277: The One At The Wrong House

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I get off the bus and look around. "Shit!" I whisper as the bus pulls away. I walk to Cheryl's house which is luckily on the same street as the bus stop. I knock on the door a minute later she opens it. "What are you doing here?" She ask confused. "I got on the wrong bus, I'm with my mom this weekend, my dad isn't home and I have no house key so I can't go to my dad's and wait for him to get home." I explain. "Why do you not have a house key?" She ask quietly. "I knew I wasn't going to need it for the next few days so I left it there. He's not going to be home until 10." She nods. "Come on." I smile a little. "I'll drive you over in a bit." I look at her. "Why not now?" I ask quietly. "Because I know you're hungry. You always are after school." I nod. "Damn, you really are my girlfriend." She smiles. "Yeah!" She nods. I look at her. "I love you." I say quietly. She smiles. "I love you too baby." She kisses me. She smiles.

I walk into the house. "Mom! I'm home!" I say walking into the kitchen. "You're home late!" She says confused. "Yeah, I accidentally went to dad's. Cheryl had to drive me here." I say quietly. She nod. "She didn't want to come in?" She ask confused. "Ah! No! She has work." I whisper. She nods. "Isn't her family super rich?" She ask quietly. "I guess but she wanted to make her own money and not worry about her parents." She nods. "Good for her." I smile a little. "Don't you have work?" She ask quietly. "No, that's tomorrow." She smiles. "Ok. If that's so, can you put the tinfoil away? I had it out so I could wrap some up for you." I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "What are you making?" I ask putting the tinfoil away. "Oh! Just some mac and cheese." She says quietly. "Tinfoil?" I ask confused. "Yeah!" She says like it's nothing. "What's wrong with that?" She ask smiling. "Ah! You should probably put this in a container instead." I tell her. "Oh! That makes sense." She whispers. I nod. I sigh. "You've been off since the divorce." I whisper. "You get like this mom, when you're stressed and you haven't been the same since the divorce!" I say quietly. "Yeah, it's been hard. I've been stressed. I don't really know what I'm doing alone. It's really hard when you're not here." She explains. "You know I would be here more but I think dad is the same way." I tell her. "Please say you don't blame yourself for this?" I shake my head. "No, I know you guys just weren't right for each other." I say smiling. "So it didn't make you loose faith in love?" She ask quietly. I laugh a little. "No!" I tell her. "Actually it gave me more faith, because I knew that you guys might not have loved each other romantically but you guys still loved each other and you loved each other enough to know that you shouldn't be together before it got bad and I resented you for the rest of my life." I explain to her. She smiles. "I'm happy to hear about that." I nod.

I look at Cheryl and hand her a drink. "There's nothing in here?" She ask quietly. "It's just water." I reassure her. "Can I ask why you still don't trust me?" I ask her. "I don't know, it's not just you." I nod. "I know! It's ok! Whatever you are ok with." I tell her. She nods. "Do you want anything to eat?" I ask her. "No." She says quietly. "You sure?" I ask quietly. "Yeah one of the perks at working at a diner you get fed after your shifts." She jokes. I smile. "True." I whisper. "How's your mom doing?" She ask quietly. "Bad. Her memory problems have gotten worse." She nods. "What happened for her memory to be so bad aways?" She ask me. "She had a tumor on her brain and where it was, was where the memories are and it effected her memory." I tell her. "I'm sorry." She whispers. I shrug. "She's fine now!" I whisper. "What about your dad?" She ask quietly. "He's drinking again, he hadn't in almost 16 years. He stopped before I was born so everything wasn't so fucked up and he didn't want to become his dad." I explain. "He's trying to sober up." I whisper. "And he tries not to drink when I'm around. And not in the way that he hides it but, like he'll be just be lightly buzzed. Haven't told my mom, she doesn't need to know." I look at her. "How are you doing?" She ask. "I'm ok. I'm kinda happy they got divorced though, because they both cared about each other enough to not ruin their relationship by trying to stay together." I tell her. "Even though I keep showing up at the wrong house, luckily if I go to my moms she works from home so she can always drive me to my dad's and they can awkwardly smile at each if he's home." I say smiling a bit. "Where are you tonight?" She ask. "Dad!" I say pull out my cigarettes. "Why do you smoke?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I whisper. "You know, I refuse to kiss you after you smoke for a reason." I smile. "Yeah!" I nod. "I have to be there in an hour." I whisper. "Do you want to stay over?" I ask her. "No, my cousin is getting baptized tomorrow and my parents are making me go even though none of us are religious."Cheryl says quietly. "Do you want to come to that?" She ask me. "What time is it?" I ask quietly. "11. There's a whole service afterwards." I nod. "Trust me, I know."

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