don't talk to you about it." I say looking at her. "You have insomnia and severe anxiety. Those don't go ell together. You have a therapist, I don't need to know everything going on in your life." She tells me. I nod. "We should probably talk about it a little." She shrugs. "What is there to talk about?" She ask quietly. I think for a second. "What's making you anxious?" She ask me. "The baby." I whisper. She looks at me. "I don't want my issues to get in the way of raising a child!" I tell her. I look at her. "Well, you're up every hour so you can stay up with the kid." I look at her. "I'm sorry." I smile. "No, I needed that." I tell her. She smiles. "You'll be a good parent." She says quietly. "You don't know that." I whisper. "I saw how well you took care of your sister." I look at her. "That was for a week." I whisper. "Still! You have it in you." She tells me. "You sure?" She nods. "Even though I had no one to show me how to do this?" I ask quietly. "Neither of us did! No one ever does and that's ok. We'll just do the opposite of what our parents did that we hated and hope we don't fuck up our kid!" She looks at me. I take a deep breath. "Yeah." She whispers. "Ok, so I won't die when our kid is 3 and you won't kill our son then yourself." I say quietly. She nods. "Yeah." She looks at me. I smile. "God we're fucked up." She nods again. "You're just realizing this?" She ask quietly. "A little yeah." She looks at me. "We have 4 more months to get our shit together." I nod.

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